Ministry gives up on Miss Universe pageant

| 24/02/2023 | 47 Comments
Cayman News Service
Tiffany Conolly is crowned Miss Cayman Islands Universe (from social media)

(CNS): The government has confirmed that it has officially given up the Miss Cayman Islands Universe (MCIU) franchise. In the wake of the criminal conviction of the reigning beauty queen, Tiffany Conolly, and the embarrassment that followed as a result of her being allowed to enter the pageant while facing assault charges, Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan recently said the government’s hands had been tied when it came to addressing the issue because of its obligations under the franchise rules.

Bryan suggested there were more changes on the horizon that could limit the government even further in its decision-making around the pageant winners, who act as ambassadors for the country. Therefore, it was likely that government would relinquish the franchise, paving the way for a private sector entity to take over, he said.

Although it appears that no one has yet taken on the costly franchise, the minister said the local committee had been consulted before the ministry notified the Miss Universe Organization of its decision.

“The Cayman Islands Tourism industry is still in recovery and the ministry is heavily focused on driving visitation and returning tourism arrivals back to pre-pandemic levels,” said Bryan.“Consequently, I am hopeful that a private sector entity will step up and take over the franchise, because, in addition to offering tremendous empowerment opportunities for young women, it also allows them to act as positive role models for other young women, and represent the Cayman Islands as a cultural ambassador.”

He said the tourism ministry would continue to provide its support to whoever takes the franchise, as he thanked the committee for their hard work over the years.

In the meantime, the first runner-up, Chloe Powery-Doxey, who was recently confirmed as the new reigning queen, will be officially crowned at a small event before the end of March. She will continue to act as the representative of the pageant until 31 August, when her reign officially comes to an end.

Meanwhile, Conolly, who remains on bail, is scheduled to appear in court in April, when she will be sentenced for three counts of assault, including one against a police officer, disorderly conduct and two charges of damage to property.

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Comments (47)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Excellent time to get out of this pageant business already rocked by one scandal now involving Miss USA Universe Franchise ownership is no doubt going to be subjected to now more serious issues and controversies. Right time to get out Cayman. We definitely don’t need anymore drama here now either. Well done minister Bryan finally did something right !

  2. Anonymous says:

    honestly do we need 3 pageants? the only lady worth showing our younger generation any good morals is Leannani Tibbits. get ride of them all and only keep whatever that one is.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Kenny you an embarrassment. Wait till he’s voted out and all the nonsense he’s be up to surfaces. My god do you remember Marco?? What a mistake. Smartest to dumbest politician.

    • Anonymous says:

      Have you seen his majority? He isn’t going anywhere. Only thing that will get him out of office is another criminal conviction (but this time, one for more than 12 months or an offence involving dishonesty). Or he decides to take up a more lucrative line of work!

    • Anonymous says:

      Nope. Marco gave exemptions to developers yet taxed school equipment imports. Glad he is out and hope he never returns.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Miss Universe Pageant? Who cares? Not something I or my wife or daughter or grandaughter pay attention to. Pure male dominated fantasy garbage.

  5. Anonymous says:

    1. There is more to this than government feeling embarrassed. Since when does government ever feel embarrassed about anything? This was just a convenient excuse for govt to get out of the business.

    2. Tiffany had every right to compete. Up until her conviction, she was innocent. That changed once convicted. If she had prior convictions prior to this one, that’s another story, but you cannot prevent her from competing for the title simply because she was up on charges, especially knowing what the police, legal department and judiciary are like.

    • Anonymous says:

      Attorney General, Alden and Wayne never feel embarrassed. It’s called having no shame.

    • Anonymous says:

      “especially knowing what the police, legal department and judiciary are like..” – yeah, because they have a reputation for charging people with no good reason lol. The problem according to another article and the FATF appears to be that they dont charge people when they should.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Finally KB has made a good decision. Quite likely the franchise is not needed.

    • Anonymous says:

      The decision was the only tenable one, he had no other option in order to save face. His hand was forced.

    • Anonymous says:

      Has anyone been paying attention to the board members that PACT is appointing.

      Take a hard look at the appointments to CIMA Board.

    • Anonymous says:

      Such pageants are throwbacks to a bygone era when women were most-valued as sex objects. Embarrassing enough when the private sector promotes these things but to pretend it is a public good worth taxpayer subsidy?

    • Anonymous says:

      Flawed logic – you think someone isn’t controlling this muppet.

  7. Anonymous says:

    King Kenny your Billboards are illegal and will be play a part in you downfall.

  8. Anonymous says:

    King Kenny strikes again! Is this honestly the best we can do?

  9. Anonymous says:

    GPS ankle bracelets, prison issue double denim, we could have ‘who wore it best?’ category!

    The whole pageant thing is an embarrassment to any modern society. Just stop it all.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The whole mess is a tempest in a teapot over a most unimportant event. I feel sorry for all involved.

  11. Anonymous says:

    It behooves me to say that in light of this disturbance the government funding should go from a “Miss Cayman” pageant to a “Mr. Cayman” pageant with honorary Big Mac Daddy McKeeva crowning the winner with flutes and harps playing over a crowd of adored Caymanians cheering this glorious occasion as they feast on complimentary KFC to all attending.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I thought that Chloe was FIRST RUNNER UP and not the second runner up?!?!?!?!?!?

    CNS: You’re right. Error corrected.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The Committee Chair should have been sacked long ago over this fiasco, but Kenny didnt have the juevos to do anything about it

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘Empowerment opportunities’😄…I laughed so much some wee slipped out. Yeah, let’s treat these young ladies as mere baubles and that will empower them. KB has to be one of the worst mistakes this island has ever made. There’s no way back I’m afraid to say.

      • Anonymous says:

        As a woman who physically assaulted two adult males, trashed 2 cars and then proceeded to attack police officers I think empowerment was not as much of an issue as anger management.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Story should be ‘PACT gives up on Cayman’

  15. Anonymous says:

    What happen to all This She is Supported Pure Lip service by the most wishy washy political group to ever get elected in Cayman. Consisting of no less than 4 women in our parliament. It’s funny how we get this overwhelming negative responses when it comes indigenous Caymanians Miss Powery Doxey deserves our full support. She has done absolutely nothing wrong. The Caymanian dream is slowly becoming the Cayman Nightmare for our people.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Will they be giving up illegal billboards soon too? Asking for a friend.

    • Anonymous says:

      Glad to hear it. Now get rid of the stupid handbag deal and those football sponsorships in England that no one attends and save some 💰. With those savings maybe we could afford to buy a glass crusher🤔🤔🤔 and if you’re still a little short don’t forget the $70K back from Miss Connolly 🤡🤡🤡

  17. Anonymous says:

    pure nonsense by kenny as usual…
    if you truly believe…’ offering tremendous empowerment opportunities for young women, it also allows them to act as positive role models for other young women, and represent the Cayman Islands as a cultural ambassador’
    then why not support it????

  18. Anonymous says:

    anywhere else in the world heads would roll for this sordid mess…
    but in cayman…business as usual for cig and civil service where there is no such thing as sackings or true accountability

    • Anonymous says:

      10:54. heads roll? you means the private sector boards who was in charge of this entire mess. The board should have resigned. But heads don’t roll in the private sector.

      we need to ask one serious question. this committee had been doing a good job with the franchise for years. what changed?

    • Anonymous says:

      Heads never roll, because wotes would be lost.
      Kenny will never do the right thing if it is going to damage his re-election prospects.

  19. Anonymous says:

    No Problem here Ken Ken but all the dubious sponsorship overseas deals in the London office needs to be investigated and stopped immediately too! Stop wasting our money on BS Pact paving roads for Royals got to stop too. if cant support Caymanian women why are we supporting foreign ones

    • Anonymous says:

      Can’t do that as what will our British handlers say? Just take their money and get rid of those common Caymanians.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Can the Ministry please give up on Kenneth?


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