Police call for witnesses to 7MB fight

| 27/12/2023 | 10 Comments
RCIPS officer patrols Seven Mile Beach on an ATV, Cayman News Service
RCIPS officer patrols Seven Mile Beach on an ATV

(CNS): At least one man was stabbed and sustained serious injuries early last Sunday morning during a fight at the Seven Mile Public Beach involving several people who had all left the location by the time the police arrived. Officers investigating the brawl, which happened at around 1:45 that morning, are appealing to anyone who may have seen the fight and those involved.

Police said that social media posts, reportedly of the altercation, show that several people were present at the location at the time, and they are working to locate these individuals.

Anyone who witnessed what happened is asked to call the Criminal Investigations Department at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously caymancrimestoppers.com.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Public calls on Police to get out there and see for themselves. Who is the client?

  2. Anonymous says:

    All together now – “Clear Public Beach”!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Caymanian likes crime
    I say make laws like Singapore and informed them. let’s see how many people shoots this down.

  4. Anonymous says:

    SMB is a hot spot for this sort of thing. The police should be there patrolling!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      What we need is for people to keep their no good children home! How about that ?

      • Anonymous says:

        While I agree that parenting is lacking, especially due to the number of “babies making babies” in the modern world, it’s important to note that we don’t pay those people to keep their children home, but we *do* pay the police to keep our island safe.

        The least they can do is patrol habitually-problematic areas and pretend like they are of some use (as opposed to “allegedly” directly involved with the crime, which is growing increasingly evident).

  5. Anonymous says:

    We really need to have police patrolling and walking on Seven Mile Beach 24 hours a day.

    A single killing on the beach will do huge damage to our tourism sector.

    • Anonymous says:

      Had a few last year, and a manhunt with automatic weapons! There was an assassination yards from the Governor’s 24/7 guardhouse, and by a bank with CCTV. Nobody saw anything. The related event at “Safehaven” marina was approved again this year, without planning notice to surrounding residential, and with another predictable violent incident this year.

    • Anonymous says:

      I honestly believe it’s too late. I am a Canadian who first visited Grand Cayman in 1973 as a young person and was considering buying a place there for winter vacations. That thought is now gone after seeing what is going on in Grand Cayman. It is so very sad to see. I came every year because it is a lovely country with beautiful beaches and felt safe. Not anymore.

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh, please. You’re more likely to get killed by a moose back home than you are to get harmed by a criminal in Cayman.

        Besides, how were you hoping this came across? “Wealthy foreign snowbird decides not to purchase vacation home (that is to say, a tax-free AirBNB 95% of the time, where no income stays on the island), and will not contribute to overinflation of rental market in a severely over-crowded territory”.

        All the best for the new year though.


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