PPM leader attacks minister over tourism figures

| 12/02/2024 | 62 Comments
PPM Leader Roy McTaggart delivers a message about tourism

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has taken aim at Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan over the final tally of visitors in 2023 and what he said was a lack of ambition for the 2024 target. McTaggart said that most of this destination’s regional competitors had already reached their pre-pandemic arrival numbers, while at the end of 2023, Cayman had reached 85% of its record-breaking half a million stayover guests who came in 2019, and urgent action was needed to boost the sector.

In a video message, McTaggart accused the government of “inaction and complacency” over the struggling tourism industry. Even though the government collected a record-breaking sum in accommodation tax and many believe the local infrastructure is not keeping up with growth, the Progressives want a return to the huge numbers of both cruise passengers and stayover guests arriving before the pandemic closed the borders.

McTaggart is calling for action to attract more tourists to fund the businesses and jobs that depend on the sector, even though the number of locals working in tourism is still fairly low and the sector is staffed largely by expatriate workers on minimum wage.

He said the current state of the Cayman Islands tourism industry was “extremely worrying”, and despite claims by the government during the budget debate that there would be a full recovery by the end of the year, that was not the case. He said the predictions for the end of 2024 also fell below the 2019 peak, showing that the new UPM premier and tourism minister have been overly optimistic.

“It’s time for innovative strategies and collaborative efforts to rejuvenate tourism, focus on sustainable tourist products and ensure the industry’s future prosperity,” the PPM leader stated. He said the Progressives could help to come up with a strategic tourism model, which he claimed could be sustainable, maintaining that waiting for the next election and a new government would be too late.

See the video message below:

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Category: Business, Tourism

Comments (62)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Utilizing an airplane to fly back and forth to Barbados with 12- 15 people each way was Kenneth’s way of growing tourism..

    I don’t know how much Barbados is paying for that (if they are paying anything) but I can tell you based on the few people I see getting on and off those flights they sure as hell ain’t getting a good deal neitheris Cayman or Cayman Airways.

    Why not cut the losses and plan a more lucrative route with that aircraft and for God’s sake give us more than one flight to Miami a day..

    • Anonymous says:

      I have heard that Barbados owes us money for the “charter flights” that the Minister has implemented. Don’t know if the statements are true but no doubt the Minister can/will clarify it for us.

    • Mickey Mouse says:

      Orlando please!

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s more to the Kenny Barbados saga , there must be something other than unimaginable stupidity to explain why this kind of money is being thrown away.

  2. Elvis says:

    Poor Roy. Someone please tell him to stop talking and retire once and for all. So negative about every single thing its draining

    • Unhelpful says:

      Are you denying that there’s any truth to what he’s saying?

      Putting aside your dislike for him for a moment, what do you think of the points he’s raised?

      You’ve commented on the person offering the ideas but not his actual ideas.

  3. Some guy with odd shoes says:

    We are SO lost. We have the UPM on one side, which seems intent on spending millions that we don’t have, and have to borrow to get. Meanwhile, the common people suffer without relief, unless they become part of the NAU; if we become part of the NAU, all we have to worry about is whether we can get on the road crew, so we can afford booze and cigarette money. What a country.

    On the other hand, there are the remnants of the PPM, who never gave up the Cruise Port dream, and might just throw in with Mr. Kenny, if he dared to dream outside of his current keepers.

    PPM wants power, and money and control, just like every other recent government. Screw us, the people who are struggling to make ends meet. EVERY recent government wants to garner big, big money, through foreign investment concessions, through cruise passenger dollars. When are you going to do what is best for the rest of us?

    If you don’t work for government, you don’t matter.

    If you don’t work for government, you don’t matter.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy is private sector trained.

      he has not spent enough time with civil servants in order to unskill himself.

      remember Alden Marco Joey and Julie were all civil servants.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Poor Roy has become a joke every time he speaks. Please retire and stop embarrassing yourself

  5. Anonymous says:

    Expedia, Marriott, and others in the travel sector are warning slower revenue growth as the post-pandemic travel boom wanes. Having experienced a one-time 15% surge in 2023, they are expected to miss profit expectations for 2024 with growth slowing to perhaps 3% at best. Cayman shouldn’t get too comfortable with last year’s one-time numbers.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Tourism is the second economic pillar by a substantial 4x gap, barely cracking 20% of CIG General Revenue, and that’s before we deduct the running subsidy costs of the Turtle Farm and Cayman Airways (to the extend we ever know the true figures). If that’s the case, then who’s hymn sheet is Roy signing from, and why? It’s suspicious that this is ALWAYS the sorted priority of PPM brainstorming.

  7. Anonymous says:

    We won’t have any tourism soon with all the time crime on this island. They need to worry about that first.

    • Anonymous says:

      The freaks come out at night

    • Anonymous says:

      Utter drivel. At its worst, Cayman is the safest island in the Caribbean by a significant margin, and still one of the safest places to be in the entire world.

  8. Anonymous says:

    roy/ppm…..when pact collapsed you could not even form a government…and then went on to approve the upm shambolic budget proposals…
    go take a nap.
    do-nothing-ppm… as bad in opposition as they were in power.

  9. Anonymous says:

    continuing to push for cruise ship berthing. imagine if they had built that thing and the storm last week came. wow. never.. the people have seen where not to invest the $

    • Anonymous says:

      Humans have been battling with the seas since creation, the seas always win. That is why “Caymanians didn’t build houses on the beach”.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Roy boy never with anything positive. Color me shocked – NOT.

    • Anonymous says:

      He cant have anything positive to say. Roy wants power, he wants to be premier, he cant even so much as imply anyone but him can succeed.

      If the current government discovered to key to clean free perpetual energy tomorrow and Roy would be out screaming that they are putting hard working diesel mechanics out of work.

      • Anonymous says:

        Roy is doing what an opposition is supposed to do, that is to question the unfettered madness of an uneducated unprincipled narcissist.
        However the list of matters the Opposition should be addressing is very long, and there’s time to pick them off one at a time.

      • Anonymous says:

        Roy could very easily have been Premier. He chose the path of integrity by refusing to team up with Mac, unlike Wayne and the rest of them.

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t forget the other convicted criminal they refused to team up with. #integritymatters

        • Fact Checker says:

          Roy McTaggart was Minister of Finance when McKeeva Bush agreed with the PPM as co-leader to from the coalition government called the UNITY Government from 2017-2021.

          He agreed to it and all the other PPM MP’s agreed to working with McKeeva Bush and appointed him Speaker.

          Stop spreading lies and pure nonsense. They did it for power.

          Where were the principles of Roy McTaggart, Joey Hew, Moses Kirkconnell, Julie O’Connor-Connolly, David Wight, Barbara Connolly and all the rest?

          Check your facts or get checked.

          • Anonymous says:

            If you know, you know. You don’t know.

          • Anonymous says:

            Sorry more facts – two major scandals both involving women (one international) over 1460 days and not a single word from Alden, Roy, Barbara or the righteous Juliana. NOT ONE WORD. A long time to keep your principles swallowed.

        • Anonymous says:

          LMFAO what is this BS revisionist history? Roy was part of the PPM that, instead of pushing for Mac to be dealt with, literally *CALLED AN EARLY ELECTION SO THEY DIDN’T HAVE TO BE THE ONES TO REMOVE HIM AND COULD THEREFORE STAY ON HIS GOOD SIDE*. Mac even said himself that he knows where all the bodies are buried – you think it’s only ol’ Spen’y Kenny he’s got by the balls?

          Stop with the PPM propaganda. They’re done; start looking for another teat to latch on to.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well said 12.22.
          Mac not worth the sacrifice of principles.

  11. Anonymous says:

    It’s fine. People will be flocking to Public Beach to enjoy that classy ambience.

    The Barbados flight will also fix things!

    In 2024, I’m just glad the Trolley Roger isn’t a blight on the roads here.

    As for McTaggart, stop trying to be relevant, you’re failing.

    • Anonymous says:

      I miss the Trolley Roger and the Jolly Roger Ship!! 2 good tours and now we only have turtle farm buses and a cheap carnival cruise offering? pathetic!

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has there been any of these press releases since the new government came in? Just about confirms that O’Connor is safe from the opposition – they won’t dare say a word about her

  13. Anonymous says:

    Hip-Hip Hooray for old Roy, he and the rest of PPM are always so on top of things!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Roy seems to be following Spendy’s lead by talking stupid **** before he thinks, alright, alright, he’s thought about this but still talking stupid ****.

    Roy, who was in power during the pandemic when the borders were shut which then saw a shift of regular visitors finding new destinations ?

    There’s no ‘A’ in PPM 🙄

  15. Anonymous says:

    Can it be made any more obvious that the PPM do not work for Caymanians?

    It sounds almost as though they’ve made promises and cashed cheques to FCCA and a small handful of attraction owners!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Roy. Read the CNS article. It may help you to understand what you and the PPM have done.

  17. Anonymous says:

    The Progressives have no solutions they only do what they are told by their sponsors in Camana Bay, CIREBA and the SMB corridor. They work for the elite and expat lobby not the majority of Caymanians.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Roy doesn’t understand Kenny. After the year is over, King Kenny will announce announce that he has shattered tourism expectations, and as the most successful Minister he is now ready to add Premier and Minister of Finance to his portfolio.

  19. ppm DISTRESS SIGNAL says:

    PPM talking nonsense as usual. They are pushing for increased cruise tourism numbers to help supporters like Kirk Freeport. Cayman does not need cruise berthing or do they forgot how CPR exposed all their lies?

  20. Anonymous says:

    The response from Kenny Bryan will be emotional and entertaining.

  21. Whodatis says:

    Roy McTaggart is a nice man but has passed his sell by date as a leader. Ironically, he is still more competent and respected than his deputy leader of the opposition Joey Hew.

    The Progressives are dying on the vine because the majority of the country do not trust them and their policies after years of witnessing them
    working for the wealthy and giving away hundreds of millions in concessions to wealthy developers and political financiers.

    Hew is desperate to finish destroying the Progressives as the new leader of a party that is dying before our eyes. McTaggart, Hew, David Wight, Barbara Connolly guarantee that the end of the party is near. Even Sir Alden has abandoned the party for a bigger paycheck and perks as Speaker of Parliament.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Compromises need to be made in negotiations to get the AA GCM/MIA flight back to the 2019 departure/arrival times. Many destinations are now not reachable without an overnight coming and going.

    In regards to CAL, the Barbados flight is a bust. We need to service markets where people want to come to us, not where we think would be a nice place to vacation.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Grand Cayman is a building site going higher and higher. No sea views unless you pay top dollar for one of Dart’s hotels. Seven mile beach fast becoming seven mile road. Rising crime. Who wouldn’t want to visit?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Might as well pick the low hanging fruit first and let’s face it, nothing is lower hanging than Kenny.
    Jon Jon, your next.

  25. Anonymous says:

    The majority of residents are fine with the reduced numbers, like the majority who are inconvenienced by more cruise ships and the traffic congestion.

    Less would be better.

    • Anonymous says:

      we’d actually like to reduce them more, completely.

    • Anonymous says:

      5:15pm – spoken like a truly privelidged person who probably works in the financial service industry or government who cares for no one other than themselves. There are many people who’s livelihoods depend on tourism.

      You can be against cruise ship tourism, but your attitude about less tourists being better is telling about you as a person.

      • Anonymous says:

        In response to 12:24,

        “There are many people who’s livelihoods depend on tourism.”

        Yet it is often stated (paraphrasing) in the comments on CNS that “there are few Caymanians working in tourism- it is mostly expats.”

        Wouldn’t shrinking the tourism industry, reduce the number of expats on permits? And isn’t that a desired outcome for most?

        Asking for a friend.

      • Anonymous says:

        We could retrain the industry for new work. Island cleanliness and beautifcation, for one, as it is sure needed outside of Camana Bay.

  26. Anonymous says:

    This guy. Everyone is mad at Kenny, stike while iron is hot. This guy is just more of the same. Get rid of both.


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