Endangered hawksbill turtle saved from poachers

| 05/04/2023 | 17 Comments
Hawksbill turtle saved from poachers April 2023, Cayman News Service
Hawksbill turtle saved from poachers April 2023 (photo courtesy of the DoE)

(CNS): A large, critically endangered hawksbill turtle was found tied up on an undisclosed beach Sunday and rescued from poachers by DoE conservation officers and the RCIPS. The turtle was still alive when found, and thanks to the fast response of the rescuers, she was released back to sea after a health assessment.

Hawksbills are declining worldwide, and mature breeding turtles in the Cayman Islands are extremely rare, with many seasons passing where no hawksbill nesting occurs at all.

“Taking any species of sea turtle from the wild is an illegal offence because their numbers are so fragile that it’s unsustainable, even for the small populations of our Islands,” the DoE said in a social media post.

As the nesting season gets underway and females come onto the beach to lay their eggs, making them especially vulnerable, the DoE is urging the public to help protect all of Cayman’s wild turtles from poachers.

People can report any suspected illegal activity to DoE’s Conservation Officers on 916-4271 and by only buying turtle meat from the Cayman Turtle Centre, never from an unknown source.

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Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Must be those that declared themselves unemployable

  2. Anonymous says:

    For decades, the people of Cayman have had to forgo hundreds of millions of dollars in normal public works maintenance, road construction, quality of life enhancements, social amenities, services, benefits, and debt service fiscal prudence – just so that we could run a turtle meat abattoir. It’s done as a top priority money pit and because Caymanians, left to their own devices, can’t help themselves but poach wild turtles. In all the supporting literature, poaching without the farm is framed as an absolute certainty. Here’s another confirmation for the world, even with generations of crippling meat subsidies.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Make it 10 years hard labour. The wutless idiots who did this would be in for a surprise.

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    The DOE Conservation Officers are basically defenceless and they are expected to deal with some rough and belligerent characters. They need to be armed or, at the least, accompanied at all times by armed officers from the Police, CBP or Coast Guard.

    • Anonymous says:

      They have Tasers, pepper spray, and batons. Not exactly unarmed and defenceless. The bigger problem is getting them after 5pm, at weekends, or away from private employment.

  6. Anonymous says:

    No turtle soup for you!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      No Caymanian wastes time with turtle soup!

      It’s turtle stew. Maybe some turtle gumbo. But soup….nah. That’s how the English prepared it when we shipped it to them for their Lord Mayor’s banquet.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Just make it 5 yrs minimum for talking wild turtles. Heck make it 10! no need to slaughter wild turtles when we have a farm.


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