Premier urges elders to join new council

| 18/07/2017 | 8 Comments

(CNS): The newly established Council for Older Persons is looking to recruit six additional members this month to represent the districts. The council, which includes up to seven government-appointed members, will meet once a month to discuss issues impacting the elderly in the community. Premier Alden McLaughlin said the law aims to ensure that seniors can freely access and participate in all aspects of society.

“I urge older people who are interested in further serving the community to take this opportunity to have your say in how government serves its senior citizens,” he said.

The council needs one older person to represent each of the six district across the Cayman Islands. The other members will include a doctor specialising in geriatrics or medical issues relevant to older persons and a local attorney-at-law who is familiar in advocating on behalf of older persons in the Cayman Islands.

“The Older Persons Council will advise government on a range of issues related to the welfare of older persons,” said the chairperson of the steering committee and legal sub-committee, Deborah Webb-Sibblies. “It will champion and monitor the promotion and development of programmes, projects and legislative measures. Furthermore the council will monitor and evaluate the implementation of the action plans for the Cayman Islands Older Persons Policy.”

Anyone interested in being appointed to the council must be a strong advocate for the issues of seniors locally and aged 65 or older. Resumes highlighting relevant experience must be sent by Monday, 31 July, to:

Deborah Webb-Sibblies
Government Administration Building
133 Elgin Avenue
Grand Cayman  KY1-9000

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Category: Local News, Policy, Politics

Comments (8)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A high percentage of people (including myself and many other seniors) are supplementing our incomes by working for companies over the internet (called “TELECOMMUTING”). I too lost a whole day of INCOME as a result of this foolishness. We are supposed to have the most advanced communications network available, or so the local utilities would claim. The proof is in the reliability of service. Between frequent long-duration power outages & internet outages, I would vehemently disagree with those claims

  2. Anonymous says:

    This is a meaningless exercise unless the issue of providing our senior citizens–yea, all our citizens–efficient and affordable health care. This looks like more window dressing to me.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I am interested to see if/how these older persons would integrate with society and “have their say” on how they are treated.
    I think most of the issues they would mention would relate to other ages anyhow like healthcare, culture, conservation, and improvements in the education system.
    What is the true point of this Council other than to isolate and divide people?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Why is there no media coverage on the total loss of internet service this weekend? What is going on? And will it be fixed? It has been limited again tonight. Is this a major financial Centre or Bangladesh? Seems like North Korea in terms of information. I lost ten hours of work. I am so annoyed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like you come from there since you are familiar with how things work in NKorea and Bangladesh. You know there are many airplanes leaving daily from this country, and they are eager to sell seats.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure what this has do do with the topic of this article. However, if you did not save your work for 10 hours then I suggest organising a course on internet usage/savy for older persons. Moral of the story – save your work frequently (hourly)!

      • Anonymous says:

        Reallyyy? How would saving their work help prevent losing working time in an Internet outage? Would be useful during a power outage if one had no UPS. Earth to techo-challenged responder: methinks that they were complaining that they needed to use the ‘Net to get some work done but could not and thus lost a whole day of working time. Ya think that maybe you need to take some newbee I.T courses?

  5. Anonymous says:

    representation needed for the 6 districts across Cayman ? Though it was 19 !

    CNS: There are 19 constituencies in six districts.

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