Teen runaways found safe and well, say police

| 20/11/2023 | 5 Comments


Joshua Whittaker

(CNS): Jahsmine Ebanks (16) who was reported missing Tuesday 31 October, has now been found. Jahsmine was one of three children that the police were looking for over the last month after they ran away from the homes where they have been staying. She was missing for three weeks.

Police also found Joshua Whittaker (15) over the weekend after he was reported missing on Sunday, 5 November. Eleven year old Kiara Watson who went missing with Jahsmine on 31 October was found on 12 November.

Police extended their thanks to the members of the public who helped them track down the young people.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No accountability at the custodial homes, FBGH or BBH??

    How does this keep happening?

  2. Guido Marsupio says:

    The missing/runaway teen stories seem to be increasingly common lately. What is being done about this situation? It is getting to the point that is is comical. Never any indication that they are taken against their will. If the parents are not going to supervise/discipline the children, why is anyone bothering to report them missing? Why is time being wasted bothering to look for them? Let them go to worship their God, who or whatever that is, and peace be with them. If they don’t like home, let them leave unless the parents are going to do something about the situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are running away from institutional children homes – not family homes. They are in those homes for a reason. Two obvious questions are why the supervised care they are meant to be under allows them to runaway, followed closely by how come no one ever seems to be charged for “sheltering” them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Kids landing in those homes aren’t necessarily troubled teens themselves, some just from rough backgrounds. Their parents are sometimes in jail, on drugs, or dead. It’s not their fault. They shouldn’t be treated like broken hopes by these facilities or the public. Give them safety and comfort so they can finally stop fleeing a lifetime of abuse.

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