Hospitalised kids had consumed ganja gummies

| 14/10/2024 | 4 Comments
Example of gummy packaging (provided by the RCIPS)

(CNS) The RCIPS has revealed that the two juveniles who were taken to the hospital last week after consuming a drug had eaten edible cannabis gummies. The police have since conducted a joint operation with Customs and Border Control at two undisclosed commercial premises where they found a “significant batch of THC-infused products”, including gummies that had been recently imported to Cayman.

The juveniles had reportedly passed out after eating a quantity of the drug-laced candy, which is sold legally in parts of the United States and Canada. They have since been released.

However, the police and health officials are warning parents about the sedative effect of the gummies laced with THC, which causes significant changes in mood and behaviour.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Gent described the products as dangerous substances that, when consumed, can have serious health consequences for younger users. “These products, which are manufactured in the USA, have a dosage that is designed for adult consumption, whereas in children they will cause severe harm,” he said.

The health ministry the RCIPS, CBC and other relevant heads of department will be meeting to agree next steps to take action on this issue, the police said. “These products represent a serious risk of harm in our community, especially to children,” said Chief Superintendent Brad Ebanks.     

Parents are encouraged to warn their children about the risks of these products and monitor their children’s activities and behaviour.

Anyone who has any suspicions or concerns about drug use is encouraged to contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) at 649-6000.

Anyone who comes into contact with these drugs should not consume them.

Call 911 to report any information about these drugs, in particular where they have been sourced from.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Solution: Legalize weed.
    Cayman is Gone!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    There are many life-changing Reddit threads about unregulated gummies sending experienced potheads to the ER. Various synthetic THC compounds are being used to side-step explicit THC prohibitions, such as innocuous sounding delta-8, delta-9, and delta-10, and language like “chewable extracts” offering many multiples of normal potency. There are at least 14 brands being sold in the grey market of USA and Canada that have no regulated quality controls or lab testing. 10mg of THC per gummy is the maximum dose allowed per gummy at dispensaries in Canada. Whereas the extracts can contain 10-20x a casual (ie. fun) THC dose equivalent. A single Smak’d 500mg dose would be 50x the normal fun dose, for an adult >150lbs. Ambulance callouts for gummy bear ingestion are a very real and scary thing. Users beware.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How on Earth can TWO commercial enterprises in Cayman, import and retail illegal substances through all the many gatekeepers tasked with making sure that doesn’t happen? Why can’t the interdiction apparatus name these enterprises for example, and cancel their T&BLs at DCI? Are they also selling guns and ammo?

  4. Anonymous says:

    And our inept government says they are considering decriminalizing Marijuana use..!!
    Idiots paving the way to the destruction of society starting with our children.


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