School cancelled over leaking chiller system

| 18/03/2024 | 19 Comments
Cayman News Service
Clifton Hunter High School

(CNS): The Clifton Hunter High School in Frank Sound has been closed today, Monday, due to a major underground leak in the pipes carrying chilled water to the air conditioning system, the Ministry of Education and the Department of Education Services said in a joint release.

While all in-person classes have been cancelled because all buildings are without air conditioning, measures will be put in place for remote classes where applicable. “The facilities team is working to address this matter, which requires excavation to fix,” the release said.

School buses were sent back to the school to collect the students and take them home. Parents can also collect students from the school.

Clifton Hunter opened ten years ago in 2013 after considerable controversy following a catalogue of disputes between the government and the developer over costs and changes. It was supposed to be the first of three new secondary schools on Grand Cayman, including the redevelopment of John Gray High School, which the government began planning for in 2006.

However, plans were derailed by the 2008 financial crash. JGHS officially opened one year ago, some 15 years after work first started, and the West Bay School is still on the drawing board.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m concerned that CMR (Hunny Chile) thinks she can show up and livestream and interview my child at the school without my permission … anyone else concerned? Or are we just bitching about a broken AC ?

  2. Anonymous says:

    How much time do our kids actually spend in public schools? Schools are closed if it’s cloudy, if it’s hot, if it rains, every other fortnight for “half-term”, every other week for “teachers’ workshops” or “strategic sessions”…. Why???

    What if our public education professionals worked in places where there is real serious weather…snow, ice, etc.?

    The curriculum is already dumbed-down so as to get high pass rates and still they don’t spend enough time learning.

    No wonder our public school system puts out dummies who can’t get employment!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    A chilling tale.

  4. Anonymous says:

    When I was a boy..
    Oh never mind
    I forgot about snowflakes.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Another CIG failure.

    • Anonymous says:

      Another? The whole education system has failed since it was decided to replace an internationally recognized and respected British based curriculum with a Caribbean shitshow.

      • Anonymous says:

        Once again… and it pains me how many times I have to make this comment…. The public high schools offer GCSEs, you know, those British exams you keep saying they don’t offer…. And they also offer CXE’s the Caribbean exam board that you so often like to criticize… which is recognized by NARIC (the benchmarking agency in the UK that reviews GCSE and CXE) as being of the same standard as GCSE. Stop being against a system simply because it’s regional.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes because there’s a problem with the air conditioning system 10 years after the school opened. You people are ridiculously stupid. Never mind the amount of money that CIG saved over the past 10 years by having a chiller system, which is universally recognized for its efficiency when cooling large sites with multiple buildings btw.

  6. Anonymous says:

    some one/ones pocket lots of money from that school

  7. Anonymous says:

    Those kids up there have no chill on a good day.

  8. Anonymous says:

    How much did it cost again?

  9. Radar Love says:

    Maintenance, or lack thereof, is clearly an issue for govt facilities. Once they get to a certain age and the shiny newness wears off.

    The fact that CIG is content to leave the derelict old admin building rotting away beside the newish GOAB says it all.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Not cool.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Poor design? Who is responsible?

  12. Anonymous says:

    What do you expect for a mere $150 million?

  13. Anonymous says:

    What does it matter? Juju has guaranteed them all scholarships regardless so school is really just a big waste of time anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      The high number of students the MOE award scholarships to is one of the only things they do right. Whether or not you receive a high quality education or not should not be based on how much money your parent’s earn. We could learn from countries where tertiary education is free like Germany.

      Would you like the MOE to award less scholarships? Why not double the price of school lunches and cancel all school bus service while we’re at it? 🙄

      And contrary to what you may believe there are plenty of students who unfortunately do not do well enough academically to receive a scholarship (which is something to actually be concerned about).


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