Olympic gymnast crowned Miss Universe Cayman

| 02/09/2024 | 64 Comments

(CNS): Raegan Rutty (22), the Cayman Islands’ first-ever Olympic gymnast, was crowned Miss Universe Cayman Islands 2024 at the annual pageant on Saturday. Six girls competed for the title and the chance to represent the country at the international Miss Universe beauty contest in Mexico City in November. Following a controversial two years after the 2022 winner had been allowed to compete while facing criminal charges, officials said the pageant had risen from the ashes.

Miss Universe Cayman Islands 2024 Raegan Rutty

In 2022 Tiffany LeAnn Conolly (24) from West Bay was crowned the winner, but because she was facing criminal charges for assault, her role was suspended. Following her conviction, the crown was passed on to the first runner-up, but not before the contest and its committee officials went through an embarrassing and difficult period which ended with the government giving up the franchise.

The local committee eventually took over and began rebuilding the pageant. At the same time, the franchise loosened up the rules to remove age limits and restrictions to allow mothers or women who are married to enter the contest. It is still not clear whether or not the committee has instigated more stringent background checks on contestants.

“We received 14 applications from potential contestants this year, which is historical,” said National Director Derri Lee. “Some of the ladies aspiring to enter the pageant are very proactive and preparing to enter next year. You know, last year, the organisation was rising from the ashes, but this year, we are soaring like an eagle flying toward the hearts of the universe.”

The contest took place at the Westin, with over 700 people in attendance and hundreds more watching on the YouTube livestream. Rutty, who was a very popular choice, took the title following a tight battle with the first runner-up, Arin Broderick. Brianna Wilson was second runner-up. Rutty also received the ‘Miss Best in Swimwear’ award, ‘Miss Best Caymankind’ and the ‘People’s Choice’ prize.

Rutty, who said during the pageant final that she was “born ready” for the contest, is a 2020 Olympian. Not only was she the first-ever Cayman gymnast, but she was also the tallest gymnast in the world when she competed in Tokyo on the balance beam.

She will now begin preparing for the international contest. As the winner, Rutty received a three-year $70,000 scholarship from the Ministry of Tourism and will also have a job placement with the Ministry of Border Control and Labor.

See the full pageant on the Miss Universe Cayman Islands YouTube channel below:

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Comments (64)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Cayman: We want to betaken seriously as a leading financial centre and holiday destination.

    Also Cayman: Oi love! Get that bikini on and totter around in high heels so folk can ogle your fit body.

    Joke of a place.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Each of these girls is Caymanian. WORC had to verify this before them being allowed to be a contestant for the MUCI. That is the first step to ensuring they truly represent our beautiful isles. However, I would like to hear the ‘s’ when our representative belch out the name of our country on the international stage. Too often we only hear “Cayman Island”. Furthermore, I trust the new winner will be a representative of every Caymanian and not just a certain class of Caymanians who wouldn’t say hello to you much less offer to help you in any form or fashion, and would ultimately throw you under the bus before you could say Cayman Islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      AS per American Airlines: “Welcome to The Grand Cayman Islands”..
      LMAO every time I have to endure this.

  3. Miss Cayman contestants are all winners says:

    Why should the Government not support the Miss Cayman Contest financially? Because there are homeless and starving people that need the money more? No matter how much money goes to the homeless and the starving people, that group will continue to grow and grow. It is better to spend the money on these young people and hope that they get a start somewhere rather than spend millions some of these pork projects that perpetuates annually. After all most of the Miss Cayman winners and contestants alike are now leaders in our community, leaders in business, leaders in our churches, leaders in our schools and in every aspect of our society

    • Anonymous says:

      Not that it should matter but you do know who Raegan’s parents are don’t you? She hardly needs help with a start in life.

      It could of course apply to other contestants over the years of course.

  4. Anonymous says:

    All the big swampers come out wasting energy with negative comments instead of using that energy to go to the gym.

    Way to go Regan!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why isn’t there a Mr Cayman, where young men and late teens can be judged on swimsuits and evening wear (a suit and tie), and answer questions about world peace?

    And shed tears when we win.

    It’s just so unfair to us men.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Bring back Glamorous Granny instead please!!

  7. ELVIS says:

    Beautiful girl congratulations.

    n.b. I wish they would scrap this asap. parading around in swimsuits while old people look at their bodies and ask silly questions. reminds me of the 1960s bonnie babies competition lol ( naah i didn’t win)

    • Anonymous says:

      Beautiful, intelligent , educated., global exposure at such a young age. We are blessed to have her representing us 🙏

  8. Anonymous says:

    Every year the same old tired shambles of a production. Longer than the actual Miss Universe telecast with 80 contestants.

  9. Anonymous says:

    If you don’t like it. Don’t watch it.

    Focus on achieving your own dreams and aspirations instead of being a troll taking it out on these young women who are chasing theirs.

    Reagan is an Olympic gymnast and now Miss Universe Cayman. Congratulations and keep shooting for the stars you are a great inspiration.

  10. Anonymous says:

    she’s got legs and she knows how to use them….

  11. Anonymous says:

    any comment from the me-too movement???

    • Anonymous says:

      See above. The comment from #metoo was “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it.” (Never mind that taxpayers support this sexist crap).

  12. Anonymous says:

    She may have been the tallest competitor in that particular competition but she certainly was not the tallest gymnast in the world at the time. Stop regurgitating nonsense, it’s a bad look.

  13. Anonymous says:

    This belongs back in the 20th century. Ridiculous that this exists in 2024. No more exemplified by have a category “best swimsuit”, where judges are literally rating young women on their bodies.

    Hey, why dont we add this to end of year high school awards? You know, best scholar, best community volunteer…. and best in swimsuit!

  14. I wonder why sexual harassment is still a thing? says:

    “Rutty also received the ‘Miss Best in Swimwear’ award”

    Where is the vomit emoji?

  15. LW says:

    Choosing her was nothing but convenient. She’s talking about needing trade schools etc and Cayman already has them. She spends so little time in Cayman, what does she know about being Caymanian? Brianna answered the question best and should have been crowned or at least gotten 1st runner up. She and Arin answered and spoke very well.
    Everyone already knows she was only chosen because she already represented Cayman in the olympics.

    Should’ve been Arin.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to Raegan!

    But why does the winner get a job at Border Control? Almost sounds like a punishment.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Please, make it stop. It’s 2024 FFS.

    I’m sure she’s a very talented, intelligent, and personable person, but the competition needs to disappear like yesterday.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m sure she wouldn’t take kindly to a male colleague saying to her, “Honey, can you get me a cup of coffee,” but this archaic practice should have died at the same time the other one died in the workplace.

  18. Anonymous says:

    for the first time in a while…seems like the right choice…

  19. Anonymous says:

    need to see more of the bikini pics…

  20. Anonymous says:

    ‘….we are soaring like an eagle flying toward the hearts of the universe.’

    Drama, drama LOL

  21. Anonymous says:

    ‘….will also have a job placement with the Ministry of Border Control and Labor.’

    Geeez, that’s exciting!

  22. Anonymous says:


  23. Anonymous says:

    A beauty pageant in 2024? Did we burn our bras for nothing?

  24. Anonymous says:

    It’s sad that a single dollar of public funds are used to sponsor beauty pageants in 2024. Financially rewarding and valuing those that are subjectively considered prettier than the rest reinforces an archaic misogynistic ideology on our youth, and it’s well past time that we update this thinking if we plan to move into the future.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Subjectively”, you mean like your opinion that the rest of us follow your subjective views. Society as a whole lately is being dictated to by a fractional underbelly which now seems to wield immense power over the rest of us. If you dont like it dont watch it, dont support it, but dont tell the rest of us what we need to be moving forward from.

      LTD Da Unboozler

      • Anonymous says:

        We don’t get a choice, so we are right to voice our objections. The government is using our limited public capital to bankroll these farces, rather than use these funds to support priority and genuinely worthwhile social policies that now have to take a back seat. We’d rather see this money go into underfunded drug rehab, or homelessness, for example. If there aren’t baseline use criteria, we might as well light the money on fire.

      • Anonymous says:

        A “fractional underbelly” that rejects the objectification of our daughters? I think you’ll find it’s a sensible majority that don’t align with you on that one. Thank you for your attempt at mansplaining it to us though.

  25. Orrie Merren 🙏🏻🇰🇾 says:

    Congratulations, Raegan. We’re very proud of you.

    • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Oh, gee. I dunno.

        Maybe because she is a confident, intelligent, well adjusted and humble individual. A literal world-class athlete and an inspiration to many. AND, will be an excellent ambassador for these islands and our people, and promote us effectively around the world?

        What did you do today?


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