Dive shop attacker faces long list of charges

| 10/07/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS): Jaron Solomon, a 28-year-old man from East End has been charged with multiple offences after he allegedly stabbed a woman while she was at work in a dive shop in East End last week. The man was charged today with attempted murder, assault GBH with intent, assault ABH, common assault, defilement of a girl under 16 years, threats to kill, causing fear of provocation of violence and carrying an offensive weapon.

Solomon appeared in Summary Court Monday following his arrest just hours after the incident last Thursday. He has been remanded in custody until 14 July when he will appear in Grand court. The man, who is understood to have a relationship with his victim, reportedly went to her job armed with a knife and attacked her while she was working in the store. He allegedly also injured her co-workers when they came to her aid during the serious assault.

Although badly injured, the woman did not receive any life-threatening wounds.


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