Seymour gets climate ministry despite criticising DoE
(CNS): Two weeks after four members, including three ministers, resigned from the UPM government because of a catalogue of issues relating to poor governance, Premier Julianna O’Connor-Connolly has finally handed the portfolios out to the remaining members of Cabinet. In a shocking allocation, Dwayne Seymour has been given responsibility for climate, despite his dismissive comments about the environment and climate change and his criticisms of the Department of Environment and the National Conservation Council.
Now that the opposition has agreed to prop up the government until the general election on 30 April, the beleaguered UPM administration can limp on until then. In the meantime, Seymour will have several months in which he could alter policy, even as Cayman faces increasing issues relating to the erosion of Seven Mile Beach, the constant destruction of mangroves and the loss of significant swathes of primary habitat.
Alongside the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency, Seymour was given the wellness portfolio, which has been inexplicably split from the health ministry. O’Connor-Connolly has added health to her already overloaded set of portfolios; she now also has commerce and the critical financial services ministry.
Meanwhile, Kenneth Bryan, the new deputy premier, has been given social development and innovation to add to his responsibilities of tourism and ports. Jay Ebanks has been given development in addition to his existing ministries. Isaac Rankine now has home affairs as well as his smaller list of portfolios of youth, sports and heritage.
McKeeva Bush, who Sabrina Turner said was one of the main reasons why she and her colleagues, André Ebanks, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks and Heather Bodden, walked away from the government, will now serve as parliamentary secretary to Kenneth Bryan, Jay Ebanks and Seymour.
Governor Jane Owen, who presided over the official appointments, has said nothing about the poor governance issues — her area of responsibility — that the four breakaway MPs spoke about when they resigned from this administration.
CNS sent questions over a week ago about their allegations that members of the government were putting their own interests above that of the people, among other serious accusations of bullying, discrimination, unprofessionalism and undue influence. However, the governor has failed to respond.
In the press release announcing the reallocation of portfolios to this scaled-down cabinet, even after what the four MPs had reported about the chaos and dysfunction in caucus and cabinet, Owen said it would enable the government, which is constitutionally quorate, to deliver for the people over the coming months as the country prepares for a general election.
“In order to ensure that voters who register by early January are included in the official Register of Electors which will be published on 1 April, and following consultation with the Premier, it has been decided that the next general election will be held on Wednesday, 30 April, 2025,” Owen said.
The premier thanked her colleagues for their cooperation and their acceptance of additional responsibilities.
“The desire to serve the people of the Cayman Islands drives the decisions made today, which will ensure the continued stability for our economy and government. The assignments take into account each minister’s experience and expertise, which will allow for a seamless transition of those portfolios,” she stated, despite evidence to the contrary, especially in the case of Seymour, who demonstrated his lack of expertise when he previously had responsibility for the environment.
O’Connor-Connolly said the ministers had demonstrated that even amidst uncertainty, the Cayman Islands Government continues to operate as a modern, functioning democracy for its people. “The events of this week with our Sister Islands being directly impacted by Hurricane Rafael reminds us of the need for vigilance, unity and a constant state of readiness to serve,” she added.
The premier and the governor will join host Orrett Connor on his talk show, For the Record, tomorrow morning, Friday, 8 November. However, no press conference has been called.
See the new line-up in the CNS Library.
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Category: Politics
Did ya’ll listen to the ReGen expose streamed on CMR last night from the four MPs that resigned! Seymour must be removed from his position immediately and perhaps the Governor should consider resigning too!
Both are a waste of space.
Dwayne Seymour is personally financing developments (is into development as another source of income, talk about conflicts of interest!). Because of this he’ll try as quickly as possible to hold up any new/pending/changed environmental protection laws that don’t favour destructive developing in protected areas of the island or he’ll try to get new changes pushed to curry favour or weaken existing environmental protection laws to appease developers (including his own interests in the construction business).
I’d like to think I’m being pessimistic, but I’ve seen this script before, it’s a remake in the making.
“The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
Anyone standing up next to Jon Jon or Jay Ebanks talking about climate or resilience or finance are a Bigger JOKE than them! but then again neither one of them can fit or ride on a E Foil on or along Seven Mile Beach now can they. This place and it’s Governor and so called World Class civil service are a utter and complete Joke and a real FARCE .
Please MP Seymour, I am personally begging you. Please don’t change anything adverse to the environment. Think about the future, Sir, and our children’s heritage. If you are tempted by any entities to tweak things that are more favourable to development or their ilk, please, Sir, just ride out your term without fuss or rancor for the environment. You have done enough, Mr. Seymour. With respect, I ask you to do no more.
Guffaw guffaw….like he cares what the voters think. That this man is the climate minister shows you EXACTLY the mess that Cayman is in politically. He has openly shown his contempt for the environment. Like the fox in charge of the hen house. Laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
how is the blood test investigation going? lol
If “shock of surprisation” was ever a phase, it is now I’m reading this. It’s ironic that the minister so he’ll bent on environmental destruction is bestowed this role. This has got to be an all time low benchmark for the Cayman Islands.
Time to sell up and move on. Cayman is doomed.
Used to be paradise here.
No longer.
Can you post your MLS links when they’re live? Been looking for a couple investment properties.
Why do I feel like this nomination feels similar to holding an Alcoholics Anonymous convention in Las Vegas in a strip club ?
We need a seance to get rid of the donkey dung which has spreaad through BT. quick, fast, before next concert, before next barbeque or sand dance. Help can’t take this nonsense of a politician anymore.
This is disgraceful
When the 4 MPs abandoned their post, they opened it up for worse to happen to the environment
finally!! someone qualified to deal with the important issue of climate change.
Dwayne will be looking forward to the years of study achieving his degree in the sciences and his doctorate to good use.
Y’all remember one thing – Sandra beating up her gums now, but she was the one that caused the PACT Govt to be formed in the first instance.
You are delusional. She has never supported him. Go look at her shows. All online for everyone to see.
Amazing how you all give her so much power. She’s running the country huh? Amazing
We know this is you Sandy
The Catron led government has fallen twice so far, as was easily predicted.
She has started going off on certain politicians and just sounded unhinged on Friday.
It makes sense; the full moon is part of the environment.
Impressed that someone managed to take a photo tbh.
He is so dense that light bends around him.
Our politicians need to do better with their health
And smiley madam Gov. is right on there on the event horizon or has she been sucked in already?
And he gets DOE, instead of DUI..
Dear Cayman, do not follow the suggested leanings of the USA. Putting a climate denier in charge of the Environment, is like putting a non-vaxer, non science believer, “fluoride is bad” politician in charge of the US Dept of Health. Don’t do as we may do.
you ga be joking.. boy if we thought Cayman was gone.. it really gone now
LNAO Just as you think it couldn’t get any more…it does. Keeps expanding like his torso….float in the hurricane waves!
Julianna premier and kenneth deputy premier what a laughing stock
We have to wonder: ahat are the FCO’s criteria for good governance, and are they deliberately applying the lowest plausible version of that standard in hopes we hang ourselves?
Their poor governance is absolutely shameful
Curiouser and curiouser…
For those who keep asking the UK to step in, I direct you to the amendments made to our Constitution in 2020:
Registered voters have the authority to petition the Governor to dissolve this Parliament and call elections. Voter apathy enables this show to persist. Decide your future Cayman.
Thank you for that reminder, Your Excellency.
Just in case, at what point could and would our Governor actually govern? I ask the question against a risk that democracy cannot function given the appearance of a billion dollar hush money fund being paid to a significant portion of voters?
And when would corruption actually get properly investigated and prosecuted?
She’s clueless and believes everything Julie tells her.
Just a retirement post as all the previous, a ‘token’ of UK governance over the Islands. Shame on then!
Not Roper. Notice how they amended the constitution during his time. JuJu got this one clueless but Alden got her hands tied.
after all a this and they still in position.
caymanians come in now like conch nah go no back bone . throw dem out.
Our plastic straws have been saved!
how do we petition the uk for a new governor?
Try the way Anwar Choudhury was removed.
A gentle unsolicited non-consensual staff massage.
I’m up for the job. How do I apply?
I don’t want JuJu giving me any massage
Yes! Give that man a new Tahoe!
You can’t make it up. What is going on? Absolutely shameful letting this potato near anything.
Its funny how so many of us make fun of Donkey Dwayne and assume hes a buffoon and falling upwards for no reason based on merit we can ascertain
and yet…he does keep getting promoted and elected….maybe we’re the buffoons?
caymanian electorate are buffoons
The MP options are rigged. Often no good choices.
just like the US electorate

The man long time ago proved to be the living embodiment of the Peter Principle in all its glory.
Our saving grace is he’s not smart enough to alter any policies
No, he’s ambitious enough to put in others policies, believing that if God hadn’t given him this power to use, that he’d crash drunk into a light pole. Maybe both.
ha ha ha…maybe we can get status now! lol….let the circus continue…ha ha ga
This seems like the equivalent of a ‘participation award’ for adults.
I give thanks that it’s a lame duck of an administration. Although it seems terrible, can we hopefully agree that this is the final nail in the coffin of some of these politicians? This should make JuJu et al unelectable in future, although never underestimate the foolishness of the Cayman electorate.
Exactly, just like electing a convicted felon in another country!!!
Are you talking about Bush?
At least the American electoral did not sell their country out for a turkey or for fridge. The President was voted in because people fed up with career politicians!!
How the F*** did she keep a straight face appointing that utter buffoon. We have reached a new low people, coke dealers and bible thumping nut jobs running the country. Someone please wake me up when it’s over!
After the US election I think we can all understand that the majority of people in this world are also utter buffoons.
Are you talking about yourself?
Lol Kamala. It’s finally ok to say it like it’s spelled. And the communist dude, what a joke.
Mr/Ms. Saint, who has never done anything wrong and will always hold people by the mistakes that they have made, maybe you could just keep sleeping with that mentality of yours. It wont be missed, surely.
This actually sounds like the donkey himself commenting! Hello there Jon Jon
I bet the mandarins in Whitehall are laughing their bollocks off at the clown show on these desperate islands.
If that doesn’t show everyone that MI6 is happy for the circus to continue for whatever benefit they are reaping then I don’t know what will.
Clearly the motherland is happy with these lunatics running the asylum. Presumably because they are too dumb to cause them problems.
This is a wonderful appointment,first he is in charge of labor yet his own company violates the labor laws; now he is in charge of the environment yet he is against protecting the environment. What a disgrace and this governor just smiles and follows O’Connor Connolly’s orders like a little lap dog. What is happening to Cayman?
“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable…” – H. L. Mencken
I wonder if that’s a forced smile from H.E.Govenor.
She should wipe it off her face. This is our future being destroyed.
Not hers; her prolonged jolly ends in a few short years.
Maybe when he crashed into the excavator he was doing it to protect the environment. It all makes sense now
Oh cripes we’re well screwed now. What infuriates me even more is seeing the UK Guv enabling and condoning all of this shit going on right now with a big smile on her face. When do we get a new one?
This cannot work, no new laws and no more spending for the current government.
‘O’Connor-Connolly said the ministers had demonstrated that even amidst uncertainty, the Cayman Islands Government continues to operate as a modern, functioning democracy for its people’.
Good grief. How can she actually say that with a straight face? Resignation upon resignation, horse-trading that even Sub-Saharan despots would laugh at, portfolios given to people who actually oppose the content of them, Brac school likely to go 4 times over budget. UK, please cut loose this pebble in the Caribbean and let them fend for themselves. What does the UK actually get out of this sham marriage?
Good lord – that’s the environment well and truly destroyed in Cayman now.
That’s what I’m talkin bout right there. Finally hope and change to be unburdened from what has been. It’s key moves like this tats gonna make big improvements actions not words real results clear path forward. Not to mention Dwayne the rock Seymour lookin dam fine in that suit! Move over Denzel there’s a new hunk in town I tell you. Tanks Rock thanks a lot!
Put the pipe down son
You’re throwing pearls amongst the swine.
Good Lord, Donald Trump and Dwayne Seymour……could there be two more unqualified people to hold the positions they were awarded????????
Most people disagree with you.
This is hilarious. Gina will decide to try to stick it out for 6 months and weather the storm but in the end, John John will not be as easily led as Kathy. Bottom line, Gina’s position is untenable. Well played.
And the Governor stands there grinning …
Maybe because Jon-Jon promised her a ride on his donkey!
“Seymour gets climate ministry despite criticising DoE”
Is this headline suggesting that an MP shouldn’t get a ministerial post because they have criticized the ministry? If so, who would ever be appointed? Which ministry is operating so efficiently that it shouldn’t be criticized?
And the commissioner says the crime situation is stable. And Franz says it is all world class.
And the ACC says absolutely nothing. Ever (except in relation to junior minions).
Dum Dum will provide a true test of Cayman’s climate resilience.