Scott resigns from CAL amid alleged policy concerns

| 25/08/2022 | 137 Comments
Cayman News Service
Jude Scott

(CNS): Jude Scott, who was appointed as chairman of the Cayman Airways Board of Directors less than a year ago, has resigned from the job due to a conflict with the Ministry of Tourism and Transport, CNS has been told by sources involved in the matter. The ministry confirmed Scott’s resignation on Wednesday but gave no details. CNS contacted Scott earlier this week after learning about his departure but he said he didn’t wish to comment at this point. However, others close to the situation said he has submitted “a scathing resignation letter” criticising the ministry.

CNS understands that Scott raised concerns about the strategic direction for the airline emerging from the tourism ministry, as well as potential deals with Jamaica over shared airlift that will not benefit the national flag carrier, among other issues. CNS has made an FOI request for the letter and related records about the resignation and the conflicting views of the chairman and the ministry that caused him to resign.

A release from the Ministry of Tourism and Transport said that it had “regrettably accepted the resignation” of Scott and that Deputy Chair John-Paul Clarke will serve as acting chairman until a new board chair has been appointed.

There are expectations that Kris Bergstrom, a former Cayman Airways pilot and current CAL director who is believed to have travelled with Tourism and Transport Minister Kenneth Bryan on a recent trip to Jamaica, is earmarked to lead the board.

In his official response to Scott’s departure, Bryan said, “It saddens me to accept Mr Scott’s resignation, as the ministry and Cayman Airways have benefited greatly from his insights and dedication. I wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr Scott for his leadership and guidance during his tenure, and wish him every success in his future endeavours.”

See the current CAL Board of Directors in the CNS Library.

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Comments (137)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    No doubt Mr Scott saw in full view how these PACT clowns operate and decided that corruption and stupidity was not for him. CIG has already lost senior Caymanian execs for this reason; now Mr Scott, and more will follow. Good for you, Jude! Never compromise your principles, ethics, or competence. Unfortunately, the Banana Republic PACT marches on.

  2. Jdre says:

    Why cayman holding grudge so against Jam?
    We don’t do nothing except build up Cayman and take care of children and old folks when nobody want to and all now no more Air Jamaica so wa if Cayman Airways service us too

    • Anonymous says:

      Grudge is because they have brought their crime, drugs and baby mama lawless ways to ruin Cayman , same way they screwed up their own country.

      • Anonymous says:

        Its because we were ignored for 100 years by Jamaica as our administrators and our British colonisers and we developed our self-sufficiency, leading to our reputation as the second best seafarers in the world next only to the Norwegians. Our forefathers realised that Jamaica kept most of the grants from the British and gave us the crumbs. So in order to go to a secondary school until the 1940’s one had to board in Jamaica and attend school there. Karma is a b!^@%, so now you know, please spread it widely for all to understand how unfair we were treated and now the shoe is on the other foot eh.

    • Anonymous says:

      So I was one that was critical of tourism alliance with Jamaica..,to clarify Jamaica is a beautiful country but pretty dangerous…we both have corrupt governments but ours still pretends they aren’t….we will be begging you for an alliance soon enough

  3. Anonymous says:

    As a contractor i get to meet with various heads of different departments in govt. the level of incompetence these people show is mind blowing. very few people with ambition and intelligence will ever stay for long.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bryant: “I wish to take this opportunity to thank Mr Scott for his leadership and guidance during his tenure. . .”

    . . .which we completely ignored leading to his resignation in frustration.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I can’t believe we are so lucky to have Kenny B serving us, where would the nation be without his genius? I know he’s a genius because he acts like he thinks he is and that’s all i need. I think we’d be even better served if Kenny B was to host a weekly open mic session on youtube or wherever (definitely in black and white silhouette though for mood) and just let us ask him for his wisdom. I think he’d be able to solve marital issues, cancer, strategic military planning, logarithmic challenges at NASA, anything and everything.

    If you cannot see, just ask Kenny B…..

  6. Anonymous says:

    Bergstrom goes on a trip with KB and then gets appointed. That must have been a good night. Bet no expense was spared.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Bergstrom is entrenched in the elite circle so not a surprise he’s appointed.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Portsmouth were knocked out of the cup by Newport County this week, just saying.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Pity, Jude has a bright sharp mind and is quite a loss. The government should be listening to him carefully.

  10. Anonymous says:

    So Kenneth replaces Jude with Kris Bergstrom, the brother of his favorite newspaper owner. You can’t make this stuff up..Things that make you go hmmm..

    Compass(Reshma) and OC might make light with you and swell your head to make you think you are so important..They won’t bring these issues to the forefront but CMR and CNS are going to keep the pressure on..

    • Anonymous says:

      You had me until you said “CMR”

      • Anonymous says:


        lol..Sandra giving him hell this morning..He better start straightening up and think before he continues to spurt foolishness from his mouth..

  11. Anonymous says:

    Now Kenneth wants to run to be President in the election for Caribbean Tourism Organization.

    Good Lord, wasn’t it enough to have an indicted beauty queen on the world stage endorsed by him and now we have the possibility of him embarrassing us around the Caribbean. I hope these leaders that vote take a look at some of the recent headlines and realise what a vote for him could get them.

  12. Anonymous says:

    kenneth bryan…the perfect example of why cayman should never consider going independent.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s maybe a tad early but I think he might actually end up a bigger embarrassment to Cayman than Mac!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Jon Jon Seymour is biggest embarrassment ever.

        • Anonymous says:

          He would be because you really don’t know what a hard-working young Cayman interpreter is. Don’t you write on the UK daily blogs? try criticizing your own.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Kenneth, Kenneth, Kenneth…you are making a complete ass of yourself!..Your political support is fading fast. Too bad your head is so far into the sky that you can’t see it. Everyday is another mishap with you..

    Come on man, stop weilding power and try to become a team player. You do not know everything just because you were elected and got a position of power. You could have learned so much from Jude..No man is an island, Jack!

    You support Tiffany but not Jude..there is definitely something wrong with your thinking and direction..

    Enjoy this ride as I have a feeling you will be put out to pasture come next election.

    So disappointed in you, Kenneth, as I was hoping for better. You really let me a lot of people down. Shame on you!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Another day of incompetence in the beloved Cayman Isles.

  15. Anonymous says:

    5:02 pm Not sure who you are referring to but do realize that even to most of the English world Caymanian English sometimes sounds like a foreign language.

    • Anonymous says:

      Care to explain what exactly is Caymanian English? Or how does it sound any more “foreign” than English english?

    • Anonymous says:

      You should really consider making a living elsewhere hopefully the first step is they talk your language. Where do you come off on those insults to our dialect?

  16. Anonymous says:

    I like Jam but wa de rass does CI owe them??
    This gov even refuses to negotiate reciprocal visa free status for our Cayman kids and elderly.
    While CI fulll up with Jam dependence people especially summers and Christmas. Even taking over lil summer jobs from CI kids!!

    • Anonymous says:

      @7:58. Jam kids paid their air fare and visa fees. Btw the visa fees help feed Caymanians through the NAU. Its part of immigration income.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I am sure that Jude, a man of integrity (the entire family has morals), tried his very best to make effective changes. He doesn’t quit easily.

  18. Anonymous says:

    its a shame but i’m sure Jude made the right move… he’s not going to be brainwashed/persuaded by some uneducated person to do wrong and not put our country 1st instead of their ego & pocket JS

  19. Anonymous says:

    Does Mr Bryan have any qualification for his position in CIG?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Yeah soon after Jamaica strategic tourism alliance I expected announcement of agreement with Haiti…..this is the weakest government in decades….not as corrupt as last but expected a lot more.

    • KMatrix says:

      Message to the Premier :
      The Hon Wayne Panton,

      Your humble employers the people of the Cayman Islands beseech you to take immediate steps and replace the present Tourism Minister with Mr. Andre Ebanks . This request is being made as the latter individual has proven that he is a level headed educated individual who thinks deeply and carefully before making public utterances, has experience in and within the business world and is a far better choice than the present Minister. This is not to say that Mr. Bryan does not have the country at heart or is totally incapable, but, we the people firmly believe that this position is a bit much for him and his lack of experience and level of maturity at this time.

      In consideration of what is best for the people, the country and the workings of the Tourism Ministry we ask for a swift efficient removal and transition to icier soonest.


      The Cayman populace at large !

      • Anonymous says:

        Andre is already heavily loaded with various Ministry responsibilities. He doesn’t need any more workload.

        • Anonymous says:

          Andre is also burning his credibility and goodwill from his prior jobs.

          He is more interested in a welfare state to ensure the votes of the elderly in W Bay. He needs to focus more on the financial services industry.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yeah he has been part of the WORC fiasco….working hard to make the system more efficient to ignore Caymanian priority.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well said.

      • Corruption is endemic says:

        So you are saying he is only partially incapable. Goodness he can’t even do that right 🙂

    • Just sayin. says:

      So what was corrupt about the last government? That is just nonsense.

      I know that the last government was not only competent but got us through the Pandemic safely and without going bankrupt.

      It also presided over 6 years of growth in the aftermath of the lingering effects of the 2008/9 recession. Government finances were fixed, substantial surpluses were achieved, and debt was slashed while our reserves were substantially rebuilt. Because of that, we made it through being closed for almost two years. The airport & runway expansion was done, and our overall infrastructure was improved. CBC was formed, as were the Regiment and the Coastguard.

      We were lucky to have the last government, and I certainly prefer their competence and proven ability over this imPACTless government.

      • Anonymous says:

        PPM had Jon Jon, who was the biggest embarrassment in recent times. KB not worse than Seymour.

        • Anonymous says:

          JonJon was embarrassing because he was so dumb.
          Kenneth is embarrassing because he really believes he’s wonderful and charismatic and brilliant…..when in fact He is an uneducated self serving fool.

      • Anonymous says:

        Joey Who?

      • Anonymous says:

        Troll living in ppm wonderland. You forget about the lies they told about the cruise dock and how they fought the people or wha? You remember 2 million Smiths Barcadere foolishness? Thank you cpr they saved us from chaos and financial ruin by standing up against ppm mismanagement, intimidation and blatant lies to accomadate special interests.

      • Anonymous says:

        PPM, Competent and Proven Ability??? Seriously??

        I would take Slocum over the PPM again…No suh!!

      • Anonymous says:

        Port and using our money to fight our referendum…WORC policy to ignore immigration laws for sake of easy record breaking permit revenues…Just the fact Aldart got a knighthood shows which people he was working for.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I bet Kenny Boy called Mr. Scott “sweetheart” too….the worst excuse for a politician, let alone a Cabinet Minister in charge of Cayman’s 1st pillar of the economy. Good god.

  22. Da-wa-u-get says:

    Enough blame to go around! Don’t overlook the size of the ego of the just resigned Chairman, also realize CAL management habit of ignoring the directions of the BoD and finally realize that like it or not, CAL is a political football.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes under his watch the reliability has gone completely. Horrible service. Almost as bad as Liat!

    • Anonymous says:

      I find him to be very confident, respectful and we all know he is educated and brilliant and not at all arrogant. Arrogance is when ” it’s your way or the highway” upon which one doesn’t know where to exit” . It must have been unbearable for him to work and take instructions that probably weren’t the best. Kenneth is the arrogant one here. As we say in Cayman popashow!

  23. Anonymous says:

    How can anyone expect a smart well able professional like Jude to work with these knuckleheads? It is very difficult to have to be in that position and apparently Jude couldn’t any longer bring himself to downgrade his abilities with these jackasses. Cayman Airways lost.big time! Kenneth please tell us exactly what Cayman/ Cayman Airways will gain with this shared airlift? Please try to uplift Cayman Airways instead of dragging it down. Apparently jamaica could not manage their own airline company If all of you are so fixated on jamaica perhaps you should pack up and move there. By the time this PACK term is up Cayman will be unrecognizable. Why are they all hell- bent on tying us to jamaica, Honduras and Cuba. Dr, Roy McTaggart must be rolling over in his grave.

    • KMatrix says:

      “2:23 you are not correct in maligning jamaica, cuba and Honduras as being tied up with. Remember the jamaica snd cuba routes have been there long before PACT and the zz minister and they have been profitable for Cayman. If you do not know the routes and the strategy behind them and why they have been orofitable just shut up!!

      The minister could be listening to the disgraced Premier who everybody knows has strong ties to Jamaica and therefore this recent move. We hope that all will be revealed soon for one Ministry as lines could do a lot of damage to the Credibility of the PACT government.

  24. Anonymous says:

    So we are waiting to see what the next tricks Chris and Kenneth will do.

  25. Michel says:

    Thank you for hard work Mr. Jude.i am not impress with the ministry of Transport and Tourism. Birds of a feather flock together. Very disapointed.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Most of our politicians are all cut from the same piece of cloth – The Dictators Robe.

    The politicians run all boards, authorities, companies as if it is theirs, changing the rules to suit the benefit they will get.

    Crooked politicians destroyed Jamaica and if our voters put back in the same crooks we will become like Jamaica.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said 1.47..
      Presumably next elections the whole electorate will have realized that a vote for Saunders, Seymour Mac and Kenny , is a vote to further Jamaicanise Cayman.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Only KB would be dumb enough to replace Jude Scott with Bergstrom. Does Bryan understand that the position does not mean that you take part in flying?

  28. Anonymous says:

    I wouldn’t want to work with Kenneth either. Sheesh. What a mess. The speculation of what Bryan did is killing me. I bet its not pretty though.

  29. Howard says:

    If Jude resigns you know that there is a big problem somewhere.

    The last government got cocky, this one is simply incompetent.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Kenny thought he could tell Jude how it go. Hysterical.

  31. Anonymous says:

    So… Kenny goes to Jamaica to discuss some initiatives such as a floating dock and sharing airlift, Kal accompanies him, Jude doesn’t like the smell and resigns, Kal gets appointed to replace him. Got it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who is Cal? Do you mean Kel?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said 1.47..
      Presumably next elections the whole electorate will have realized that a vote for Saunders, Seymour Mac and Kenny , is a vote to further Jamaicanise Cayman.

  32. Moi says:

    Thank you for your tremendous work Mr. Scott. Cannot not blame you for resigning at all. Wishing you all the best.

    • Anonymous says:

      Jude is a straight up individual. He would not do anything to hurt Cayman or himself. I’m am sure his resignation is in question to others actions.
      Much respect Jude!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well done Jude, any one with any integrity would do the same .
      Can’t sit back , as an educated generational Caymanian , and allow Kenneth and Saunders to take Cayman deeper and deeper into a dependency of Jamaica.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Quite a loss. Certainly those shoes will be hard to fill. If the rumour is correct, it’s likely to lead to another Bryan led mess

    • Anonymous says:

      Quite a loss indeed, Kenneth did the same to the Port Authority and filled it with Mac appointed UDP cronies.

  34. Anonymous says:

    How very sad that such a well qualified and experienced Caymanian had to step aside due to frustration with ignorant policies from the ministry, albeit that their Minister Kenneth Bryan acknowledged:
    “ … the ministry and Cayman Airways have benefited greatly from his insights and dedication.” Then Bryan goes on to thank Mr Scott for “his leadership and guidance during his tenure, …”.
    Really Kenneth?
    My question is, how in the world have we found ourselves in this extremely unfortunate predicament? Having Kenneth at the helm, responsible for policies affecting our national airline is beyond belief! Oh yes, lest we forget, it was the decision of Wayne Panton! Wayne, you should be ashamed that your thirst for power has brought this sad situation upon us.

    • Anonymous says:


      Kenneth has lost the ability to feel SHAME – Mac taught him how to not feel SHAME.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree 100%…let’s not forget who put these “boys” in charge so he could get his title as Premier, and continues to ignore their stupidity so he can keep his title as Premier.
      Any deal Chris, Kenneth, Mac & Jay put in place with Jamaica is bound to backfire on Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        I guess Kenneth is clinging to jamaica because that is his gateway to the world. i understand that he cannot fly into the U.S. however since becoming Minister of tourism he might have been able to somehow acquire a visa. A hot mess if you ask me. He doesn’t care. Just so he can get a few obamalike suits and strut around he thinks he is doing a good job. So sick of all of them! They beginning to give me a migraine! Wayne is allowing all of mess- I thought he cared about Cayman, his only care was becoming the Premier now he is stumbling around in the dark while Cayman begins it downward slope.

        • Anonymous says:

          You don’t need a visa to enter the US from the Cayman Islands. From back in the 70’s, if not earlier, there is an agreement where the Cayman Islands Government can issue a ‘waiver’ for its citizens to enter the USA. It is good for one entry.

    • Anonymous says:

      Im sorry but the blame is with the people who elected Bryan. He cant help who he is but people should have known better.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why are we saying he was doing a good job? He wasn’t. The airline is a sh##t show.

  35. Anonymous says:

    KB strikes again! This guy has become the catalyst for a brain drain in the government. And no offense but why are we looking to Jamaica for economic and/or strategic advice/benchmarking? Is that the level of “success” we should really be modeling ourself on? Sheesh … Popular for all the wrong reasons

  36. Anonymous says:

    Island is to small for a national carrier.
    Sell the planes and end this money pit.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are totally wrong.
      The problem is the number of useless employees that CAL supports, not to mention the fact that CAL has NEVER had a profitable route beyond Tampa. Successive governments continue to force crazy route decisions on them to make them dependent on handouts.
      Cayman Airways can make loads of money flying regional to Miami, Tampa, Kingston, La Ceiba, Havana. They need to thin the herd, get in real management and increase frequency with lower prices.
      It would not be long before American are begging for codeshare.
      An unreported fact is the exorbitant cost of the Sabre software which is normally used by airlines with fleets considerably larger than ours.
      An FOIA request as to the monthly fees would reveal that at least 250,000 per month is spent on software.
      Do you know how many full planes at $200 a seat would be needed to pay for the software each month?
      Then you have salaries, maintenance, accounting, fuel, marketing, code shares, freebies etc, etc.
      Like I said, a clean sweep is needed.
      The new Board of Directors will know how to fix this.

    • Anonymous says:

      You understand that the jets are leased?

      • Anonymous says:

        Leased with a FOREIGN language giving safety instructions. Pretty pathetic that this isn’t a local, Caymanian voice doing this.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      @11:19am Which airline actually owns planes these days? You know that even though you got your online airline expert degree with a minor in Ignorance they failed to teach you that 99.99% of all airlines lease aircraft they do not buy them..

  37. Anonymous says:

    Shocking. How can Jude have any doubts about Kenny’s abilities and propensity to always do the right thing.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes resigning from a Board is the only reasonable decision a well-calibrated person can make. It’s never an easy choice. We know the DoT have a long history of exceeding their mandate, ignoring procurement transparency, shooting from the hip, and making colossally expensive errors with public funds. Finding someone willing to be paid to hold their nose doesn’t fix this.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is always an easy choice for persons with ethics and integrity.

      Shake the dust from your shoes then move on.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Gong show.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Smart move Jude! Stay out of this marriage or convenience let Chris Saunders and Kenneth take the fallout

    • Anonymous says:

      Trouble is , there won’t be a fall out because Kenneth and Saunders won’t see anything wrong with their actions.

    • Anonymous says:

      True! Lord knows there will be fall out with any deal Kenneth, Chris Saunders and “Jamaica” put together! Unfortunately it will be the Caymanian people paying the price!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Integrity cant be bought, and it does what they believe is right. All persons in similar positions should follow suit.

    Well done Mr. Scott.

    • Anonymous says:

      Johann Moxam??? what say you ?

      • Anonymous says:

        Moxam chairs CIAA not CAL.
        He is doing a great job at CIAA and is the best chairman we have had to date. Despite any attempted secret deals with Jamaica or nonsense the Ministers Saunders and Bryan spout in the public.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lol. He’s following the previous board’s policies.

        • Anonymous says:

          Doing a great job securing a spot on the PACT train for next election! Hope he enjoys the ride and doesn’t jump off at the next town!

      • Anonymous says:

        Jude resigns so Johan should resign too? I did not realise they is twins join together. Johan proven he can handle he self good

  42. _||) says:

    “CNS has made an FOI request for the letter and related records about the resignation and the conflicting views of the chairman and the ministry that caused him to resign.”

    Oh my lawd I ga need a yuugee cup of coffee when unna drop that article

  43. Anonymous says:

    another bad day at the office for kenneth….
    i know cig does not do sackings or accountability but this is laughable….


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