Referendum in question as law will be contentious

| 06/11/2024 | 30 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The proposed referendum the UPM was planning to hold on General Election Day is now in question. Without a majority, the lame-duck government is unlikely to secure support to steer through the legislation required to pave the way for the national vote. With grave concerns regarding the cruise dock question and issues over campaign financing and fairness, the premier will struggle to rally a majority for the referendum.

Activists opposed to cruise berthing have said the government now needs to focus on more pressing matters, including the general elections, to restore confidence in our country’s leadership.

“As we have previously stated, it is clear that there are better uses for public funds, given the many more important infrastructure and social needs that would benefit the entire population,” a spokesperson for the Cruise Port Referendum campaign told CNS Tuesday. “Our concerns remain with the government referendum process, particularly the proposed question about support for cruise berthing infrastructure.”

The activists, who secured a people’s referendum when the PPM had a specific and controversial project on the table, have demonstrated that no government should attempt to undertake a cruise berthing project without asking the people first and that any vote should be undertaken only when there is a specific proposal in the works.

CPR noted that this proposed referendum would have asked voters to support a vague idea rather than a tangible proposal.

“The public is being asked to vote on a project without any information being provided by the government regarding the scope of the proposed project, environmental concerns being addressed, or estimated costs of the project that the government are proposing, which will encumber Cayman’s financial position and negatively affect the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility (FFR) with significant long-term liabilities,” the spokesperson added.

Since the PPM’s position is that they will not now support anything contentious, it would be hard for them to support the legislation required to set the three questions relating to cruise berthing, ganja and gambling, all of which could be considered contentious. CPR said the idea of cruise berthing facilities is one of the single most contentious issues that the country is grappling with, and any further discussion should be on hold until a new government is selected after the upcoming elections.

CNS has reached out to Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan regarding the proposed national poll that he has spearheaded, and we are awaiting a response. Bryan had successfully managed to persuade his colleagues to support the vote, which was originally planned for this month and then pushed back to what was shaping up to be a June general election.

However, not everyone in caucus was behind the idea. While the remaining members of the UPM who were not strong supporters of the referendum have kept quiet, McKeeva Bush has been extremely vocal about his opposition to the idea.

Bush has frequently stated that he believes the government should simply go ahead and build the dock. While that may not be a position shared by all of the UPM, given his alleged influence, it will likely be enough to tank the referendum with or without opposition support.

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Comments (30)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Gummies are 40ea at school.
    Security take a cut to ignore.
    Just like they did with the Taki hustle when I was there.

  2. J says:

    There is no sense in having a referendum if said referendum is not binding on this and/or any other future governmental administration.

  3. Anonymous says:

    There isn’t even a Draft Referendum Bill, let alone a Gazetted Law, defining the mechanisms of this Constitutional imperative.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Fix the stupidity, learn to swim upstream. No referendum Madam Premier yah hear.

  5. Queefta says:

    I tell you like always jus need Dwayne da rock Seymour show wit path to take no foolishness just wisdum Big Mckeeva he ok but da rock is were tis at like Kamala

    • Anonymous says:

      There is only one ‘Rock’ and it ain’t that donkey! Kamala lost!

      • Anonymous says:

        Whatever just wait Kamala 2028 re-election everyone loves Kamala

        • Anonymous says:

          No, they really don’t. She would have finished killing the U.S. economy, which would have also killed ours. You ever hear the expression, “when the U.S. gets a cough, we get a cold?” Well, it’s true. What is good for the U.S. will become good for us.

  6. Anonymous says:

    No dock, no vote!

  7. Cayman’s Ministry of Silly Walks says:

    Again …. Why am i again and again proven right ?

    Once created in jest the Cayman’s Ministry Of Silly Walks has consistently predicted to a T the programming of the Grand Circus of Cayman otherwise known as the Cayman Islands government !

    Our governor has done nothing but to nod politely when she should have taken a stand, we have on the books multiple legal avenues to rid the island of the corrupt and self serving politicians , the looming debt bomb of unaccounted for liabilities could have been defused setting the record right without any serious repercussions and further tribulations all that without calling for a direct intervention from London !

    We are now facing the very distinct possibility of Direct Rule and the creation of a situation that would redefine the island financial center status !

    Don’t expect the FATF OECD and al will not give their all to smash to dust Cayman’s capacity to endure as the most successful BOT , the CIG’s over reliance on the revenue from financial services makes the island a perfect target and the present set of “leaders” that consistently treat public funds as their back pocket is all the more encouragement !

    Yes , Cayman has been granted guest status at the FATF table but that is easily rescinded in light of ongoings , the last straw being the FFR’s adherence of the island to be monitored by a local authority designated by the Cayman Islands’s government ! One can only imagine the sudden loss of credibility that will ensue immediately from such a change !

    The BIS people will not look kindly of such an alteration :


    The circus staff isn’t even capable of hiding their intent to further cook the books ! CIMA is not in a state to be able to provide that type of far ranging information and certainly doesn’t have the necessary international credibility necessary to accomplish such an elaborate endeavor and our elected representatives know it setting them up for failure !

    • Anonymous says:

      Isn’t the Chairman of CIMA one of the former highest paid Global Partners of the Government’s attorneys..
      how is Cayman in such a financial mess with all these so highly qualified ‘top notch’attorneys…

    • Anonymous says:

      England cant even manage themselves, no way they will come here and try to rule. its laughable that they even want to

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cayman doesn’t need a port for cruise ships

  9. Anonymous says:

    Rules , regulations, laws, none of these inconveniences have ever bothered Mac, so business as usual for Mac and CHEC methinks.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Just follow the leader honorable Bush and build it as we need it now. We will get so much work on it

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re a wise guy I raise it one higher by saying every expat approved to work in Cayman must kneel and kiss the ring on Mack Daddy McKeeva’s finger for right of passage

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why are Juju and Kenny pursuing a dock for cruise ships? Dumb move

  12. Elwis says:

    No weed?
    No vote!

    Sick of this hypocritical double standard where we legally allow unlimited purchases of alcohol to get to fatal overdose levels of BAC and kill other people with guns and cars, yet I still can’t relax on my back porch with a lil spliff of medical herb I grew in my greenhouse on a Friday night and attack a plate of food instead.

    • Anonymous says:

      So you want to grow it? Will you get a license? Will you only grow for personal use? Where will you get the seeds? Will you keep away from children? How will you safe guard so your crop is not stolen and sold on the black market?

      Lets hope the government gets this right before they legalize your joint.

      • Anonymous says:

        All of these can be asked about a liquor license holder who can sell an 18 year old enough alcohol to kill themselves and their 16 year old friends with ZERO restrictions after it leaves the premises. You think they have some sort of homebrew moonshine distillery up in da bush ah? You think liquor stores never been robbed either?

        I respectfully say this but I cannot wait until the older generations finally die off. Unna miserable farts just love holding onto old ways to grip power that time will eventually rip from your hands. It’s people like you that would benefit from a cup of ganja tea the most. If you don’t want to partake just don’t – but you probably on your porch kicked back with a tobacco cig going.

      • Anonymous says:

        The “black market” here buys ganja gummies for $20 USD for a 3 pack and flips it here for $100 KYD.

        If reflections sold them and got robbed, there’s no way in this world I’m buying them at that black market price when I can still go to Blackbeard’s and get them 10x cheaper.

        It’s why the alcohol black market died with the death of alcohol prohibition, but again, it seems like many people here would prefer we live in 1924 or 24 BC.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have never wanted to bother people who want to Smoked dope or who are gay for example but that’s because I’m not a Christian. It’s good to see we’re finally beating back there Hateful attitudes towards people who are different

    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      I agree with you whole heartedly, however, I don’t think you are the REAL and true Elvis.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Mac Bush is a donkey and harms every government he is involved in. Only thing worse than him is the role he played with ppm and Juliana’s upm

  14. Anonymous says:

    Thanks cpr keep em honest

  15. Anonymous says:

    Thank God for CPR who are asking all the right questions. The country does not need cruise berthing there are bigger priorities.

    Focus on stay over where the country gets real value for money.

    Cayman can have cruise tourism but volume is key. 1.5m passengers per annum is ideal.

    How many Caymanians are employed and impacted by cruise tourism industry?

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanian’s work in the cruise industry but not as many as those who work civil service, CUC or Dart. The industry is mainly run by people who brought up elsewhere or work permit.


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