Over 220 tickets dished out during road crackdown

| 07/10/2024 | 57 Comments

(CNS): The police have issued tickets to over 220 people over the ten days since Operation Clyro, the third road safety campaign for the year, started at the end of last month. Just under 50 were issued for speeding, including at least four issued to heavy equipment drivers breaching speed limits while carrying excessive loads. Another 95 tickets were given out to owners of unlicensed vehicles.

Police officers have attended 43 collisions and arrested just one driver for DUI so far during the operation, which will continue until Monday, 14 October. During the crackdown on road offences and poor driving, there will be an increased presence of officers on patrol and at roadblocks.

In an update on Operation Clyro, the RCIPS urged motorists to drive safely and with courtesy and to refrain from drinking and driving. Instead, drivers should have a plan to get home safely if they consume alcohol. They should also reduce speeds on the roadway, especially in areas with high pedestrian traffic and in adverse weather.

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Category: Crime, Crime Prevention, Police

Comments (57)

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  1. Cheese Face says:

    The chap in the big black pickup this morning was a bit of a rouge. You know the truck type, big fat, look at me! type. Some might say over compensating for other smaller issues. I can only assume that the S in the # plate was for Small. Was it, Mr Small? Learn to drive ya prick.

  2. Anonymous says:

    >20% of vehicles on the road last night didn’t bother to turn their lights on. That means they don’t even have their instrument panel illuminated. Can we please pull these cars over?!? Fine is $1500 in Traffic Regs. Thanks.

  3. Cheese Face says:

    You have cracked down on shit RCIPS. You could make an officers annual salary on the Linford Pierson each and every morning you buffoons. BUT YOU DON”T LISTEN!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    So why do I still see illegally tinted windows on cars speeding around?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why? Because giving a driver a ticket for their illegal tint doesn’t make the tint magically go away.

      Drivers get tint tickets all the time and they just pay the fine and move on driving with the same tint.

      Police don’t have the power to impound a car that has illegal tint and remove it.

      THAT’s why you keep seeing them. Too many people just pay the fine and keep the tint as is.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Soft targeting &i income generating – them civil service bonuses won’t pay for themselves!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Unlicensed drivers? No kidding. The morons put the license period at 12m and the inspection at 14m and you can’t get a license if you need an inspection in the next 3m.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Regarding the parking outside Reflections. Having cars able to just pull up outside the main door also encourages easy robberies.

    The road there is one lane going north, as the other two lanes are for turning left/right heading to the runway area. The lanes are narrow, so a single vehicle parked there will block the entire road if there’s cars in the opposite direction.

    The whole area is the wild west for driving. The Foster’s car park sets the tone, frequently not being able to process vehicles in quick enough and causing tailbacks going beyond Mango Tree etc.

  8. Anonymous says:

    “one driver for DUI”

    With Drinking being a national sport in the Cayman Islands, how is it that the number of DUI’s in this country has not skyrocketed since they changed the limit?

    It’s almost as if they’ve decreased, yet the bars and their car parks are still rammed to the gill’s day in day out. Some car parks are so full that people park along the roadside obstructing traffic.

    Not enough space in lock up or are the police too lazy?

    • Anonymous says:

      There are persons who legit leave work every evening and sit at bars drinking until the traffic eases up. Whether the RCIPS cares or not very much depends on who you are.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bring back the old RCIPS officers of the 1980’s

  9. Fed Up says:

    60% of drivers on dual carriageway roads exceed the speed limit every day.

  10. X says:

    Thanks for the heads up it’s ok to speed etc after Monday

  11. Anonymous says:

    220 over 10 days, or 22 tickets a day, is just one ticket issuance every 21 minutes over a normal 8 hour shift. Are there more than 1 or 2 people working on traffic ticketing during this normal duty performance crackdown? How many officers does that 220 total divide by?

  12. Anonymous says:

    I counted 20 easily ticketable offenses in a 10 minute drive, without really looking hard.

    Highlights were the usual vehicle with no working brake lights, a vehicle being driven with no front plate as it had no bumper due to an accident, a silver Honda Accord with no rear bumper and the rear glass replaced with plastic sheet speeding through traffic light junction, kids with no seatbelts/child seat, lane changes with no indication…zzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Idiotic traffic department cannot fix this by handing out speeding tickets on ETH.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Good. 220 is a good start. I have never seen RCIPS using a device to check the electronic tag/microchips. It was my understanding that “roadside monitors” would be used to check those chips for lapsed registration.

    What if there are no chips on the car? How do we reconcile the above with all the very obvious busted up/rusted/POS cars on the road?

    I got into an area where we were all stopped by the RCIPS. They still asked to see my Log book. Is the system a failure?

    • Anonymous says:

      The new registration system is working flawlessly; I haven’t licensed my car in a couple years now and drive without any fear of being caught. I keep my insurance and inspections up-to-date but just skip out on paying the fees. Personally, I wouldn’t change a thing. 😉

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t believe you. You could not keep your insurance and inspections up-to-date without the accompanying registration. You could not get an inspection under those circumstances. Your insurance company will continue to require a registration.


        • Anonymous says:

          ‘You could not get an inspection under those circumstances’……bwaahaahaaa….I lived on Cayman for 5 years and never once put my car through the proper inspection. Plenty ropey mechanics and garages to do that for cheap cheap!

  14. Anonymous says:

    I travel on foot so have plenty of opportunity to observe the drivers as they come past me. Half the time I have no pavement or sidewalk and have to tuck in the side of the road so I need to be very alert.
    I observe that about a quarter of the drivers that pass me are on their phones. What happened to hands free calls? Why are people holding their phones to their ear or in front of their face to speak into? People are also regularly reading their phones and also texting. What is so important that it can’t wait? Seriously. Add to this some speeding, children in the car without a seat belt, people eating and drinking, putting on make up or jumping those lights by the cricket ground. It is truly ridiculous and most of all selfish.
    How many tickets have been issued to enforce not using a phone whilst driving?

    • Anonymous says:

      Roads without a hard curb see a high percentage of traffic rounding bends two wheels trespassing a foot or two into the shoulder area, even when there are pedestrians, joggers, and cyclists in the path.

    • Fed Up says:

      A large number of vehicles have illegally tinted windows so their drivers cannot be seen using their phones.

  15. Anonymous says:

    If people would just indicate it would help traffic so much. If you don’t indicate someone could die just because you’re too lazy to click ? You click all day long on social media. How about the police give ticket for that?

    • Anonymous says:

      have you seen the police driving? their indicators also does not work.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t mind people not indicating when half our drivers don’t indicate correctly in the first place. Roundabouts are particularly bad. How do these people have driving licenses?

  16. Anonymous says:

    The headline should read ‘ONLY 220 tickets issued….”. This is ridiculous. They could issue 220 on any given day, every day of the year.

  17. Anonymous says:

    yeah.. I got busted by lakeside… thanks everyone on the opposite side that didn’t flash their lights with a warning

    • Anonymous says:

      You got busted because you got caught in an area well known to have police presence, in a place that you can spot them a mile away if you’re paying any attention whatsoever, is what you mean.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because its their fault for not helping you break the law.

    • Anonymous says:

      They are there again this morning. Their time would be better spent removing the illegal advertising banners from the roadside fences.

    • Anonymous says:

      4:57, If you dumb enough to speed in a “hot zone” for police speed traps; then you get what the duck got.

  18. Anonymous says:

    issuing tickets to cars park illegally on the side of the road is a easy lay up yet nothing is being done.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh yes. Foster’s Airport area, the road by Reflections. 24/7 there are cars pulled over outside the store impeding traffic. It’s not like there’s no parking provided literally next to the shop. Lazy pricks. RCIPS should have someone drop down every hour for about 15 minutes each time, they would be able to open their own bank in no time.

      • Anonymous says:

        If the cops weren’t called to stupid fender benders all day involving brain dead drivers, they’d have more time to hang out by Reflections and Fosters and deal with that foolishness.

        But people keep crashing and calling the police and taking them away from that sort of thing.

  19. Anonymous says:

    How many people who ran in to stationary light poles and/or excavators were breathalyzed?

  20. Anonymous says:

    How about they install constant speed cameras, and automatic detection and ticketing?
    Then there would 500 tickets in the first day, and within a month almost no speeding and no accidents.
    Then we could feel safe on our roads. Insurance premiums would come down. And our RCIP could spend time detecting, investigating and prosecuting crime!

    • Anonymous says:

      While it is a good idea to combat speeders, this is also a stone’s throw from a genuine surveillance state.

      Careful what you wish for

    • Anonymous says:

      no accidents. please. these muppets can’t drive safely at any speed.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The licensing issue is very, very low hanging fruit. If any of these are due to the 14 month inspection period not tallying with the 12 month licensing, it’s ridiculous. If it’s egregious, by all means, go for it. If it’s someone who will pay the back licensing when they get their vehicle inspected in a few weeks, you’re targeting the wrong people.

    Also, well done to the NRA. I see some more orange idiot sticks have been put on the large roundabout at the end of Fairbanks. Why don’t they now just get rid of all rules for roundabouts? Why is the lane to exit to Outpost Street segregated? Coming from central GT to exit there, you have to go around in the outside lane, yeah?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Alternative headline: “Police finally show up for work, stretch one day’s worth of effort over ten days.”

  23. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIP…
    Just wish you would be as vigilant ALL year round.

  24. Anonymous says:

    That’s no more than a morning’s work.

    How many tickets were issued to sitting members of parliament?

  25. Agast says:

    So were the unlicensed vehicles impounded, or were they given a ticket and told to move on???

  26. Anonymous says:

    How many tickets have they issued to themselves for failure to indicate and obstruction of traffic?


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