Injured victim dies one year after road smash

| 14/06/2017 | 12 Comments

(CNS): A former employee of the NRA, Thomas Rupert Hubbell (44), who was seriously injured in a road smash in June last year, succumbed to the injuries on Monday evening, 12 June, police have said. Hubbell was a passenger in a white Toyota Tercel that collided with a wooden utility pole on 30 June 2016 near Spotts Dock on Shamrock Road. CNS understands that he received a serious head injury in the crash and had been in a coma ever since.

Anthony W Scott Jr (23) was driving the car when it hit the pole and was also badly injured. Both men were trapped in the car and fire officers had to cut them out before they were taken to hospital.

Police said Wednesday that Scott was charged with dangerous driving in connection with this incident and that the matter is currently before the court. They did not state whether or not the charges have been elevated to causing death by dangerous driving.

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Category: Courts, Crime, Local News, Police

Comments (12)

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  1. Marcia Rob says:

    I am heart broken, word cannot explain how saddened I am right now. Thomas has been my friend……REST PEACEFULLY!!!!!!

  2. Big D says:

    R.i.p. mi boy we all will mis yo

  3. Anon says:

    Having experienced a similar tragedy, I know the pain. My heart goes out to the family. May God bless and comfort you at this sad time.

  4. Anonymous says:

    rest in peace he didn’t deserve to die like that

  5. Naya Boy says:

    See you on the otherside T Rest in Peace bro

  6. Anonymous says:

    RIP Thomas. May God bless you and your family.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Heartbreaking news. Rest in peace Thomas.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Another loss of precious life. We’ve lost track of how precious life is and have little regard for our own let alone for others. Prayers for the families.

  9. Anonymous says:

    R.I.P Thomas you will be sadly missed but see you when I get there

  10. Anonymous says:

    Rip T

  11. Anonymous says:

    The year and a day rule would seem to apply here allowing the prosecution to up the charge to death by dangerous driving.

  12. Anonymous says:



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