Dart NPO gives cash to police and border control

| 17/09/2024 | 0 Comments

(CNS): R3 Cayman Foundation, a non-profit organisation established by Ken Dart in 2020 with $1 million seed money during the COVID-19 pandemic to focus on navigating disasters and emergencies, has given over US$76,000 to the RCIPS and almost US$252,000 to Customs and Border Control. In a departure from the NPO’s founding purpose, the money is going towards security at the request of a donor.

A press release from R3 Cayman said the donations, totalling US$328,663, were part of its readiness mandate.

The grant of US$76,708 will allow the RCIPS to buy helicopter radar imaging technology with advanced AI software licences, which will increase the effectiveness of search and rescue operations.

CBC will spend the donated US$251,955 on upgrading cargo scanners for inspecting and processing incoming and outgoing goods. This will mitigate the impact of illegal and violent crimes and streamline importation, allowing for quicker package clearance. The machines will also be used to determine the contents of commercial or personal items for duty collection.

CBC Deputy Director Kevin Walton said that officers have seized contraband and dozens of firearms since the organisation’s formation in 2018.

“However, as technology advances, criminals have become more creative in the methods they use to smuggle goods and substances across borders. These new scanners with updated features and detection capabilities are instrumental in keeping pace with threats to our economy and citizens,” he added.

Police Commissioner Kurt Walton welcomed the money for the advanced AI software, which will help his officers accurately seek and identify objects on land and sea during the day and at night.

“Having the most innovative capabilities is critical for time-sensitive missions, like search and rescue, and will benefit a multitude of agencies, including RCIPS, CBC, Search and Rescue (SAR) and Fire Services,” he said. “We are grateful to the R3 Cayman Foundation for its generous donation that has significantly enhanced our nation’s search and rescue efforts.”

These security-focused donations came from the Simpson Group, which pledged $1 million to R3 last year and asked that $500,000 be designated for national security projects.

“Safety and security lie at the heart of the peace and prosperity of any nation,” said R3 Readiness Chair Michael Meghoo. “Updating the radar and scanning capabilities provides support for our protection services and gives peace of mind to our community that Cayman is leveraging modern technology to safeguard our borders.”

Since launching in May 2020, R3 has donated to over 30 local charitable organisations and governmental departments and authorities that provide emergency preparedness and relief for natural disasters and societal crises.

“Thanks to Cayman’s generous donor community, R3 Cayman Foundation has drawn all but US$1 million of the matching pledges committed by the Kenneth B. Dart Foundation,” said R3 Fundraising Committee Chair and Kenneth B. Dart Foundation board member Jackie Doak. “We encourage corporate and individual donors to channel their contributions through R3 to increase their impact by triggering the KBDF match.”

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