PPM unveils proposed candidate for Prospect

| 30/01/2025 | 63 Comments
Crystal Gomez Wilson

(CNS): Crystal Gomez Wilson has been earmarked by the People’s Progressive Movement (PPM) to contest the seat in Prospect currently held by former health minister Sabrina Turner, who will be running for re-election with The Cayman Community Party. Michael Myles, a local trades educator, has also declared he will be running for the Prospect constituency again, this time on the Cayman National Party ticket.

According to a release from the PPM, Wilson has 20 years of marketing and business development experience. Progressives Leader Joey Hew said that along with a strong reputation as a dedicated community volunteer, she has been actively addressing the needs of local residents.

He said she “embodies what the Cayman Islands needs — compassionate, determined leadership focused on delivering results. Her candidacy highlights the vital role of women in shaping our future.”

Wilson is the first woman to be declared for the lineup of new and seasoned PPM candidates. She said that as a mother, she understands the struggles of juggling family and finances.

“As a leader, I am committed to transforming our challenges into actionable solutions that uplift everyone in Prospect,” she said in the release about her proposed candidacy. “My mission is simple: to walk with you, listen to you, fight for you, and deliver the change our community deserves.”

Wilson is expected to be confirmed at the PPM’s national conference on 1 March, ahead of the official start of the election campaign.

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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (63)

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  1. Cheese Face says:

    I’m sorry, but a vote for PPM is a vote for a cruise pier. NO

  2. anonymous says:

    Anyone running with Dan is all about the money – most of them had no intention of running until the bucket of money fell into their lap to run a top notice media campaign. I thought Dan would have learned from Wayne – BTW the one with the most money doesn’t always win. I hope Chrystal does well – this country needs the perspective of young people. Give them a chance before you and CMR tear this poor girl to bits. She has my vote!

    • Anonymous says:

      My family attended the Red Bay/Prospect park to speak with the new representatives and I met this young lady and her family. She seemed well spoken smart and attentive while we spoke to her. I vote Red Bay but sisters family vote Prospect and said they are voting for her after this conversation. Speak to all of your candidates before voting if possible before you make your decision. It’s their duty to make themselves available to you and if them dont, you know where to not cast your vote.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Candidates have to do more than exist, they need to stand for something that matters. André does. Whereas Dan Scott, out of the gate, seems to stand for nothing, so far made of the same plasticine as Roy. Dan might handily win the Brac East seat on reputation, but then will need to join André’s Cabinet, because “pliable roughshod” is the platform of backbenchers, and the verifying illustration are the last two majority failures of the PPM Party.

    • Anonymous says:

      What does Andre stand for? Quitting?

      • Anonymous says:

        Andre and his colleagues took a stand against corruption, decision making that favoured private interests over the public interest and poor governance.

        If they had not quit they would be complicit in that poor governance and they would have been forced to continue supporting the UPM’s unhinged agenda to 1) Gut the Conservation Law 2) Approve an elaborate over budget $50 million high school on the Brac and the rest of the runaway UPM Government’s insanity.

        They displayed their integrity and the type of political leadership this country needs to ensure decisions are being made in the best public interest.

        • Anonymous says:

          Integrity? You mean the same people that brought on a woman beating drunk who they previously slandered in order to get a majority government? Give me a break. You have a short memory.

  4. Pensioner says:

    Voters please vote with your heart and conscience this time around. Crystal is a young Caymanian , daughter of the soil. She has the capability and qualities to effect a female MP. Her Mom and Dad are retired Civil Servants with an impeccable record and have served the Cayman Islands well. I hope more of her calibre get into the Electoral Ring for change. I am sorry I can’t vote in the Prospect area as she would certainly get my vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      This election isn’t about heart and conscience. It’s about electing the best possible leaders for our country. Therefore please vote with your brains ??

  5. Anonymous says:

    news faces under old tutalidge! Best believe these candidates are picked by Hew for his personal gain. She comes from a wealthy to do family just as Hew and thats exactly what he wants. You can find her at the poshes bars on island sipping her evenings away.

    That being said, Sabrina Turner has the gaul to put up a sign saying, “enough is enough” when she is currently seated in Government! She needs to be shown enough is enough and be voted out, i much prefer Michael, i dont know him but i know the other two!

    • Anonymous says:

      I went to school with her and both of her parents were lifelong civil servants so not sure where you get the wealthy to do family from.

    • Anonymous says:

      “I much prefer Michael, I don’t know him”

      Sure, that sounds like a smart reason to vote for him. lol

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great to see Crystal running with PPM. Cayman is inundated with so many who do nothing but sit on their backsides, give opinions and complain, not willing to get involved or even try to make a difference. Thanks for stepping up Crystal…sure hope you are elected as the representative for Prospect!

  7. Anonymous says:


  8. Anonymous says:

    You will see plenty of people bashing new candiidates, not just in this district. Most of them are “paid associates” of sitting MPs. If you want the truth, ask constituents in the areas and you will get the truth. Michael or Crystal will be taking this district. Sabrina has been riding the easy bus for 4 years and jumped ship when she realized Wayne’s gang was done for.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hopefully they don’t split the vote in a manner that squeaks Sabrina through.

      • Anonymous says:

        Judging by what’s being said, I think Sabrina is losing a very large chuck of her voter base. Too many broken promises.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed! Michael better get himself together because he has even better chances this time.

      • Anonymous says:

        Michael told me he woudl never join Dans Elitist Party. Now he has joined them and is pretending he is init with his heart. I make one solemn promist, at the right time I wil personally remind him of hsi statement!!

      • Anonymous says:

        I know Michael. He has spent his adult life trying to educate/train Caymanians so that they can have a better life. I unfortunately don’t vote in his district, but if I did, he’d have my vote without hesitation. Being a “daughter of the soil” is not a qualification and in any case, everyone running is a son or daughter of the soil. What I would want to vote for is people who have a track record of service to the people of this country and Michael has that.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t dodge lodge and do what’s right for all in the name of God

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    Can we hear her views on cannabis vapes for medical purposes?

    • Anonymous says:

      These are already available on island. You only need to have a legit medical problem to have doctors prescribe it. Why does it matter what she or anyone thinks about it?

      Maybe you would like to have regulations surrounding its use in public spaces? Not sure if that is happening.

    • Anonymous says:

      She has No views or solutions. Except what they tell her.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think you are referring to the $1.6 million lady Sabrina. Her views and solutions are bought and paid for.

    • Gray Matter says:

      “One Draw,,, one love, vote me in and smoke All you want”.

  11. Voter says:

    MP Turner will retain her seat. Prospect and Cayman don’t want PPM.

    Gurl bye

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course. Why would you vote for PPM when you can vote for Sabrina and the worst government in Caymans history again? Lol PACT 2.0.

    • Anonymous says:

      Im in Prospect and I’d vote for my dog before I vote for Sabrina again. She better sell that new house and return Wayne his money before she loses her money train in April.

      • Anonymous says:

        I too would vote for your dog, having had the misfortune of having to work under Sabrina, I know your dog would be a better decision maker and leader and certainly less narcissistic and spiteful than Sabrina.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’ve worked for her too @2:03. Hopeless and very unpleasant with it, always trying to blame someone else, especially civil servants trying to do their jobs and stick within the law and not do what she says when it would be illegal to do so.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would vote for your dog but need assurances he will not side with McKeeva and cronies *even* if offered kibbles and bits.

    • Gray Matter says:

      You don’t want PPM.. But you want a bought and ruled candidate that’s has to take orders from Wayne. There goes your vote. You lose.

  12. Prospect voter says:

    I am sorry, but as a registered voter in Prospect and someone who doesn’t know who she is as she recently appeared in the area, why should I give her my vote?
    She did a video on the podcast linkup show and referred to Prospect people living in shacks?? What f**king shacks are she referring to?

    She spoke about her work with meals. Ok? What else?

    Sabrina get yourself ready. We with you for 4 more! Sabrina has done for the community even before MP and she has been around as the community leader prior to taking office.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are plenty of run down properties in Prospect and many without power or other utilities with elders and people struggling with health unable to keeps lights on. Something that hasn’t been addressed at all. Unless you help these people you wouldn’t know.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 2:25pm: “We”??? Who is we? Because I vote there too, and my vote is for Myles. She had a big house already, why get a bigger one? That is called greed. Is that the kind of MP Prospect deserves? I don’t think so.

      • Anonymous says:

        I agree regarding Sabrina. Borrowed $1.6m from her “boss” for a new house. How so that not a massive conflict of interest? If Wayne says “jump” she now has to say “how high”. The whole TCCP party is a joke.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are worried about what Sabrina did before she was elected. Please tell us what she has done SINCE being elected. We will wait…

    • Anonymous says:

      I listened to that Podcast. She was talking about the people she had been helping who were living in terrible rundown properties with no utilities. Is the word of the use shack really all you got from that whole scenario? This island, not just Prospect is full of “forgotten” people who live in horrible conditions that people are unaware of. This means our current elected officials are failing.

    • Gray Matter says:

      Tell me what has she done for Prospect in the past 4 years that has made your life better.

      • Anonymous says:

        Besides build a gate that still isn’t finished to make her own rich people neighborhood and new house more secure……

  13. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward to fresh, young perspective.

  14. Change says:

    📢 To any potential candidate in any constituency: To change anything meaningful for the country requires taking hard decisions which impact revenue. Are you all ready to do that? Do the voters even know how much money is on the line?

  15. Anonymous says:

    Excellent news. New faces in the PPM and genuine candidates. Sabrina was an utter failure and Michael would be worse.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Congrats Crystal for showing courage to embark on this challenge. I am happy that PPM is combining youth and fresh faces to compliment their group.
    I’ve personally known you for a long time and know that you are passionate about any endeavour you take on.
    Best of luck!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Finally, some new faces are coming into politics. I have worked with Crytal on numerous work projects all the way back to Digicel’s inception. The one thing I can say is she gets things done. Ask any of the vendors involved any marketing events about her and I guarantee they will agree. I don’t vote in Prospect, but if I did she would definitely be my pick. Good luck!

    • A civil servant says:

      To 12:23pm: One individual can get the world done in the private sector because they are given the tools, training and resources to do so. Walk into government and you cannot wipe your sorry a** without needing ten approvals from people who know jack sh** about what needs to happen. Worse so for MPs and Ministers.

      • Anonymous says:

        So how do we solve that problem? Voting the same people in or changing things? The problem with us Caymanians is we all claim that we want change and we want to see young people step up and try, yet when they do, we tear them down. The “crabs in a barrell” mentality. Our whole government can’t change over night, but as the next generation starts to get involved and become the majority changes will come.

        • Anonymous says:

          To 5:26: MPs can only change things, if the majority of them agree. It is up to all of us voters, then, to press our MPs. Only then, can we get a majority.

          • Anonymous says:

            I agree. Which is why an established party in PPM I believe is the way to go. TCCP are throwing together a group who have never worked together before while Wayne and Andre are launching PACT 2.0 who fell to pieces and left us with a broken government ran by Julianna who clearly has no issue showing she does not have the countries best interests at heart, rather her own and Cayman Brac only.

      • Anonymous says:

        4:01 are you are civil servant in china ? I have been a civil servant in cayman and I have no idea what you are talking about.


        • A civil servant says:

          To 4:20am: you have no idea? Really? Explain OfReg. Explain WORC. Explain the airport authority. Explain the education department. I think you are in denial. We get training, but the processes stay the same.


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