Mac launches non-profit ahead of plans for re-election
(CNS): McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) will be running for office again despite previous comments that he was stepping away from the political fray. On Wednesday, Bush launched what he described as a non-profit organisation (NPO), which he is inviting people to join. He said it will eventually shape into a new political group and hopes to field enough candidates to “win a majority” on a common policy platform.
At a press conference in the parliament building to introduce the NPO, Bush called the current administration a “mess” that remains plagued by internal disagreement but has not yet confirmed who will join him on the campaign trail.
He named several people that he supports, including government colleagues André Ebanks, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, Jay Ebanks and Kenneth Bryan and independent opposition MP Chris Saunders, and implied that he would like these individuals to join him.
Bush said he had “spoken to” them about his new non-profit, which he has named the Organization for a Better Cayman Islands (OBC), but that so far, no one had confirmed that they would be running for office on this new platform.
CNS has reached out to the MPs he named, and we are awaiting a response.
Bush said this non-profit is not a political party. The aim is for people to join the OBC and establish a board, which will develop a manifesto setting out a policy platform on which the group of candidates that the board selects will stand.
He said there were some good current MPs who should be returned to office, but there were others who should be replaced, and he urged those who have run in the past to have another go.
Bush said he was not looking for a leadership position in any future government, and even if he did not win his own seat — though he was very confident he would win — he would still work on helping to shape the non-profit and its goals.
“It was not my intention to stand for re-election next year,” Bush said. “However, based on strong encouragement from my West Bay community and all over the island and some members of this parliament, I have decided to stand for election next year if certain conditions are met and they agree to focus on nation-building and the creation of institutions that will serve our people long after many of us have departed from politics and this earth.”
Although he has no confirmed candidates and few specific policies have been set out, Bush offered his views on some of the challenges that the country is facing and “some very hard issues” to solve. He was critical of the current administration, which he indicated was still troubled by infighting and disagreements, and said the alliances in this government since the election had failed.
He also took direct aim at Health Minister Sabrina Turner in particular, accusing her of failing in her role by being “so hands off” over the delays relating to the much-needed mental health facility. He said that if he were in charge of Cabinet, he would have removed her from the ministry.
Bush is not a member of Cabinet, but as parliamentary secretary for the border control and labour ministry and the planning ministry, he has worked with the UPM since Wayne Panton was ousted as premier in November last year.
Nevertheless, he made it clear that he thought this administration still wasn’t working because it was impossible for its members to agree on policy positions. He said that even with the collective responsibility of the Cabinet, Premier Julianna-O’Connor-Connolly has a hard job keeping the ministers in line because everyone in the government claims they were elected on their own. He said that alliances, rather than parties or groups, have not worked.
Asked if he believed the former PPM administration was a better government than this one, Bush fell short of saying it was better but made it clear he preferred it and “got along” better with that group.
Bush, too, is in disagreement with his colleagues and has also made it clear that if the OBC candidates win the majority, they will immediately begin plans for cruise berthing facilities, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Even if there is a ‘no’ vote, he does not believe that would properly represent the people’s views, he said.
Next year, when he stands for what he has said really will be the last time, Bush will have been in office for forty years. He accepted that, given the concern he has about doing things better, people will ask why he has not already addressed the issues over those four decades.
“I want to say right here, right now, that they are right to ask that question because I, too, ask myself those same questions,” he said. “How could I have done it better? How could I have done it differently?
“The passage of time and hindsight have given me some answers, and one of those answers is that I should have engaged the people of the Cayman Islands more and explained to them the vision that I was working towards. My presence here today and having this press conference is me learning to do things better and differently,” he added.
Bush said he believes that he has a duty and a responsibility to have a “frank and honest conversation” with the Caymanian people and all those who live here.
“Simply put, we must do a better job of building institutions that will serve, protect and prepare the people of the Cayman Islands for the challenges that we are now facing and will continue to face. As I said earlier, we need to put our differences aside, live better with each other, and rebuild a community that creates opportunity for our people where we can once again share and care for each other,” Bush stated.
Listing what he had already done, Bush said his political experience had given him the “impetus and encouragement to create the non-profit Organization for a Better Cayman.” While a lot of good has been done, there is still a lot more to be done, he said.
“There are many good people that are elected now and there are some of them I would like to see returned next year,” he said. “There are also others that I would love to see try throw their hat into the ring again as I believe they have a lot to offer. I ask them to not be discouraged if they lost before.”
Bush said he planned to meet with other people that he believes have a lot to offer and will encourage them to run.
“I won’t call their names here as I don’t want to get them in trouble with their employers,” he said. “To those thinking about getting into representative politics, I can say that despite the challenges, it is still a noble cause. Don’t let all the negativity discourage you from considering public service. As I enter the twilight of my life in politics, I have no desire to play any leadership role other than to see the parliament a better place than when I entered it.”
Bush told the press that the aim now was to start building this new organisation from the ground up and be ready in time for the election to field as many candidates as possible to win.
See the outline of Bush’s OBC below:
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics
Here we go again with this delusions and sleight of hand, distraction and confusion.
So it’s not a party but a non profit? So he can solicit funds and do what with them? Utter madness!
This is a man who is openly known to have gambling and drinking problem. A man who used Cayman Islands Government credit cards (THE MONEY OF THE PEOPLE!) to gamble in casinos. And don’t say “well he paid it back with his own money”. NO! He was employed by the people of this country so he still used OUR money foolishly and we are supposed to SUPPORT his shiny new NPO?
Any of this sound familiar? He’s trying to mimic the Orange Joke of the North. If people don’t see through this immediately we are doomed! Let’s pick this a part shall we?
West Bay voters and any of his current and past colleagues he is trying to court, I beg you DO NOT LET YOURSELVES BE FOOLED AGAIN!
But let’s break this down a bit.
1. Big (disgrace) Mac describes the current coalition as “a mess” and said, he doesn’t believe independents can manage this country, YET he has asked his “government colleagues André Ebanks, Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, Jay Ebanks and Kenneth Bryan and independent opposition MP Chris Saunders”, to join him? Cayman is not a real place.
He is speaking out of two sides of his mouth again. In one breath he says he has no confidence in them but in another breath he says he is inviting them to join him. How convenient!
If I see any MPs walk in his shadow, they will not get my respect or support! They will no longer have any integrity as far as I see it.
2. He said, “I have decided to stand for election next year if certain conditions are met and they agree to focus on nation-building and the creation of institutions that will serve our people long after many of us have departed from politics and this earth.”
What conditions? Perhaps some that include making sure you are immune to persecution? That you get a high salary as the speaker again to Premier?
No one is buying that he wasn’t going to run again. If he really is broke like he claimed during his highly publicized court cases, then it might be simply that he is desperate for money and is now shamelessly placing his political influence on the shelf for sale to the first buyer with no integrity to grab him up as a political tool to help them to gain votes.
And what “institutions are needed to be created “that will serve our people long after many of us have departed from politics and this earth”?
Does he mean the $50m high school in Cayman Brac? A multi million dollar cruise port? and is he trying to manipulate the situation with the mental health facility to make us feel as though he and his new “NPO” can save it? Because that project will run its course and like many poorly planned/ delayed projects (GT revitalization, the JGHS campus and the upgraded airport that needed upgrading again as soon as it was opened comes to mind – all UDP and PPM led initiatives).
What we do need are leaders who are willing to put PROPER LEGISLATION IN PLACE AND THEN ENFORCE THE LAWS THEY WRITE!
And we all know how Big Mac feels about following laws. He will try to bend them to suit his depraved desires and delay the implementation of other laws so he and people like him will be protected from accountability!
3. The article reads “He was critical of the current administration, which he indicated was still troubled by infighting and disagreements, and said the alliances in this government since the election had failed.”
Yes, because HE WAS THE MAIN POINT OF CONTENTION! Wayne nor Roy wanted to work with him but they had to honour the peoples vote.
4. “He said that even with the collective responsibility of the Cabinet, Premier Julianna-O’Connor-Connolly has a hard job keeping the ministers in line…”.
Doesn’t that sound familiar? Hmm isn’t that what the Former Premier also struggled with? So is he trying to manipulate the narrative that we the people are to believe that we should spare the current Premier harsh judgement?
Why isn’t a similar No Confidence vote being put forward to oust her if she too cannot control her colleagues? “What’s good for the goose” right?
5. “Asked if he believed the former PPM administration was a better government than this one, Bush fell short of saying it was better but made it clear he preferred it and “got along” better with that group.”
Is he serious? He got along better with the PPM? The same grouping who were alleged to have dissolved government in 2021 and pushed the country to vote in six short weeks rather than make a decision on what to do with him?
The same PPM who filed a No Confidence vote in him as speaker of the house just two short years ago? Ha! that’s laughable!
6. “Bush, too, is in disagreement with his colleagues and has also made it clear that if the OBC candidates win the majority, they will immediately begin plans for cruise berthing facilities, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Even if there is a ‘no’ vote, he does not believe that would properly represent the people’s views, he said.”
So he has openly stated that he does not care about what the people want, and WILL go against the peoples wishes yet he wants US to vote for him? Is this for real? He is delusional a best!
Remember what happened in 2000 with the White Paper status grants? He did what HE wanted and it was said that even people who were on a six week work permit received Caymanian status! People who did not apply – recieved status. Many of which are now loyalists and he USES and MANIPULATES them to secure his seat election after election.
7. The article also states “Next year, when he stands for what he has said really will be the last time, Bush will have been in office for forty years. He accepted that, given the concern he has about doing things better, people will ask why he has not already addressed the issues over those four decades.” He says he asks himself the same questions, saying, “The passage of time and hindsight have given me some answers, and one of those answers is that I should have engaged the people of the Cayman Islands more and explained to them the vision…”
Except for the fact that he just said he would build a cruise pier regardless of the outcome of the referendum!
We’ve been here before Cayman!! In Matthew 7:15, Jesus himself warned us to watch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing for they are deceitful and hateful, and they often twist the truth for their own selfish gain. Bingo! Bullseye! Eureka!
He is stating it right in front of our faces and playing coy. He really thinks we are that uneducated and foolish, wow!
8. “Bush said he believes that he has a duty and a responsibility to have a “frank and honest conversation” with the Caymanian people and all those who live here.”
Is that right? Since he has a newfound appreciation for honesty and responsibility, I await his explanation as to why he is constantly brought before the courts to defend himself against sexual assault of women?
Tell us why when he was premier in 2012 he was pursing an exclusive agreement with China Harbour to build our port? The same China Harbour who admitted it had spent a considerable amount of money to pursue the project both in George Town and at Spotts without tendering the bid.
Thank the good Lord that fell through, because look at the mess our regional neighbors are in having made deals with China!
And tell us where the National Building Fund went? Tell the people Mac! If he really wants to have a frank and honest conversation, let’s hear it? Call another press conference and answer the questions in truth!
And this…
Wow, free Tim Horton’s for everyone in West Bay for a year!
Do they have carrots and milk?
Has the non Profit paid his utility bills?
Where the walker?
Height of vanity, standing in front of own picture Lololol
I have a feeling there will be another “coincidental” significant uptick in appliances from A.L Thompson and Kirk Home Centre, with deliveries, again, “coincidentally” to West Bay.
When I hear Tina Turner Simply The Best I always think of McKeeva! Anyone else share that same feeling?
#DanScott for Premier.
Where’s the vomit button?

… womit bubble
So much for Democracy!! Evacuate, evacuate!!
‘..made it clear that if the OBC candidates win the majority, they will immediately begin plans for cruise berthing facilities, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Even if there is a ‘no’ vote, he does not believe that would properly represent the people’s views, he said.
I for one am shocked that the respected member for west bay has changed his mind and decided to run for office again, after previously saying he would not.
if we can’t trust a man who who beats up a member of his staff, who can we trust.
He is telling us he’s learnt from his mistakes, he’s a better man with Cayman’s best interests at heart.
All he’s doing is trying to get reelected plain and simple. A leopard does not change his spots.
“hey will immediately begin plans for cruise berthing facilities, regardless of the outcome of the referendum. Even if there is a ‘no’ vote, he does not believe that would properly represent the people’s views”
So according to this man’s brain; a public vote does not represent the people’s views…..
So if he is voted in, we can remove him because the 400 WB voters do not represent the rest of the country’s views?
Terrifying that he is going to ignore the results of a people’s wishes expressed in a referendum. Even more so when he is courting the likes of Saunders to join his new gang.
Put on sheep’s clothing if you want Mac, but you’re still Mac.
He has probably already started negotiations with CHEC, including remunerations to hit the ground running.
Somebody must be pissed off that Mac leaked their draft document…
From the Compass:
‘However, he said he had a message for anyone whose behaviour could lead to the “social disharmony” other countries have experienced.’
In his own words: ‘evacuate’ then Bush!
Thinly-veiled campaign funding request. For a *cough* nonprofit, it certainly seems to be courting the high-dollar groups.
Bush has done more harm to our island than Ivan did 20 years ago. How much more damage can we tolerate.
Some of us will recall his rise to regional fame in the 1990s for espousing public executions in George Town. He beleived the resumption of macabre capital punishments would be an entertaining spectacle for tourism! The public has never had to wait long to receive another positive signal that his brain is broken. We also know the names of the professionals that minted careers defending against this regular stream of deranged embarrassment – like a fire hose at times.
Mack Daddy lookin dam fine in dat photo! Thought it was Vin Diesel for a moment!
The best and the brightest of the Caymanian political pool in the Cayman Islands.
Such a very bad reflection of both our political system and education system here.
Really have no hope for the future of this place. McKeeva is a God in West Bay and have no doubt he will get reelected again.
Which country in the world can you point to where the politicians are the brightest and the best they have to offer?
Downvote the question all you want but you cannot provide a single example, which just goes to show what a stupid non-argument that is.
I thought it was Redd Foxx
Sus crise almighty..
Term limits when?! This man been in politics since Columbus left.
Would you want term limits on Michael Jordan in the NBA?!? Mack Daddy Mackeeva has a heart of gold a man of the people!
Oh sod off! You delusional git!
even Michael jordan knew when it was time to retire! Everyone has their time and sMACk has had more than his!
People like Roxanne and the other 400 form WB who wote for him should be made to take IQ tests before they are allowed to cast a ballot.
There are hundreds of thousands of reasons why he and others never willingly leave the political trough. Until they are voted out.
No, Millions actually.
Millions actually – many many millions
It’ll be up to the 27 mail in voters that edged out Mario in WBW, probably living in Honduras or Jamaica.
Go away!
You don’t really mean that
Mac, try to sit down and hush.
Quite frankly how in the world can you say that after everything this man has given to the community. Frankly Cayman needs Big Mack like the desert needs the rain.
Please enlighten us all with what it is he has given TP the Cayman community Frank?
A simple list will suffice.
notice that not even Mac wants Bernie on his team. Come on West Bay you can do better.
Anyone but Benrnie
West Bay cannot do better. We are a political backwater.
How can you say anything negative about Bernie he’s joyful, uplifting, kids love Barney, great at singing and smiling with those little waving arms and that purple belly. Wait! I’m getting Barney and Bernie confused. Ahhh I guess this description works for both.
“ but that so far, no one had confirmed that they would be running for office on this new platform.”
Anyone with an ounce of morality and integrity will stay well clear of the OBC!
So then most of our current politicians will not then
His mission statement “Empowering communities through sustainable development,
social justice, and holistic well-being.”
“… mechanisms to insure a better quality of life…” can you even insure these things (psst, I know, its a typo).
This: “Climate change mitigation – i.e. proper building heights – no more close to shoreline
beach constructions.” from the man that openly supports Darts dream of 50-storey twin towers on SMB. Who wants the piers in GT, the EW arterial and the Breakers Port.
Under monitoring, I think we can all agree it NEEDS annual,independent financial audits, if it is ever to stand a chance of achieving it’s core objectives, particularly:
2. Transparency and accountability
3. Inclusivity and diversity
4. Sustainability and environmental stewardship
I done…
They’ve used up all the idiots, who’s left? No one’s left. Is there anybody that is capable to lead the county? I can’t think of one person. We’re in a political desert. It’s difficult to convey how paralyzed the whole political system is. A political class is out of touch, insecure, out of ideas, has weak leaders, they’re becoming increasingly authoritarian…
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Not again bobo
Nah like a turd that won’t flush return of the Mack will be back
McKeeva Bush just needs to go away for good. Unfortunately, too many vultures in corporate Cayman know his price and are happy to support him because he still has some influence politically, despite the numerous embarrassing chapters in his political career.
He has become a stain on our politics like those before his rise to power. Sadly, there are currently a handful of elected MPs that have done far worse to accelerate the demise of modern Cayman since being elected to office in the last 30 years. The difference is they do not crave the spotlight like McKeeva or have the multiple public drunken episodes. Instead, they and their handlers negotiate their fees and contracts for services in the dark, over domino games, and are more sophisticated and unscrupulous. They just smile more in public.
The PPM and other groups have demonstrated they are willing to work with McKeeva and will do so again. This demonstrates his power and the reality that none can be trusted to do the right thing in the best interests of Cayman.
He has shown them all that politics is the quickest way to become a multimillionaire by sheer force of personality. His reading of any room of personalities that are desperate, selfish and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed is not limited to politicians but includes the wealthy and unscrupulous persons and corporate entities that have consistently demonstrated they are happy to pay the price to any politician in Cayman in return for favors and influence. That is the definition of corruption which is now overt in the Cayman Islands today.
Requirements to join/ contribute :
1. grope your neighbor/ colleague inappropriately. 2. Gold status if you beat a waitress at a local bar
This group aims to collaborate with others to establish another coalition government. People desire change; they are wary of the same individuals who have led us into our current situation.
I hope Andre doesn’t go near any of them (especially Bush) … only Wayne. They need to round up some new blood with similar principles and integrity and come with something new… please?
Now that Andre has a chair at the FATF table one would think not; but in Cayman politics anything and everything is possible.
Jeez. That man. His time in politics has long passed. Yet he still wants to be centre stage with yet another money making scheme for himself and cronies. And does he not have any shame ? Accused by many of having his hands everywhere, and worse, but hey ho, the politicians around him turn a blind eye to all his shenanigans. Teflon Don ?
McKeeva, from one West Bayer to the next … try so go sit down and find something else to do..
This is going to turnout well…not!
I guess the only thing left to try is a can of Raid to get this cockroach off the political wall. Him Saunders, Kenneth, Andre and Kathy need to go!
time for a purge, a real clean out!
The definition of irony for the worst stain on political life in
this country to not realise that he (and some of those he wants to attract) must go so that better may come!
he needs to run away, about hes gonna run again!
It is a pretty sad indictment of Cayman’s political situation when I just realised that I think the current government is worse than any McKeeva was a part of.
Not sure about that…
Another NPO? Will he keep tidy and obtainable records this time?
This fella hang around like a bad smell in the aircon!
What’s changed since 2018?
I know Baya’s still fool at least.
please tell me this is a nightmare.
I see the Minister of Gender affairs Katherine “travelling Minister” Ebanks Wilks is named as a potential member of the OBC. why am I not surprised.
if you join Mac you will be voted out just like he will.
she needs to be voted out anyway, with or without mac!
I don’t see her being named as a potential member. I see Mac naming her as someone he would like to see join. Just because he names her, does not mean she’s even thinking of joining him. She has no control if he calls her name in a statement saying he’d welcome her to his party.
McBeaters idea of a nonprofit is if there is any money which shows to be a profit it’s his to make it non-proit, – somehow we need to get this disgusting individual away from ‘public (self) service…
Sign me up!
East End facility can’t open soon enough, apparently.
McKeeva will definitely bring this OBC to life. And when I say OBC, I mean an “Obvious B****c**** Calamity”.
What a joke.
This man is poison.
Anyone supporting this degenerate in any way whatsoever needs a frontal lobotomy. Scum floats and this is living proof.
Guess a lot of people need a frontal lobotomy in West Bay.

God help you all
Our hero, the leader of the drunken woman harassing gamblers political non profit. The disgusting thing is he will get reelected. Of course people can donate to this non profit. He seems like our own local Donald Trump.
When will he start selling bibles and gold sneakers?
Seriously Mac? You don’t know when to stop drinking before you assault someone (usually women) and now you don’t know how to bow out of politics with the last ounce of pride you have left. LEAVE THE POLITCAL SCENE. We are grateful for what you have done in the past – but we are now over you and embarrassing the people of this Country! I scringe when I think of our young people having to read about your behavior. Thanks – but no thanks. Enough is enough!
Grateful for what exactly? I’ll grab the popcorn.
and the Lord sayeth, do not elect philanderers, women beaters, liers and cheats.
Too many fools in West Bay he’s going to keep his seat.
West Bay is loaded with fools and uneducated Caymanians.
How could he register an NPO? I thought the due diligence is extensive and quite tough. It takes months, does it not?