Doctor arrested on manslaughter allegation

| 12/09/2024

(CNS): Police say that a 61-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter by reason of gross negligence in relation to an incident that occurred on 21 January this year. The Health Services Authority has confirmed that one of its “visiting practitioners has been arrested” and placed on leave until further notice. The doctor has reportedly been released on bail pending further investigation.

The HSA said it was unable to provide further details of the arrest while investigations are ongoing. The police said the man who has been arrested resides in George Town but have not identified him.

CNS has requested more information about the arrest from the police, and we are awaiting a response.

Unofficial sources have told CNS that the incident relates to a victim of gang-related violence. According to releases issued by the RCIPS at that time, on 21 January, Travis Alexander Ebanks was shot in the chest (29) on King Road in West Bay in the early hours. He was transported by ambulance to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

At the time of Ebanks’ death, few details were released about the circumstances surrounding how he was shot, though senior police officers later indicated that the shooting was gang-related.

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