Gang rob GT liquor store at gun point

| 31/12/2017 | 33 Comments

(CNS): Three masked men held up a George Town liquor store on Saturday night, in which shots were fired but no one was injured, police said. Two of the men were armed with guns when the gang burst into the discount liquor store on Smith Road just before 10pm on 30 December. The men demanded cash and fired their weapons before making off in a silver vehicle. Officers are now investigating and anyone with any information is urged to call GTPS at 949-4222 or Crime Stoppers at 800-8477 (TIPS).

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (33)

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  1. Lisa says:

    The future is bright based on the size of projects and the dollars that would spin off from these projects. Then again, it’s like going to the bathroom without toilet paper. Imagine when the population hits 100k?

    • Anonymous says:

      When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. Any one who comits a crime with a gun is afraid of guns.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Someone will know who it is and report on TIPS line…ah I forgot that people dont want to report as seem they want gang to take over the cayman islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      The gangs have a no snitch policy, and the police are afraid of them. Why? because of the policy of no guns in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens. You cant take a knife to a gunfight.

  3. Anonymous says:

    along with drug usage come increased crime????!!@?

  4. Puritian says:

    Erryting look bright according to the premier this Utopia created by Aldon and Bababuska where dem and their well to do nothing political menace and minions live well. Totally different reality out here on these very mean streets run by foreign criminals and their law enforcement counterparts. Poor old Cayman still believing there is hope! and living in denial.

  5. Anonymous says:

    …and greedy Caymanians allow our one party state government to take the immigration door off is hinges to have a over 100,000 population in the next 5 years.

    Caymanians you are selling yourselves into slavery for less than a bowl of soup.

  6. West bay Premier says:

    My predictions for 2018 . Happy new year. The People of Cayman Islands are going to change and take the Islands back .

    • Anonymous says:

      So you predict the people of the Cayman Islands are going to turn into expats too?Wait! That’s not a bad idea. Talk to the premier!

    • Anonymous says:

      hahaha….yep….just look at caymanians in the civil service……

  7. Anonymous says:

    Think Georgetown should be renamed KINGSTON!!………this island is nearly on parr now with Jamaica. What has happened to this beautiful island over the years?

    • Anonymous says:

      Seems like you’ve never been to Jamaica.

    • Diogenes says:

      Good dose of Caymanian hyperbole, starting 2018 off right

    • Anonymous says:

      12:40 pm the government has let in too many undesirables. I can remember, when I was growing up, certain nationalities were not allowed to come or stay here. Now, there is no place/country that we don’t have an expat from. Not all are bad, but their are those who are very devious.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Saw a silver toyota mark 2 circling the parking lot at liqour store in 7 mile shops on the same night. Perhaps the police should inform what make and model was used at passadora place?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Cayman’s future looks bright Premier said!

    • Anonymous says:

      I asked alden for a job and he blocked me on whats app.

      • anonymous says:

        I would have done the same thing. We vote for people to run the country for the benefit of everyone, not to be at our beck and call for every little personal desire.

        If you need to go to the bathroom do you have to ask a politician how to do that?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Don’t worry, Cayman has a bright future. The 60% decrease in gun smuggling will contribute to that. /s

  11. PD says:

    It is time to put the guilty up in prison for a true hard sentence and get off of the nice treatments. It is not the Premier’s fault that there is a wasted part of the society. Allowing the general public to have guns would stop some of this crap because the scum doing the robbery’s won’t know if the owners have arms also to send them to the place they are seeking

  12. Anonymous says:

    Silver Honda Civic by chance?

    • Young Adult Caymanian says:

      Hey I’m a young law abiding civil servant who drives a silver Honda civic. I’m just starting to work and can’t afford a fancy new car yet.. Please don’t group a good person like me with them.

      I know Honda can get a bad rep in GCM due to a few delinquents that love to swap the engines to just burnout tires but please be mindful when you generalize and throw accusations out like that.

  13. Yup says:

    Future sure looks bright Alden! Yup, yes Sir, it sure does!

  14. Richard Wadd says:

    Nope, no gangs here in the CAYMAN ISLANDS … because we are a ‘Christian’ country!
    Let me ask my fellow CAYMANIANS this then, “Are we willing to make the ‘hard choice’ and rid our society of this plague while we still can? Or will we wait until innocent people start getting killed by these hoodlums before we wake up and exercise our ‘Christian duty’ to protect the weak and vulnerable in our society?
    It’s high time we put the ‘rights of ‘the victim’ over the ‘wuttless’ criminals in out society, regardless of who’s cousin they is!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well just because we live in a christian country doesn’t mean we’re free of crime and violence. They’re plenty of crime infested christian countries around the world. Christianity isn’t the solution to this problem, education is.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This place been robbed how many times already….there is a guard at the front door who has to let you in…wtf

  16. Anonymous says:

    Alden, ya say yuh proud of your Unity Government? What a mess this island is.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem is that people point fingered instead of taking responsibility or acting themselves.


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