Teacher’s aide admits indecent assaults at primary school

| 20/03/2017 | 10 Comments

(CNS): A former teacher’s aide at one of the government primary schools has changed his pleas, and after talks with prosecutors has admitted four counts of indecent assault on four different children aged between six years and ten years old. This means the young children involved will not have to face the ordeal of giving evidence. Originally charged with ten counts, the six other charges have been left on file, but as the crown will not prosecute a case against him for those charges there will be no trial.

The Bodden Town man, who is 21 years old but was a teenager when he worked as a classroom assistant at the time of the offences, was bailed until his sentence hearing in June.

He pleaded guilty before the magistrate in Summary Court on Friday, admitting four charges that relate to touching children at the school between August and November 2014. The man resigned his position at the government school in the immediate wake of the reports.


Category: Courts, Crime

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Department of education needs to be sued after this by the parents of those kids.
    To get a job as a teachers aid without connections is hard . He only got the job because of his mothers high position n friends. This shit need to stop unlawful hiring. He is a crazy sick guy who shouldnt get that job in the first place he probably didnt even need to do an interview

  2. Anonymous says:

    Poor kids! This guy needs all the help he could get. He’s SICK! Sick in his mind, body and soul. I am just glad that these poor kids do not have to face this all over again by giving evidence. May God heal their young minds and keep them from harm.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your god already failed it seems.
      Why don’t you see that ?

    • Anonymous says:

      where was god when it was happening

      listen. I believe in god. But if you think for a moment he gives a rats ass about anyone down here. You have got to be joking. IF god cared, There would be no famine, disease and other travesties on humanity.

      Pray away, but ultimately, he helps those who help themselves. In other words. You got a problem. Come up with the solution. or simply…..Do it yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        Go away!! This island needs no more of your kind. God gives each and everyone of us free will

      • Anonymous says:

        Not up for any religious debate or anything ;however, you do look very silly saying you believe in God and then proceed to prove you understand nothing about the God you claim to believe in.

        • Anonymous says:

          oh, so because someone creates heaven and earth. That means he must care for it and by proxy that means you too, afterwards? wrong

          The problem with humanity. And why humanity will always prey on the weak and abuse itself and nature. is because we think we are really more important than what we are.

          MAYBE if most stopped acting like grassholes 6 days a week, and then figure if they go to church for all to be forgiven, and then that allows them to start it up again. Maybe the world would be a better place

          the most vindictive people i know, are the most god fearing. So either being more godly allows them to think they can behave this way. or maybe being ultra religious is a good insight to the IQ level of a person.

          of course i believe in God. But i do not depend on him. Nor should anyone. Says so in all religious text. I even quoted above, one verse. Help yourself. Be a better person because you want to be. Not because you think God wants you to be.

          has anyone truly succeeded because someone else wanted it for them. or because they wanted it for themselves?

  3. anonymous says:

    Wasn’t the teacher’s aide 19 years old when this happened, meaning that he has no legal immunity from having his identity disclosed to the public when wrongdoing has been committed?

    CNS: The point of not naming the perpetrator in such cases is to protect the identity of the victims.

    • Anonymous says:

      We all know it was students at BTPS. Naming the perpetrator wouldn’t let us know the individual victims’ names.

    • Anon. says:

      CNS: This is not a one to one situation where people can easily guess or know the survivor by mere mention of the accused, these are several kids at a school. To be sure with the Cayman gossip mill, a lot of people already know who this person is but for those of us who are not “in the know” or in tuned to gossip we feel we have a right to know who the perpetrator is. He could be my neighbor, co-worker even someone I consider a friend and don’t know what he has been up to in secret.

      I truly understand people’s feelings about protecting the identity of survivors, but as a survivor, sometimes that does more harm than good because the perpetrator goes on to hurt others and you feel like “if only I had spoken up and really exposed this person”.

      I don’t know how you all in the Cayman Islands feel about this because it is a small place but perhaps the culture needs to change so that there is more empathy towards survivors of rape, sexual assault, molestation etc so that they don’t feel victimized all over again when they speak out and then you will not have to worry about “protecting their identity” because survivors will know “we got them”, we are not judging them, we are not ridiculing them and we realize that it could happen to any of us, our kids, our grandkids, nieces, nephews.

      With this I just feel it is more about protecting the perpetrator’s identity than the survivors.


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