Gun crime continues with shots fired at GT building

| 15/02/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Police are investigating another case of shots being fired in the country’s capital. After reports of gunshots at two o’clock on Monday morning, officers from the RCIPS Firearms Response Unit found spent casings near the junction of Eastern Avenue and Shedden Road in Central George Town. The shots caused damage to a nearby building in that area, police said.

A crime scene was established at the location, and detectives are urging anyone with information to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222.

Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Category: Local News

Comments (15)

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  1. Anonimous says:

    Proper Financial, Background Checks & Screening

    With the regional and international crimes escalating to what can best be described as out of control, leaving law enforcement scrambling to calm the fears of many of our local people and residence

    Why are’nt our leaders implementing Immigration, Customs & Border Control policy changes and requirements, making it manditory for all NEW, & RE-NEWAL WORK PERMITS, PERMANENT RESIDENCE AND CAYMANIAN STAUS GRANTS, to be required to undergo proper local, regional and international Financial and Personal Background Checks & Screening before issuance or approval

    The implimentation of such a policy and proceedure may just ease the continual growing and increasing fears our local people have been feeling, experiencing and complaining about about for years

    There is no excuse why our leaders and decision makers cannot impliment such policies, requirement or proceedure like the Virgin Islands did to protect there people from fear of escalating crime

  2. Anonymous says:

    They need to come down newlands milton drive, major trap house down there everyone knows which house it is yet nothing has been done about it. they who live there must be informers being protected.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Such a wealthy prosperous country yet ghetto thug mentality somehow gets in. When you look at the stats in the USA there is a demographic of the population that makes up 14% of the population but over 50% of the crime and prison population is made up of that segment. Finger pointing and criticism should be at the cause of single parent families which massively perpetuates the cycle of poverty and likelihood of crime not to mention thug hip hop rappers massively damaging the self image of youth and the BS left wing media pushing the race card victimization all accumulates to the root cause of this problem.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Simply just complete the custom declaration form and present it if the guns are found. If not found, sell on the black market for $$$?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Right in the heart of Jamaica-town!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Wonder if the white Jamaican merchants who fled here in ‘70s and right after that immigration controls removed so they could bring their ‘workers’ in thousands planning to leave Cayman too? Maybe next 20 years? For past 3 decades Caymanians elected people who didn’t care and the others didn’t have the boldness to demand better now their own generational Caymanians suffering

      • Anonymous says:

        The “white” Jamaicans were more dangerous because they bought politicians in return for many favors, including cabinet status grants.

  6. Anonimous says:

    Black market guns:

    Where they’re coming from and how they get into the hands of criminals

    • Anonymous says:

      Guns mainly come in on Honduran Nicaraguan fish import boats. Almost impossible to detect without unpacking entire cargo …which ain’t gonna happen and the scum knows that.

  7. Anonimous says:

    The silly season have started……

    As local gun crime and violence continue to escalate, our local Coast Guard, RCIPS, the Cadet Core, Customs and Border Control, in-addition to our Cayman Islands Regiment

    Do not seem to be up grading there fleets with bigger and better ocean patrol vessels with capable training and survailance equiptment to detect and convescate illegal arms and other contra-ban coming onto our shores or passing through our islands

    Recent media reports indicatung that a U.S Coast Guard cutter have intercepted a vessel loaded with advanced conventional weapons and lethal aid in the Arabian Sea.

    The shipment allegedly originated in Iran and was bound for Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen.

    The vessel was intercepted on January 28th by the USCGC Clarence Sutphin Jr, a Sentinel-class fast-response cutter assigned to the U.S Central Command (CENTCOM) and homeported in Manama, Bahrain.

    Upon the boat inspection, the boarding team discovered over 200 packages containing a range of military equipment.

    These illegal arms included medium-range ballistic missile components, explosives, unmanned underwater/surface vehicle (UUV/USV) components, military-grade communication and network equipment, anti-tank guided missile launcher assemblies, and other military components.

    Its time that our government look into purchasing bigger Coast Guard Ocean Patrol Boats with modern survailance equiptment and also begin to aquire proper border control training and techniques

  8. Anonymous says:

    srig stop reform in Government

  9. Anonymous says:

    Tangible Impacts from the hardwork of the strategic reform implementation group paying off right here folks? Pleeeease spare us the drivel .

  10. Anonymous says:

    Eastern Ave and Shedden Road, hmmmm, that’s a shock. That area is normally so errr pleasant, and not allowed to be become a forgotten about ghetto with rampant crime.


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