HSA managers and staff upgrade skills to drive change

| 04/06/2024 | 7 Comments
HSA staff with Depauty Governor Franz Manderson (centre) at the Civil Service College Graduation

(CNS): Several staff members from the Health Service Authority, including five managers, have completed various leadership and management courses at the Civil Service College. The HSA said it was investing in leadership and management training for individuals in various positions within the organisation to develop the competencies they need to excel in their roles and keep abreast of industry changes and trends.

Director of Support Services Racquel Sutherland, who completed the ILM Level 5 programme, said the professional development and skill enhancement would drive positive change in the HSA.

“There is considerable evidence to show that leadership and management can make a significant difference in organisational performance, with good leadership steering improvements in public service performance,” she said in a press release.

The other managers doing the same course were Support Services Manager Sharon Buckley, Training and Development Manager Marsha Eleweanya, and Human Resources Manager for Recruitment Cashema Clarke. That programme is designed for people who are in middle-management positions and have
received previous leadership or management training. Some of the topics covered in the programme include becoming an effective leader, developing and leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives, and developing a culture to support innovation and improvement.

Other HSA graduates from the college include Legal Counsel Garcia Kelly, who completed the ILM Level 3 Coder, Maria Fairclough and Business Coordinator for Primary Healthcare Michalle Manderson, who completed the ILM Level 2.

Kelly, who also performs a managerial role, said leadership is at the heart of any successful organisation. “I undertook this course to develop my leadership skills and got far more than I had bargained for. The ILM programme has played a significant role in awakening a strong enthusiasm for further development of my leadership acumen.”

Monique Malcolm, the director of the Civil Service College and Human Capital Development, congratulated the staff on the completion of their programmes. “We are celebrating the achievements of these dedicated managers and staff. Their success not only highlights their individual commitment to excellence but also reflects the HSA’s support of continuous learning and development,” she added

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Category: Health

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  1. anonymous says:

    Should I list my CONTINUING experiences of incompetence there?!

    • Anonymous says:

      It really is comical. 100M later, just focusing on training? Can’t we just focus on teaching them to spend the taxpayers’ money like their own? Or is that the problem?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Where exactly did Field Marshal Manderson graduate from and earn his stripes in running such a large organisation again?

    Oh right. He’s never been seconded worth noting of, he’s never run a large organisation other than CIG.

    So his expertise is in the professional failure that is CIG!

    Long service awards dont a swallow make.

  3. Anonymous says:

    yeah…well done….zzzzz… the rest of us got our qualifications before we got our jobs…
    excuse the political incorrectness…but civil service is a social welfare work placement programme for poorly educated locals who are unable to get real jobs in the private sector…
    if we can’t face facts we will never find the solution.

  4. Anonymous says:

    pure waffle…all i see is an improvement in management speak ..probably cut an pasted from chat gps.

  5. Anonymous says:

    We just received an absurd invoice from HSA, postmarked May 29 2024, with a copay amount due two months ago, from a surgery from early 2022. Insurance took a few months, but HSA should have had a receivable from mid 2022, and prepared and sent the invoice. I am not sure what the skill gap is that they are working on, but basic encounter tracking, receivable accounting, and client billing needs improvement. What is the point of the myHSA portal if they even connect with their registered patients in a timely manner, like a normal professional enterprise? Some much time has past that we wonder: has the CIG already bailed out the HSA with (another) multimillion dollar transfer amount that included this indigent dinosaur receivable? Seems like there are still live complicated enrichment hustles underway, where the CIG bails them out, and someone collects a second time, and the greater public at large pays twice.

    • Annonymous says:

      10.57am If you knew who is in charge if Finance you would have your answer. I once asked for a statement of my daughter’s bills as she has chronic conditions and I don’t like owing anyone but apparently they can only give out individual bills not a statement. I also once tried to pay my dead brother’s last bill but they wanted me to bring Birth certs showing I was his sister so I told them where to go and asked why anyone can’t pay a bill for someone else. No wonder they’re owed 80m.

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