Man jailed for sexual assault on wife’s adult daughter

| 10/08/2022 | 24 Comments
RCIPS van outside the courthouse

(CNS): A local man was jailed for five years on Wednesday for one count of indecent assault on his wife’s adult daughter, who was around 32 years old at the time, after he broke into her locked bedroom in the early hours of the morning just days before Christmas 2021. Willard Guidelitti Hurlston denied the allegations but was convicted following a judge-alone trial in February. In text messages between Hurlston and his victim the day after the assault he had asked for forgiveness and for the woman not to tell her mother, the court found.

Justice Phillip St John-Stevens sentenced him to five years in jail and also issued a sexual harm prevention order that prevents him from having any contact with the victim for twelve years after he is released.

Hurlston and his wife both had keys to the woman’s Bodden Town apartment where she lived with her own son and a puppy, as the victim’s mother cleaned the home and sometimes looked after her grandson while her daughter was at work. Hurston carried out repairs and took care of the puppy.

On the day of the assault, the victim had come home from work to find Hurlston at the house waiting for his wife. However, she didn’t arrive until it was late and because she was tired, she had asked if the couple could stay at her daughter’s house so that she did not have to drive to their home in North Side.

The woman agreed and went to bed, locking her bedroom door and leaving her mother and her husband to sleep in the lounge. But in the early hours of the morning, she was awoken from a deep sleep to find Hurlston on her bed with his hands in her nightclothes touching her genitals. Shocked and angered she pushed him away and he left the room. Very soon afterwards he and his wife left the apartment.

The following day the woman discussed the issue with a friend, who advised her to confront Hurlston. She took that advice and sent a message to Hurlston asking how he could have done such a thing. At first, he had denied it, trying to fob her off by suggesting he had come into the room to use her bathroom and that she had woken up suddenly confused.

As she made it clear that she knew exactly what he had done and that his DNA would be on her body, he then asked her not to tell her mother and asked for her to forgive him, as he implied he could not help himself. But the woman did tell and reported the incident to the police. Hurlston was arrested and charged and the message exchange between them formed the basis of the case against him.

The judge said that the circumstances were aggravated by the fact that Hurlston had abused the trust of his victim when he used a knife or some other tool to open the locked door. He pointed out that the women was fast asleep in the middle of the night in her own bed in her own home, where she should have been safe. He noted that the woman had been deeply impacted by the incident as Hurlston had been married to her mother for many years.

As he handed down the sentence, Justice St John-Stevens said there were few mitigating factors in the case, and while Hurlston has no previous relevant convictions, he had also continued to deny his culpability.

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Category: Courts, Crime

Comments (24)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What a mess

  2. anon says:

    There are many cases of sexual abuse carried out by family members in Cayman, which never go to court to avoid family embarassment. Sad, but true.

    • Rinett says:

      There are many cases of Workplace sexual abuses carried out by “bosses” in Cayman, which never go to court to avoid fiscal embarrassment.
      Sad, but true.

  3. blue thumper says:

    She did the right thing by reporting it to the police, if these acts are not reported predators feel free to do it again.

  4. Anonymous says:

    There are ALWAYS, ALWAYS signs that suggest that a man (brother, father, grandfather, step-fathers etc) must be carefully watched/observed, for he might not help himself some day.

    Women have 6th sense about it.

    When I was 16, my dad had said something to my friend that disturbed me, yet I dismissed it for him being drunk. I did not tell my mom. We did not talk about such things back then.
    He raped my daughter when she was 12 and I did not learn about it until 20 years later. She shared it with my mom, but was afraid to tell me.
    I am devastated, I feel quilt for she could not share it with me. I and my husband would have killed him back then, but now he is dead, and I and my daughter live with an unbearable pain. My daughters mental state is fragile, her psyche is damaged for life.

    Women, DON’T DISMISS signs what something is wrong. A word said, a sigh, could indicate potential problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hence, amongst her close relatives, she locked herself into her own bedroom, within her own house…and he got the key, and assaulted her anyway. Was her 6th sense flawed? No. Highly entuned, and sadly proven to have been well-calibrated.

  5. Anonymous says:

    He should be locked away forever.

    • Anonymous says:

      “He implied he could not help himself” should be taken into account at parole hearing.

  6. Anon says:

    Hope he does the 5 years. One thing cayman is good at over the motherland is sentencing, in the Uk he’d be out in 2

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is a very unfortunate situation and my sincere condolences to the lady. As the judge said, she should’ve been safe in her own home. I cannot imagine how that man walked out of that house alive with the mother of the victim. Truly unbelievable – but thankful his name is out there for the world to see.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not just in her own home, she locked herself in her own bedroom, inside that home where her son, and mother also slept!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Deportation order

  9. Anonymous says:

    What’s wrong with Cayman’s judges is inconsistency and imbalance (being polite)!

    Compare this sentence to the repeat rapist who actually penetrated his underage victim on at least 6 different occasions. He got only 8 years!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Is he really a local? Just curious.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just curious or you can’t wait to pretend he isn’t a ‘real Caymanian’ and he should be sent back to where he came from etc?
      I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to believe that predators could be Caymanian, there’s plenty of them! Just because so many people sweep it under the carpet here doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the compass article, the 35,000 caymanians come from over 100 countries, if you are caymanian you are local. Having said that, anyone that lives here is local right? Stop questioning local vs non local… if they live here they are local.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Very sad.

  12. Anonymous says:

    5 years? That’s it? What’s wrong with Cayman’s judges FFS???

    • Anonymous says:

      More time than the chiropractor that was digitally penetrating his patients.

      • Anonymous says:

        Credentialed chiropractors can work wonders, but most sensible patients would discriminate to the chiropractors that aren’t convicted sexual predators, are resident, and also licensed to practice. Those things matter.

      • Anonymous says:

        Only idiots believe in chiropractors. They are quacks. The whole field is based on ridiculous nonsense.


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