Bus driver fights off would-be robbers

| 05/05/2023 | 5 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): A bus driver was treated by EMS personnel on Wednesday night for a cut to his face that he received fighting off two men who tried to rob him on Mount Pleasant Road in the vicinity of Mount Close. The driver was dropping off his last passengers in West Bay around 8pm, but as he stopped the bus, one of the men held a knife to him and demanded cash.

However, the driver put up a fight and drove the bus forward before stopping abruptly, forcing the man out of the bus. Both men then fled on foot along Mount Close. The driver was cut during the struggle, but he was treated at the scene and was not taken to hospital.

Both suspects were said to be in their early 20s, short and of slim build with short dreads. The suspect who brandished the knife had a dark complexion and was wearing a dark shirt. The other suspect was wearing a bright-coloured shirt. The driver had picked them up on the West Bay Road.

The assault and attempted robbery are currently under investigation. Anyone who may have witnessed the incident or seen anything suspicious in the area around the time is asked to contact West Bay CID at 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Need Singapore law here for these punks. That will be their cocoa tee,like the old people used to

  2. E. Benedict says:

    Have you ever wondered why buses aren’t normally robbed in other jurisdictions ?

    It’s because any cash or coins the bus is carrying are stored in a secure devise that belongs to the government and not to the driver.

    In the Cayman Islands, due to our rampant government sanctioned corruption, it’s held in the back pocket of the driver.

    The fix here is not rocket science.

    Sidebar – I wonder if the robbers were disgruntled riders that the driver drove right past, late at night, because he felt he had made enough money that day, and didn’t feel like finishing his route?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I don’t pick up road side flag downs unless a call reviewed.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Time for all buses and taxis to fit tracking and security cameras. And maybe time for the rest of us to think about leaving.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Sick baby gangstas


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