Driver’s failed forgery turns ban into crime

| 10/10/2022 | 28 Comments

(CNS): A driver who was stopped for speeding in West Bay last year landed himself a criminal conviction after he produced a forged insurance certificate for the court in an effort to dodge a driving ban. Theodore O’Neil Morgan had been given tickets for speeding and driving without an inspection certificate, vehicle licence or insurance, but he used an old insurance certificate as a template to forge a false one for the uninsured Toyota he had been driving.

When the prosecution took a closer look at the certificate, they discovered that the signature on the document was likely false because at the time the document was purportedly issued the individual named was not the person at the insurance provider who was authorised to sign.

There was also no record in the system of Morgan having acquired and paid for his insurance. As a result, the crown charged him with trying to dodge the mandatory year-long ban he faced for driving without insurance.

But Morgan, who had plans to become a lawyer, denied the allegations of forgery and stood trial. He said that although he couldn’t remember the exact circumstances of when and how he paid the insurance and got the certificate, after he was stopped by the police he went home and found it in a document pouch at his home. He said that the mistake was on the part of the insurer as their system was open to errors.

Justice Cheryll Richards, who presided over the case without a jury earlier this year, delivered her verdict Friday, finding Morgan guilty of forging the document and then using it to deceive the traffic court. She said she found aspects of his evidence both “implausible and inconsistent”, while the evidence from the employees of the insurance company was clear and credible. Richards said Morgan was not an honest witness and she did not believe him.

Having been found guilty, Morgan now has a criminal conviction and faces far more serious consequences than a driving ban and traffic fines, possibly even jail time. He has been bailed until sentencing next month.

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Comments (28)

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  1. Matt says:

    Is it just me or does he look like Lionel Richie?

  2. Anonymous says:

    No wonder he always begged for rides outside the clubs

  3. Anonymous says:

    all for what? 500 dollars? That is approx what insurance costs the average guy.

    seriously. Don’t eat out for lunch and make your own at home for 3 and a half months and you have enough money to afford insurance for the year!

    most don’t think 7 dollars adds up. but 7 dollars a day, 20 work days in a month. that’s 140 dollars that goes to fosters.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Any relation to the good Captain?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Surprised he didn’t claim he is family to the infamous Henry Morgan and his pirate blood made him do it. What a fool. Send him packing from whence he came.

  6. Unhappy Caymanian says:

    Peaky Blinder

    I’d give him status with a commendation

  7. Anonymous says:

    Not Caymanian. Jail and then deport!

    • Anonymous says:

      PLEASE stop assuming all criminals must be foreigners. This man was born in Cayman, is Caymanian, and is still a criminal. Why is that so hard to believe?

      • Anonymous says:

        Because the authorities have refused to operate any accurate mechanism for determining who is Caymanian for years and many persons assumed to be Caymanian, are not. Being born in Cayman since the 1970’s is irrelevant to whether someone is Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is this is the same Theodore O’Neil Morgan? “born on October 14th, 1982 …Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands… youngest son of Margaret R. Ebanks…” Sounds Caymanian to me bobo.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well his father is a Jamaican church leader in the States so you know he’s upstanding…not.

  8. Anonymous says:

    MLA material

  9. Wisdom says:

    I hope that our lackadaisical Cayman Islands Immigration Dpt. is paying attention:
    Uncle Sam and the UK ANNUALLY deports plane loads of ill-behaved criminals from Jamaica; yet Cayman chooses to retain and protect such persons almost indefinitely- even when they are charged with a criminal offence!
    If this ‘Morgan’ is a Caymanian, lock his jackass up to serve time for his malicious deceit!
    If he is a man from elsewhere, DEPORT his rear end home to never return, as it is high that time our Cayman Islands Govt. deals with matters that are important to the security of our islands from the destruction of the few who arrive here from elsewhere.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes 100% Caymanian, born here, lived here, committed crimes here. Stop trying to blame all crime on foreigners. Northward is full of people who have never left the island and still managed to grow up as criminals – thanks to being surrounded by a community of home-grown criminals.

    • Anonymous says:

      2.04pm Unfortunately it’s no longer a few who destroy it’s many and getting worse daily.

  10. Anonymous says:

    What a “Dip Stick”!

  11. Anonymous says:

    One more who should not be a lawyer. (Not sure where someone with such lack of morals should work, but not as a lawyer.)

  12. Anonymous says:

    If he doesn’t get into law school he can still have a successful career as a Member of Parliament.

    • Anonymous says:

      Does anyone start out to become a lawyer at 40, when they are already a successful reviewed actor, composer and singer triple threat? Fake it til you make it – literally!

    • Anonymous says:

      Or Mr. Cayman, lol

  13. Anonymous says:

    These ridiculous alibis crack me up. Reminds me of another big trial going on. Dumbass crooks bulls——ing their way through life have a hard time when it gets down to it in court.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Law is clearly not his calling then; at least he found out before embarking on 7yrs+ to qualify to practice….

  15. Anonymous says:

    Probably need to update this, to indicate that he was unconvincing recently on the set of “Insurance Company Forgot”, and that he no longer holds a valid license to drive:

    • Anonymous says:

      Holy maloney!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well spotted! And it shows clearly he is one of ours and cannot be deported….like the majority of folks appearing in our courts despite the hopes and wishes of some posters that they are all foreigners, especially Jamaicans.


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