Archive for January 12th, 2024

JOCC reveals plan to review campaign financing

JOCC reveals plan to review campaign financing

| 12/01/2024 | 63 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly has revealed her intention to look at campaign financing, which she said was a “very big concern”. Although this is a “very delicate subject” that most politicians do not want to discuss, it is something that the people do want to discuss, she said when she appeared on Radio Cayman’s talk […]

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Suspect arrested after throwing gun out of car window

Suspect arrested after throwing gun out of car window

| 12/01/2024

(CNS): A 29-year-old man from Bodden Town was arrested after police officers saw him throw a bag, later found to contain a gun, from the vehicle he was driving while he was being pursued by a police vehicle. According to the RCIPS, shortly after 3:50pm on Wednesday, 10 January, officers “had cause to stop a […]

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UPM mulls changes to conservation law as CPA and DoE face off

UPM mulls changes to conservation law as CPA and DoE face off

| 12/01/2024 | 57 Comments

(CNS): The United People’s Movement caucus is understood to be planning changes to the National Conservation Act due to pressure from developers and others over false claims that the law, the National Conservation Council and the Department of Environment are stifling development. This comes after the Central Planning Authority has, once again, falsely claimed that […]

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