‘Significant’ quantity of cocaine seized in George Town

| 04/01/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS): Police are seeking the help of the public as they open an investigation into the seizure of a “significant quantity” of cocaine from an undisclosed residential complex somewhere in the Walkers Road area. Despite the appeal to the community, the RCIPS has offered no further details about the size of the drug haul or how and where it was discovered. The drugs were recovered around 5:30pm Wednesday from a “communal area of a private residential complex in the vicinity of Walkers Road, George Town”.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911 or the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to caymancrimestoppers.com.

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Comments (15)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    That money the Premier wants to spend on a school in the Brac should instead be directed to securing our border. Drugs & guns coming in & very few resources available to stop it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    “Undisclosed quantity” that most likely will not exist on record of ever being seized. Therefore it cannot be accounted for when it gets funnelled back onto the streets again. If it sounds funny then something is funny. Funny how some things like this happen but they do.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh my, the know-nothings are out in force.

      The seized items are booked into evidence, there’s a chain of custody as it is signed, date and time, whenever it goes to the next person or storage area. It will be FULLY logged at all points.

      Of course, security of it while ‘under lock and key’ is the weak point, as we well know.

      The problem is that one or two terrible insiders end up tarring everyone. The inability to find such scum has lasting repercussions for RCIPS.

  3. And Who the Cap Fit let Dem Wear It says:

    Cocaine in Cayman is not the problem! it’s the extraordinary high demand for it is the real issue ? And by whom ? Especially when you have those now in power and senior positions in Government and positions of influence who were and are still actively involved in trafficking and distributing drugs and laundering the proceeds from the sale of drugs in Cayman and elsewhere.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The collective hearts of the power hound lawyers on island just ached a little.

  5. ??? says:

    is this a riddle.i need more information

  6. Anonymous says:

    Seeking the help from the public assistance for information on a undisclosed complex, street, address that is somewhere in the vicinity of a vast area is INSANITY! This has to be a joke. Nothing and i mean absolutely nothing of relevance in this article that would make the general public able to assist

    • Anonymous says:

      you sound like you know something 😆

    • Anonymous says:

      No claim, goes to state?

    • Anonymous says:

      By keeping it vague they may get tips about the same thing happening in another 5 or 6 complexes that they were not aware of.

    • Al Catraz says:

      Yes, if you know anything about cocaine that was at a location in Georgetown, be sure that the RCIPS are looking for information about the cocaine found at that location in particular. You wouldn’t want to give them information about some other stash of cocaine that you know about.

  7. Ganja Warehouse Collective says:

    NO Radar No Problem!


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