Four-car pile-up puts ten people in hospital

| 02/09/2024 | 37 Comments
Scene of crash on Saturday, 31 August

(CNS): The RCIPS has opened an investigation into a four-vehicle collision, which took place at around 6pm Saturday on Frank Sound Road, North Side. Police, fire officers and EMS all attended the scene, where ten victims were taken to hospital in ambulances or private vehicles. Eight people have since been released. Two remain in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

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Comments (37)

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  1. John says:

    way there are not cameras over there ?

  2. Driving and Hopefully Surviving says:

    Decades of lackadaisical enforcement has consequences.

    Illegal window tint, speeding, running stop signs and red lights, tailgating, no indicator usage, improper roundabout usage, using the improper carriageway lanes, illegal lighting, obscured license plates, missing front license plates, etc., etc.

    Don’t expect any changes. Pass the rum.

  3. Hancock says:

    Any excavators or poles involved.
    Normally it is their fault

  4. Jus Dis says:

    Clearly we need much more proactive and consistent traffic police. More unmarked cars would also help. What we are currently allowing on our roads is just reckless now. And the Police are usually nowhere to be seen….until after the wreck. We only have to look to the recent scandal / ineptitude of failed police work in relation the Hon Minister of Donkeys to understand the failures and/or corruption?

    • Anonymous says:

      C O N S T A N T S P E E D C A M E R A S

      Effective. Efficient. No cops needed. Used in Switzerland and numerous other countries that do not look to Jamaica as the model for law enforcement.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm, unfortunately, how can we expect justice to be served here if our honorable donkey minister doesn’t even get breathalyzed after being subject of two single car collisions late at night after leaving bars….

  6. Anonymous says:

    These idiots racing everyday all day long. No cops ever so kiss our asses goodbye!

    • Anonymous says:

      Shamrock Road; Savannah Meadows to Woodland Drive is a drag strip all day and night; 365 days a year; also the only way to get to the Eastern Districts from GT but apparently it’s too difficult to catch speeders or DUI’s.

      Seemed to work perfectly during lockdown though.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I drove past the scene soon after it happened – this was on a blind rise at the end of Frank Sound Road and appeared to be as a result of highspeed head on collisions.

    If this is indeed as a result of racing, I hope these individuals get prosecuted after they are released from hospital.

  8. Anonymous says:

    We should be asking the police to provide details of where the drivers in all these accidents first qualified to drive.

    It is probably very material to road safety.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Anyone breathalysed, or the hospital asked for a blood sample?

  10. Anonymous says:

    I do hope this results in some charges being brought against at least one of the drivers responsible.

  11. Anonymous says:

    free simple solutions to terrible driving standards:
    1.bring in private run traffic police who are funded by fines.
    cig will makes 10x times as much on fines.
    police can then do real work or we can reduce their numbers.
    2. rcips to record the nationalities of those involved in accidents
    3. as per the uk, do not automatically accept jamaican driving license
    4. if you cause an accident or get charged with careless driving , you must automatically re-sit driving test

    • Anonymous says:

      Why just stop at not accepting Jamaican driver’s licenses… just plain stop accepting Jamaicans.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      IDK..But something definitely needs to be done!

    • Anonymous says:

      Privately run would be beyond terrible, with corruption way worse than you’d get with RCIPS, which is quite often just gross negligence.

      RCIPS need a highly trained, proactive traffic department. They need more staff, more training, and more equipment. Be seen in every district 24/7. Take the dangerous drivers off the roads, and keep them off. This would also be support from lawmakers… ah, it’s pointless.

      • Anonymous says:

        try harder…
        private solution can be easily regulated and monitored….very much unlike the current rcips clown show.

        • Anonymous says:

          So, these private people would do what? give tickets in accordance to the law? decide if a threshold has been crossed for prosecution for dangerous driving? be able to use blue lights and sirens? caution people? take breath samples???


          • Anonymous says:

            just as foolish as current system….except private sector always prevails and does more efficiently

        • Anonymous says:

          Except who would regulate, monitor and equitably enforce, because we’re way below average on enforcement, and big on back hand deals it seems.

    • Anonymous says:

      2,3 4 agreed. plus UK driving test and standards.
      1 absolutely no way. it would be insanely corrupt.

  12. Anonymous says:


  13. Anonymous says:

    6pm on a Saturday on NS Road, 4 vehicles!!!
    WTF are drivers doing???

    • Anonymous says:

      speeding, obviously

    • Anonymous says:

      On the blind rise at the end of Frank Sound Road – Would hazard a guess that they were racing and endangering not only themselves – but the other innocent road users.

    • Anonymous says:

      Speeding like stupid boy racers.

      • Anonymous says:

        Lots of mommies driving like their hair on fire daily

      • Anonymous says:

        Unfortunately, we suffer from wannabe Trixie Racers on the roads too.

        One reckless female driver even has stickers advertising her poor driving that say “Do we have a problem?” to which I respond “Well, if you have to ask, you know you have a problem.”

    • Anonymous says:

      I used to live near this bend. The noise from racers and idiots burning rubber doing wheel spins outside the bar and Skinny’s is nothing short of atrocious at weekends, day and night/early hours.

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