Men escape with cash after home invasion in EE

| 20/11/2023 | 14 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating a home invasion after burglars forced their way into a residence on Austin Conolly Drive in East End armed with a machete on Saturday night. Police have said the aggravated burglary was reported to 911 at about 9:20pm. Two men had brandished the machete, pushed into the residence and demanded cash after the occupant answered the door.

They searched for valuables before breaking into and searching two other apartments at the location. They then fled with money and other stolen items.

Police said that no one was injured during the ordeal which is now under investigation by the Criminal Investigations Department. Anyone with information is asked to contact 947-2220. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (14)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    As a kid growing up here in the 90s, we never locked our front door. Now I even lock the door when im in my home. We used to be such a high-trust society. But then our population was smaller. and our government wants a population of 100k if we aren’t there already…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Criminals have human rights too!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Its not looking good for Cayman. How can anyone consider cayman safe. They are literally kicking in doors in people homes.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Those poor people did not deserve this ordeal. None of us do. When is our government/police service going to get a grip on these bad people and stop them?
    Perhaps the government should set up a compensation scheme for people to claim as a result of reported crimes against them and their property. Throwing money around is all the government seems to understand.

    • Anonymous says:

      Seymour said in his speech that no one wants to commit crime but they were forced too because of the tough economic times. To bad but maybe he should call the robbery victims and explain those pearls of wisdom to them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Karma is real. I wish for Mr. Seymour to personally experience the result of people acting out of “tough economic times”. You can be he would change his tune, once subjected to the horror of being in such a situation.

        I want that for him, for his personal enlightenment, on his road of personal growth.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Population must be at 99,999, – come on immigration, throw us a bone please to see us through this 😞

  6. Anonymous says:

    Same old same old more population more crime Cayman New Election need to stop this foolishness from continuing to hemorrhage our beautiful islands.

  7. Anonymous says:

    We have sadly come to the point where the minimum defense is a security camera in order to see who is at the door. We are long past the point where we could leave our doors unlocked.

    There was a time not so long ago where these dirtbags would have been afraid to be so bold, because they would have been quickly identified, prosecuted and imprisoned. There was also a time not so long ago where police had full cooperation with the public because they were trusted.

    • Forget dog beware of owner. says:

      There was a time not so long ago when Cayman was not such a disparate, polarized, insularized, gentrified, mollified, welfare and nanny state replete with all manner of sociological degradation and an inevitably exponential increase in all manner of criminality. There was a time not so long ago wherein would be thieves had to think long and hard because they knew that more often than not it is they themselves who would need the police or an ambulance and sometimes a coroner after the homeowner got a hold of their carcass. There be the rub, and that is why I still don’t lock my door.

      • Anonymous says:

        And a lot of the homes back then had at least one gun in the household.

        My granny always told me to treat a thief like a murderer.

        • watcher says:

          Your granny was right.

          We should never be put in the position — legal or otherwise — of having to correctly assess the intent of a home invader. Excessive force? What??? Someone busts into your house, they deserve everything that happens to them. It is not incumbent upon me to determine if they mean to kill me, or merely rob me and completely upend my life and psychological sense of safety.

          I think my grandma would have liked yours, and probably knew each other. My grandma kept a machete by the door, even 50 years ago. She said to me, “you never know. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst” That phrase applied to many conversations.

      • Anonymous says:

        That is what years and years of JuJu as Minister of Education has delivered.

  8. Anonymous says:

    How far from the Gun Bay police station? Come on RCIPS. Get your act together. You have basically lost control of crime and traffic at this point.


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