Local musician critical after shooting

| 16/01/2018 | 72 Comments
Cayman News Service

Dexter Bodden

(CNS): Dexter Bodden, a well-known local musician, is in hospital in critical condition after he was shot by a lone gunman outside his home in George Town yesterday evening. The police said that Bodden, who is also known as the Calypso Cowboy, had arrived at his house at the junction of Avon Way and Eastern Avenue when he was approached by an armed man, who shot him then fled the scene on foot. Emergency responders were called to Bodden’s home and he was taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where he remains in critical condition.

No other details have been revealed about the motive or a description of the shooter.

Bodden left the Cayman Islands in the late 1970’s and spent more than two decades working in the Nashville country music scene before he returned home around eight years ago and began performing locally.

A talented and hardworking musician, Bodden is also known for his own emotional song about the S.S. Goldfield, a turtle schooner built in Cayman in the 1930’s by the Arch Brothers. The ship was tracked and refurbished in the US in the 1980’s and sailed back to Grand Cayman, but the efforts to preserve the vessel failed and it fell into disrepair before it sank in the waters off Canal Point.

Investigations into the shooting are ongoing and anyone with any information is asked to call George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (72)

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  1. Cowbell says:

    I am Praying for Dexter Here In Nashville along with other with Musicians across the USA. Yes we Know Dexter doesn’t believe in GOD….But we Know his heart….It is just like Him to Volunteer to sing at a Nursing Home on the island. He would help anybody in need here in our Nashville music city! He was in the United states for 32 Years as mentioned in a previous post. 20 of those years were in Nashville before he got sent home on a Home land security law that was added in 2004. In 2010 is when My Friend and Playing partner was sent Home! People still ask me about Dexter as he was that good singing /playing/ entertaining and song writing!
    I will be visiting in March along with my daughter. It will be my first trip to the Island and 8 years since I would have seen my friend and the reason we are visiting! May he Recover and identify the person who shot him.

    • Shhhhhhhhhh. says:

      Americas loss was Cayman’s gain. Dexter is an incredible talent and a genuine nice guy who did not deserve this to happen to him. Best wishes to you Dexter, and I will be praying for your recovery.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Local musician gets shot on his doorstep and no one bats an eye… Trump rightly calls Haiti a shithole and everyone loses their minds!

    What a mess!

    • West bay Premier says:

      I hope that the Premier and everyone see that no one is. SAFE no longer in Cayman Islands 1 and the CRIME and CRIMINALS. issue needs to be addressed now.
      As much as we hate President Trump , the crime is one of the issues that he is trying to fix in his own country .
      I know that because I have used President Trump name in the comment I will get all thumbs down on this comment.

      I wish Dexter a speedy recovery and that he can identify the scumbag that did this to him , or one of his girlfriends or friends could help get the scumbag criminal put away for life . People please don’t let this go unsolved like his sister death because there’s got to be someone that can help the Police. complete their investigation. Where is our integrity today ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Trump is the man! If only we had a leader like him!

      • Anonymous says:

        As reports say Trump is now articulating how useful a terrorist attack would be right about now so like Bush in 2002 the GOP can survive the midterms

        This is the man you support WBP, you truly are lost

      • Anonymous says:

        NO! You get thumbs up because you said we don’t like trumpy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Dexter. I love listening to you sing.

  4. Watch Night says:

    5:19pm ain’t it nice living in LaLaLa land eh!

  5. Anonymous says:

    How much did Alden say he would cut gun crimes by ? 60% ?

  6. Henry says:

    To all the Trump haters, see why the man is trying to keep the garbage out of his country! Proper immigration, screening and border control is required.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Recover quickly… I wish you well. Hopefully you will be able to identify your attacker.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The Goldfield was brought back to Cayman largely through the efforts of a paper Caymanian, Charles Adams, and was allowed to disappear in in Cayman through the non efforts of born Caymanians who did eff all to to ensure it’s survival here and who keep on bellyaching about culture etc. Sickening. If it had been Dart, it would be here, preserved and on show for tourists and locals alike. But of course in some people’s opinions he is the devil itself. Unna mek me sick.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Every day this Island slips further into the Abyss, which have devoured so many other islands. Congratulations Cayman, you don’t use your head when voting, so you get what you deserve!

    • Anonymous says:

      1 shooting = the abyss

      Come on people, while crime isn’t to be encouraged can we leave the hyperbole and the dramatics for the stage
      Is crime an issue? sure
      Should we be doing everything in our power to limit and reduce crime on the islands?of course

      The plans are in place for proper border patrols and protections are in place in the new 2 year budget. I don’t even particularly like the current government but even I can see they have a plan and these things take time

      Fearmongering and hyperbole serves no purpose
      We are not Jamaica, or Detroit, or parts of Honduras
      This event is unfortunate and I wish the gentleman a swift recovery, but hold our horses on the dramatic
      Is that too much to ask?

      ^ there is the link for the Drama Society I suggest you join up, you have a gift

      • Cayman bordertown Utopia says:

        Poor u living in your little bubble you are right this not the cities you mentioned but we are importing their criminals right here so there is no need to leave. The trouble with ignorance as it goes along it picks up confidence no worries stay safe bro keep drinking your crime free Koolaid and believe our government is going to keep and your family safe.infact leave all windows and doors open every night.

    • Eastender says:

      Man we don’t get no choice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Said the American?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Thank goodness for the 60% cut in gun smuggling.

    • Anonymous says:

      Clearly they stricter gun laws on law abiding citizen to stop the *criminals* from obtaining guns.

    • Anonymous says:

      REPEAT!!!!!! When law abiding citizens are denied the right to own guns, only scofflaws will have guns.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah and when every Joe Blow and Sally can easily get their hands on legal firearms we will have to start having armed security for politicians, police at schools to try to prevent school shootings, Workplace shootings, mass murders, domestic disputes that end with deaths instead of bruises, accidental shootings, etc etc

        Imagine the looting after a hurricane when communications are down, there would be firefights in the streets

        You people don’t think

        • Anonymous says:

          *We will have to have armed security for politicains*

          So what you’re saying is law abiding citizens aren’t good enough to own a firearm unless of course they’re protecting the politicians?


      • Hilary says:

        What’s your personal agenda? Opening a gun shop in the Cayman Islands?

  11. Don Guiseppe de Hand says:

    Poor old Dexter just doesnt understand the New Cayman is not for Caymanians and now he has found this out the hard way!

  12. Anonymous says:

    The SS Goldfield Duppy song is one of Cayman’s best ballads of all time. Does anyone know where the public can buy his music? USA iTunes store doesn’t seem to have it.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Dex, hope you pull through old boy!

  14. Cayman Lost says:

    Poor old Cayman hemorrhaging badly now all because our political asses taking political and economic instructions and advice from those who’s corrupt and perverted interest lie elsewhere . How sad for these little islands that justice now is but a faint nostalgic whim.

  15. Sucka Free Cayman says:

    Calypso Cowboy has found out what most Caymanian now realize that this imported help cannot be reasoned with and they are only here to destroy this place this work permit immigration farce our no use government keeps preaching and following is going to be the death of us all. Its time Cayman to put a stop to this bulls@%$. Caymanians expecting justice now too are just plain old stupid. You will now see our resident propaganda experts spout their disinformation.

    • Anonymous says:

      What are you trying to say? Was it hired help that shot him or are you the resident propaganda expert spouting disinformation? Are you now going to kill all expats and persons in government?

      • Dunz says:

        Also, where in the article did it say he was shot by an expat? As usual the rabble all want a hanging without any proof or justice.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes Dunz if only your so called “local” police would do a proper investigation and locate the individual responsible then u would keep your trap shut! but i seriously doubt they going to arrest their fellow countryman. if he was a Caymanian he would already be in custody.

  16. Anonymous says:

    20 years working in the Nashville Country Music, only to return home to get shot. What a mess CaymanKind is.

    • Anonymous says:

      1:34pm: Idiot he did not work 20 years in Nashville. Get you facts before engaging mouth!

      • Anonymous says:

        They are quoting the story, so you are actually the idiot here 2:31pm.

        • Fred the Piemaker says:

          There was an 8 year interval after returning before getting shot, so “only ti return home to get shot” overstates it somewhat. But agree, no need for calling anyone an idiot, particularly if you don’t read the article properly yourself.

        • Anonymous says:

          Go easy on him/her. They didn’t know that 2 decades = 20 years lol

      • Anonymous says:

        As quoted above:

        “Bodden left the Cayman Islands in the late 1970’s and spent more than two decades working in the Nashville country music scene before he returned home around eight years ago and began performing locally.”

        You obviously have no clue how long a decade is, do you?

      • Anonymous says:

        Read the article

    • ConwayT says:

      2:31…. Let’s see how you do the math? “left the Cayman Islands in the late 1970’s and spent more than two decades working in the Nashville country music scene before he returned home around eight years ago and began performing locally.”

    • Anonymous says:

      Too many scumbags in our midst. Past time to start draining our swamp. Locals/unwanted guests whatever. What are the MLAs saying? They are numb, blind and deaf.

  17. Anonymous says:

    And guns are illegal here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get well Deckie we are prayong for you.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m sure he won’t want to hear you say you’re praying for him ,this man makes no slips to let it be known there is no God ,as far as he is concern. But I do wish him a speedy recovery. I love his goldfield song. Get a grip on your promise Mr premier .

    • Anonymous says:

      Why don’t you try guarding all of Cayman’s coastline 24/7 with no navy or coast guard

      Then complain about prohibited items

      • Anonymous says:

        Really sorry to hear this. I don’t know him personally, but he volunteers every Thursday at The Pines Retirement Home to entertain our beloved elderly in nursing care.

        To hear this happened saddens me and angers me as well. Say what you want about shoreline borders, but this is a small finite rock and enforcement should weed out these criminals.

        I’d rather live a police state and carry my ID than worry these days when I see so many shady characters loitering about during the daytime. Doesn’t anyone else WONDER what so many unemployed people are doing all day? Just drive down our streets and see dozens of folks who do not look look evening waitstaff or retired?? (ahem Immigration Enforcement/Family Services?) Come on…step it up. 600 police officers doing what daily?


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