CoP rolls out new three-year plan for RCIPS
(CNS): The RCIPS has published a new strategic plan that will guide its goals over the next three years, which Commissioner of Police Kurt Walton said would use “innovative approaches aimed at transformative change”. As Walton makes his mark as the leader of a police service in which he has served for more than three decades, he outlined six strategic priorities, starting with the goal to prevent and tackle crime.
The other priorities include delivering justice for victims of crime, protecting vulnerable and at-risk people, making the roads safer, improving public confidence in the RCIPS, and modernising the service.
In his executive summary introducing the strategic plan, which spans from the present date to the end of 2026, Walton states that law enforcement is not an easy task.
“The police are faced with a myriad of issues in our communities, and just like the need for technology to support the enforcement of the law, there is a need to cater to and preserve the well-being and safety of our staff,” he said. “Understanding the sources and impact of stressors on the psychological and physical health of people is paramount in addressing matters of well-being and mental health,” he said, adding that the RCIPS task is demanding.
Walton said the RCIPS would continue to invest resources in issues that cause harm to the most vulnerable in our communities, including sexual offences, domestic violence and child abuse. “We will also develop strategies and methods to attract young and intelligent minds, encouraging youth and growth possibilities within our ranks and the organisation as a whole,” the commissioner added.
This Strategic Plan 2024-2026 outlines how the RCIPS plans to work with partners to deliver. Walton said the next three years present a moment of choice and an “opportunity to learn from our experiences, to do things differently, and to aspire to greater shared goals”.
The RCIPS has a CI$60 million budget for 2024. The service currently employs 384 officers and 104 civilians. On average, the police deal with well over 3,000 call-outs per month, more than 360 crimes and over 330 road crashes.
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Category: Crime, Crime Prevention
Lord not this same old foolishness again last time we had this “rubbish” Ethics and Pledges and mission statements we got more Jamaican police who were supposed to come and stop Favoritism and nepotism now look at this corruption Friggin Mess we got here Pleaassseee dont waste our money again on this $#!@ This is nothing short of an engineered and manufactured crisis to blackmail us and extort money out our one Billion dollar budget…..
Its people like you with your negativity and mentality that make things difficult for the legal system!!!!
Improving public confidence in the RCIPS, especially among serial criminals, should be priority one. Daylight armed robberies are a good indicator that it’s near rock bottom, and yet, is the easiest of all perceptions to shift. It starts with 365 Traffic presence, with a useful portion of our 400+ full-time officers deployed throughout the community, demonstrating they are versant in ALL ticket-able policing activities, supervising behaviour with their eyes open, ready to respond in the public interest in lawfulness. That’s what serving and protecting is. It’s the preventative exercise BEFORE opportunistic crime happens. Showing up is how you close the opportunity gap on crime to zero. It’s not a new technique.
I think serial criminals have a great deal of confidence in RCIPS. That they won’t get caught!
no respect for the police farce after the jon-jon incident.
i hope it includes actual policing infractions. The amount of people abusing the “temporary” licences. Haven’t updated their licence plates. I thought this fancy system that has been in the works since 2016, was supposed to make it easier to police speeding and issues with insurance?
It’s a free for all.
it requires them to make actual traffic stops
They make way too many traffic stops at the wrong places and at the wrong times. Invest in cameras to penalize speeding and light jumpers. It’s so simple.
Even if they did this, road safety objective is an absolute nonsense with the amount of gun and violent crime that happens day in day out.
DVDL printer is broken island-wide.
Although Mr.Walton is ‘in charge’ of the RCIPS it is basically run by the sergeants and inspectors…if they are not ‘on message’ with his aspirations then nothing will change. Given the woeful visibility of the police on the roads and the lack of enforcement of the law then I won’t be holding my breath that anything will be any different in the future.
Disrespect of our laws starts on the roads. You cannot drive anywhere these days without seeing reckless driving but you can drive for days without ever seeing a police car doing anything other than cruising by with their lights on.
Like a bloke passing stopped traffic in the bike, aka, “food delivery lane”
At least we know what Commissioner Walton intends to do in his role. We haven’t seen what others are doing and it would be good to hear from those responsible for our borders. Knowing the man, when he sets out on a mission it’s near impossible to stop him as I’ve witnessed his passion and drive which is beyond comprehension. I just hope he get the support he needs to accomplish his vision of making Cayman safer. Best of luck sir, you’re going to need it.
Almost 400 warranted officers for a population of 80k is staggering. There can’t be a place in the world with a better ratio than that. So where are they all hiding? Get their lazy arses out of their cushy air-conditioned offices and do some proactive policing. And get them out of their air-conditioned cars too and have them walk for a while. It’s called public engagement and the public actually want that.
One easy goal that should be included is to set a great example 24x7x365. Especially on our roads. Seeing RCIPS vehicles not following the Road Code is terrible.
24x7x365 is redundant. Saying 24/7 covers it, no need to add 365, in fact it is a problem, this year being 366
Agreed but just wanted to ensure you and they understood it was longer than 1 week.
“innovative approaches aimed at transformative change”. What dressing would you like with that word salad? Just use plain English to say what you mean not what you think people want to hear or to sound academic.
I believe in you Mr. Kurt. So does all my family. You do what you need to, but I caution you…….. you might need to bear down harder than you were previously prepared to do. It is going to take a concerted and massive shakeup to make this all work.
We believe in you.
How’s the investigation into some of the most egregious cabinet status grants looking, Kurt? It’s only been 20 years.
How much money and manpower were spent on producing this slick presentation with the same lofty buzz words? We need to know how these lofty goals will be met. We’ve heard all this before and need to hear concrete plans.
The main problem facing the RCIPS is that too many of its officers are either corrupt, or perceived to be so by large sections of the community. This actively discourages the public from talking to or assisting the police, and has a direct impact on their ability to prevent or solve crime.
Mr Commissioner, what about diversifying the RCIPS? In doing so, public confidence in this institution would triple fold in a matter of little time. Diversify, diversify, diversify.
What do you mean by “diversify”? That sounds like a obfuscation, but perhaps it’s just me.
Are you proposing that we need, e.g. greater or fewer police officers from Sweden, or Argentina, or Peru, or somewhere else?
If so, what is the empirical basis for that assertion: improved performance, an untapped resource of intelligent, hard working and honest candidates, or what?
Many thanks.
Fewer Jamaicans, more “Just-about-anywhere-else-ians”.
When it appears even the majority of Caymanians in the RCIP are originally of a particular foreign demographic, we have a problem.
21 @ 9:13pm – Our entire legal system from RCIPS up to the Judiciary is controlled by foreigners of one particular nationality – Jamaican!
I don’t know of anywhere else on earth where any society’s entire legal system is controlled by any single foreign nationality.
Balance is severely needed!!
Please get other countries instead of all from Jamaica.
Thank you Commissioner Walton. With 3 exceptions it looks like a very good plan. The 3 exceptions relate to deliverables, publishing relevant outcome metrics, and building in systems for continuing professional standards improvements.
1) One of the deliverables listed is ‘Prevent crime and the fear of Crime’ – surely the way to prevent the fear of crime is to prevent crime. We do not need the police to tell us to accept the current levels of crime.
2) There is nothing about providing to the public and the auditor general detailed outcome information that will allow the public to draw conclusions about the efficacy of the RCIPS and the value for money provided by the RCIPS.
3) There is nothing about having outside professional auditors assess the RCIPS against international standards on a regular basis so that problems can be identified an eliminated.
One plan should be no hiring from Jamaica. Go back to the UK/Canada etc to bring in officers with experience and no connections or family that can be bought or coerced.
Amen, lets have Derek Haines 2.0 brought in with a team of 19 UK officers. 20 new cops @ $100k each = $2m per year. Or 25 years of decent policing @ $50m, about the same cost as an un-needed school on a cliff.
It shouldn’t matter where the rank and file officers fly in from, if there are clear policing criteria accepted and being met. The RCIPS is too heavy on senior managers that don’t know how to train, task, challenge, and reward the missing in action beat elements. That some of these employees are Jamaican is immaterial. They could be from any other country and still be mis-managed by the dysfunctional self-promoting management hierarchy, and I’ll say it: created by UK expatriates. The RCIPS needs to be shadowed by a management consulting firm hired to ensure value for money to the public. The whole organisation needs be shaken upside down.
Same old can’t help but say this looks like the strategic plan or the exact template for our neighbor to southeast and just like their lofty goals to fix their criminal status has met with the main issue Corruption which at least they acknowledge the problem. We choose to not even to mention thus ignoring one of the most serious issues effecting law enforcement in Cayman today.