Suspect in Smith Cove sex abuse to stand trial

| 16/05/2018 | 0 Comments

(CNS): Valiyaveettil Josepeter (51) has pleaded not guilty to charges of indecent assault on two girls under the age of 16 at Smith Cove in February. Appearing briefly in Grand Court Friday to deny the allegations, Josepeter was arrested after reports to the police that he had touched at least one girl inappropriately while in the water at the popular beach spot. Police also received allegations involving a second young girl and arrested Josepeter, who lives in George Town, shortly afterwards. 

The man, who is understood to be from India, was on a work permit but he has since been suspended from his post. He was bailed until the trial, which will take place in October, as he is currently being supported by friends, the court heard during a previous appearance.

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