Young turtle dies slow death at hands of poachers

| 28/01/2025 | 18 Comments
Efforts to save the wounded female turtle failed (photo credit: DoE)

(CNS) A young female turtle, estimated to be between ten and fifteen years old, was recently killed by poachers but died a slow death after she was speared through her shell multiple times with a double-pronged spear. The Department of Environment said that conservation officers found the green sea turtle last week after a report was made that a turtle had been illegally captured and removed from the sea.

The turtle was badly wounded, and despite the work of multiple vets from the Cayman Turtle Centre and Island Vets, she died from the injuries.

The suspected offenders were apprehended and their equipment, including a boat, a trailer and a vehicle, were seized. The incident is now under investigation.

The animal was a sub-adult, and her loss represents a blow for the next generation as the enormous battle to bring these iconic marine creatures back into our waters continues, constantly hindered by the impact man has on their environment and the ruthless indifference of poachers who know they can sell wild turtle meat at a premium.

Even with the threat of the total loss of the species in local waters and the access people have to farmed meat, there is still an appetite for wild turtle meat.

Turtles are protected at all times under the National Conservation Act (2013) and it is illegal to possess or cause disturbance, harm or death to a sea turtle. Perpetrators are liable for up to $500,000 fine or four years in prison if convicted.

Illegal capture has serious impacts on sea turtles, as only a very small proportion survive to maturity. They have very slow growth rates, taking more than 20 years to reach breeding age. “Loss of a very small number of sub-adult and mature turtles can have long-lasting impacts on Cayman’s small population,” a spokesperson for the DoE said.

The department thanked its own officers, the RCIPS for their swift response and the Cayman Turtle Centre and Island Vets for their incredible knowledge and immediate assistance. Thanks were also given to the public for keeping eyes and ears open.

Anyone seeing suspicious activities relating to poaching can call 911 or the DoE conservation team on 916-4271.

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Category: Marine Environment, Science & Nature

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    caymankind riff raff.
    but what do you expect when we legalise the consumption of an endangered species????
    welcome to wonderland.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Riff raff!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m Just glad the “riff raffs” were caught and will suffer the consequences for their horrible actions.

      and i havent even commented on anything but it wont let me comment syaing i am postiong

    • Anonymous says:

      not an expat who did this cayman at its best.

  3. Anonymous says:

    We literally prioritize the spending of tens of millions a year of public funds farming turtle meat, and a fully staffed and equipped DoE and Coast Guard, so this doesn’t happen. Let them rot in jail, and take their house. There needs to be a clear deterrent message delivered against the active poaching community. We can’t be paying every which way without the deterrence.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This is our heritage! Wahhhh!

    Absolute riff raff.

  5. Anonymous says:

    This is heart-breaking. As turtle meat is available to buy lawfully, there is NO EXCUSE for why anyone has to do this. Those seized assets must never be returned, and those responsible should receive the 4 years in prison – AND the massive fine to be paid off for the rest of their miserable lives.
    Why not? There are no circumstances that can be at play here other than greed and cruelty. What a horrible painful way to die.

  6. Anonymous says:

    So, to start, if that seized property is never returned to the poaching owner plus a decent Court fine imposed, he might not do it again. But…..

    He’ll/they’ll make a plea as ‘starving’ fishermen with unemployed families to feed. Political season and all? I can bet phone calls will be made on their behalf. Watch DPP be ‘too busy’ for cases like this and thus….no charges, no penalty.

    Boat, trailer, truck all returned. They’re out on the water next month!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Prosecutors should sentence these poachers to the maximum and severe fine. So tired of just a slap on the wrist. $100000 fine . This is senseless killing .

  8. Anonymous says:

    Until we treat marine environment infractions like a gun crime we will continue to lose our marine life

  9. Anonymous says:

    Caymankind. Like those that killed the pelican a couple of years ago.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully they get prosecuted properly, but we all know they well get given back all of their stuff and a warning as usual.

  11. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      You have all the meat you need from the farm that why that money pit is there, you want the tourism dollars protect ya wild turtles, ya want your culture intact prophecy ya wild turtles, basically protect ya wild turtles


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