Police tackle drinking and driving over weekend

| 14/02/2023 | 33 Comments
Cayman News Service
RCIPS officers at a checkpoint (file photo)

(CNS): Police officers arrested eight people for DUI on Friday night and just one more person over the weekend. However, the RCIPS press release indicates that two of the men arrested were in the same vehicle and it was apparently unclear which was the driver. In an effort to evade a checkpoint on the West Bay Road, the driver had made a sudden turn onto a side street, and then he and the other occupant had fled on foot.

“However, officers were able to quickly locate the two occupants of the vehicle, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. Both men were arrested on suspicion of DUI,” police said.

The alcohol limit for drivers was recently reduced to 0.07%. This means that although two drivers were arrested with a blood alcohol reading of under 0.1%, which would have been legal a few months ago, all nine of those arrested could lose their driver’s licence for at least one year if convicted. If any are repeat offenders, the penalties increase and habitual offenders face the possibility of jail time.

Four of the DUI arrests over the weekend followed collisions, and one person involved received minor injuries. In addition, three people were arrested for driving while disqualified.

Superintendent Brad Ebanks said the best course of action is not to drink and drive. “We are forever vigilant, looking out for persons who potentially compromise the safety of other road users. Fortunately, only one person received minor injuries as a result of being involved in a collision and has subsequently been discharged from hospital,” he said

RCIPS said that officers continue to proactively target and prosecute people who engage in unsafe driving behaviours.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Not just drinking but also texting and in many cases, simply bad driving…they don’t know but yet they get licenses here!!??

  2. Anonymous says:

    In other news I also did some work yesterday

  3. Anonymous says:

    If there was a decent taxi service people would use them, rather than drive themselves. Which Minister is in charge of transportation…enough said!

  4. Anonymous says:

    We followed someone on Sunday afternoon coming back from Rum Point. The driver was clearly intoxicated in some way, unable to keep a constant speed, braking erratically, and weaving about all over the road, into the other lane etc. Luckily it was very quiet on the road.
    We called the police to report it, gave the number plate, model and description of the car, and followed all the way past Bodden Town police station where we pulled off.
    Sadly didn’t see a police car the whole way.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe it was an MLA making his way home from an important working meeting 😉 Some licence plates numbers are more equal than others.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s because they don’t actually care and everyone should be calling 911 anytime they see any dangerous driver out on the road. We need a bombard them with traffic calls so they know how bad it really is.

    • Anonymous says:

      World Class!

    • Anonymous says:

      It appears that following too closely is gaining ground on speeding on ETH. Where are the radar guns, or is the short stretch at the Art Gallery free to speed to 70 MPH?

      • Anonymous says:

        The fact is that Cayman’s roads have a few stretches where you can safely do that speed. If that stretch of road couldn’t handle the speed, it would be killing people like the old, single-carriageway bypass did (which had no roundabouts by the way and was one of the few roads you could just *drive* down for a minute). Everyone going in the same direction at 60 mph is a lot safer than everyone going at 50 mph with no median. When single-carriageway with no median became dual carriageway with a median, and they left the speed limit the same, speeding became guaranteed.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Have the police learnt how to indicate and drive a roundabout yet? Have they passed a uk driving test?

  6. Anonymous says:

    So, 4 were arrested after a crash, and they got a 2-for-1 with Dumb and Dumber. That means that just 3 others were arrested through some element of proactive detection.

    It’s a start, but it’s the tip, of the tip, of the tip of the iceberg.

  7. Anonymous says:

    oh please. Start showing up on the road every day! from 6 am to 4pm the bypasses are speed ways. I guess nothing will change when the cops are just as bad. I was followed all the way from hurleys roundabout to walkers Rd by a cop. The two men in the popo suv were tailing me so close and kept trying to see why I was going slow by swerving into the other lane. I was behind another car at a safe distance and we were both going the speed limit. The cops clearly wanted to speed past and it showed when I turned and they floored it to 50… in a 25 mph…. by a school. The cops do nothing and pat themselves on the back at every chance.

  8. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    It’s amazingly simple.

    In the olde days, the RCIPS would walk through bars and clubs throughout the night, mitigating problems. They would then park outside the premises, both to be vigilant of those who should not drive, and to later on clear the premises of afterparties.

    This hasn’t been done for a decade, and I don’t know why. I suspect there are people who make money from the booze who are powerful enough to cause the RCIPS to be away.

    You want to stop drunk driving, you set up outside the places that serve alcohol and pull over drivers that appear to be intoxicated. Nothing complicated about it. Stop these people before they have an opportunity to hurt or kill an innocent person.

    In the old days, the police would approach obviously intoxicated drivers, talk to them and often carry them home. Isn’t this what we truly want?? To prevent drunk drivers?

    • Anonymous says:

      When did this happen?
      Never seen that here before and was way more of a drinking culture back then!

      • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

        I have to guess you weren’t here in the day, or you just weren’t paying attention. Our officers used to be immersed in the community. Some of them still are.

        Ask Kurt Walton, see if he agrees.

    • Anonymous says:

      In the old days there were 20k people here. Do I need to continue?

      • Anonymous says:

        …and a fraction of the police farce (no typo) that we employ now. We have one of the highest amount of cops per region in the entire world. Want the community to trust and cooperate with them like the old days? Make them do some actual community work.

  9. Elvis says:

    Spotts straight is like a racetrack for those idiots right by ocean club and the shores. Just watched a van go through the flashing school lights at countryside area about 50 mph. Police need to really hide and take these idiots off the road or send them home back a yard

  10. Anonymous says:

    Please keep up the good work.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Only 9 and that’s an RCIPS tackle, not a fumble?

  12. Anonymous says:

    They check John John yet?

    • Anonymous says:

      No, Wayne came to recuse Jon Jon. BT finest look out for one another. Saunders will come to the rescue next time Seymour crashes on a Friday night.


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