Woman seriously injured after dog attack

| 19/11/2023 | 77 Comments

(CNS): A woman is recovering in hospital after she was attacked by a dog in West Bay on Friday night. The dog, which had escaped from its yard, bit the woman several times on her arm and legs, causing serious injuries. The attacked happened at about 9:10pm outside a home on Bankers Road as the victim was passing by. The dog’s owner arrived and restrained the animal and administered first aid before the arrival of the police and emergency medical services. The police have confirmed that the dog was a Rottweiler or Rottweiler mix.

The woman was taken to hospital via ambulance, where she remains being treated for serious but non-life-threatening injuries. The matter is now under police investigation in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture.

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Category: Crime, Local News, Police

Comments (77)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I cannot visit my grandchildren unless my daughter arranges to put her dog in a bedroom before I get there. Where do I rank in importance?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ok so here’s the animals law: https://cnslibrary.com/wp-content/uploads/Animals-Law-2015-Revision.pdf

    wherein it clearly shows there are a banned list of dogs provided by cabinet. That list is here: https://cbc.gov.ky/index.php/trade/import-animal-plant-and-meat-requirements/prohibitions#:~:text=Mallanois%2C%20Rottweiller%2C%20Japanese%20Tosa%2C,%2C%20Mastiff%20(all%20types).

    And on the list is Rotweiller…so how did that dog get here and get bred here? Interestingly it doesn’t appear to be a crime to have one even though by definition a crime was created when the dog was imported or born here.

    So effectively that dog and all others like it should not be alive legally, and heartbreaking though it may be for the good ones, the bad ones spoil the bunch and they should all be put down.

    It’s not the right climate for that animal anyway. I saw one idiot down here with a Husky that must be dying every day of its life from the heat.

    Lastly and perhaps most importantly: a permit holder needs to earn a certain amount of money in order to bring a dependent in but there is no requirement for having a dog. That’s flat out stupid since dogs cost money and time and the whole reason for the dependent requirement is so that the permit holder doesn’t end up broke.

    But what do they do? They get a dog that they can’t afford to care for so they leave it tied to a tree in the yard and don’t interact with it and it gets angry and attacks people.

    We seriously need to walk before we run with so many of these stupid problems.

    • Anonymous says:

      Cayman islands have crime and laws. What they don’t have and never will is law enforcement. The third world culture here will never allow it.

  3. C says:

    Sadly eliminating specific breeds will not eliminate the issue. My child was attached several years ago after by a Cayman mut. He required stitches to his lip and had injuries close to his eye. Any dog that has not be socialized can be a menace.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Just about any story that begins with a dog tied to a tree is bound to end badly. The cases I have seen, the poor animals are badly treated, underfed, unloved, not exercised and socialised properly.

    What a tragic life.

  5. Anonymous says:

    there’s a house in coral gables in WB that has 3-5 rottweilers in the yard at any time and they’re terrifying to walk past, now I definitely don’t feel safe walking by, the owners’ negligence is limiting my movement in my own neighbourhood. it should not be legal. something must be done!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Animal Control law is a 2 Yr Fix:

    1.) Any owner of a pit bull or Rottweiler (mix) need to apply for a license and all dogs MUST be fixed.
    2.) Breeders need to be shut down!!!
    3.) Two full-time Dog catchers / Kitten catchers need to be employed and we could fix this problem within 2 years!!
    4.) We have a finite piece of land folks… No need to stress the Humane Society if Govt would enact a program? *we waited 15 years after IVAN to control the Iguanas? Please get ONE politician to make this a stand!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Judging by the number of dobermann and rottweiller and pitbull pups around, these dogs are not being fixed!

    • Anonymous says:

      There is also a law of breeding pit bulls docking and cropping pitbulls nothing ever came of it. it’s not the breed it’s the owner

  7. Anonymous says:

    The dog situation is out of control on the island. One of my friends is going to counselling due to bad dog owners. In the small area around her house there are 14+ dogs. Houses have up to 4 dogs tied up in their yard, or loose and running about. And they bark, and bark and bark and bark. Day and night. Not 5 minutes passes without barking dogs. She’s a nervous wreck. Can’t sleep. Stressed all the time, is retired but has to leave the house to get away from the constant barking. All of the authorities aren’t able/willing to do anything about it – she’s tried. Irresponsible dog owners make life a misery for everyone else. We need enforcement of our laws.

  8. Anonymous says:

    These dogs should all be released to the wild, to take care of the feral cat and chicken problem.

  9. Anonymous says:

    There are plenty of dog attacks that are not reported in the press.

    Dog attacks are terrifying for anyone targeted.

    They’re also a nightmare to police. DOA only have a couple of people to deal with this, too.

    As for why people need these breeds, that’s a tough one. Pitties and Rotties are great dogs with the right owners, who are responsible and mitigate against issues.

    Seriously, target the breeders. Within a dog generation or two, the issue is done. There’s no need at all to buy from a breeder here.

    • C says:

      Sadly that will not eliminate the issue. My child was attached several years ago after by a Cayman mut. He required stitches to his lip and had injuries close to his eye. Any dog that has not be socialized can be a mennace.

  10. Anonymous says:

    shows you again, that politicians dont care .

  11. Anonymous says:

    Euthenize the dog. . . and prosectute the owner. Under section 46, a person is liable for a fine of $500 and 6 months imprisonment if found guilty of having a ferocious dog at large. I say time in Northward after such severe injuries.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Euthanize that dangerous dog and place the careless thug owner under serious criminal charges. If you want to be bad with attack dogs, you need to suffer the consequences of the animal’s actions. No one should be the victim of a thug’s dog attack while simply being out in public.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I’m fully expecting some dog advocates to start the usual victim-blaming and claiming it’s just a misunderstood “reactive dog” and all that euphemistic rubbish. please. don’t go there.

  14. Anonymous says:

    You often see ads forbidden breeds in ecay .. does the police monitor these forums?

    • Anonymous says:

      Saw an ad for a rottweiller just a couple of days ago.

      • Anonymous says:

        Rottweilers and Dobermans are not a banned breed but the pitbulls are…laws against breeding pitbulls docking and cropping them are against the law. But does anyone enforce this? nope

  15. Anonymous says:

    when is the poilice taking all these dogs out of society?

    • Anonymous says:

      its not the dogs, but the owners. people own dogs who shouldn’t just like people have kids they shouldn’t. It’s a worldwide problem not at all unique to Cayman. Most dog owners here are responsible.

      • Anonymous says:


        It is the dog that injured the victim.

        End of discussion.

        • Anonymous says:

          The law is ALL dogs must be kept on a leash. What?. . .the dog didn’d leash itself to the fence. It’s the dog’s fault!

      • Anonymous says:

        “Most dog owners here are responsible”. Either you are joking or trolling. Or just maybe you live with the 1% in our gated parts of the islands where, perhaps, dog owners are more responsible. In the real Cayman, it is manifestly untrue I’m afraid.

  16. Anonymous says:

    i blame cig/rcips for not enforcing animal welfare laws…
    time for class action lawsuit against the incompetence of the rcips and cig.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dog owner responsibility plain and simple. Put the dog down and force owner to pay medical costs at a minimum. If dog owner is negligent and uncooperative, a civil suit will take care of the damages.

  17. Anonymous says:

    why are people allowerd to breed/keep rottweilers in yards?
    why do they do this?…its not for the love of having a pet.
    this place makes me sick.

  18. Anonymous says:

    long term… free… money making solution:
    ban dog imports.
    ban dog breeding in cayman for 10 years.
    bring in $500 per year dog license…anyone found without a license to be fined $5k.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ban dog imports unless they are spayed/ neutered.
      Ban dog breeding permanently.
      Enforce the current dog licensing laws which require all dogs to be microchipped, wear collar and ID tags, and be on a lead and under control at all times.
      Ban dogs being kept in yards.
      Prosecute all those currently breeding banned breeds.

      • Anonymous says:

        Dogs should only be in fenced in yards. I had a neighbor that had one of those yappy dogs and instead of walking it on a leash, they would let it out and it would run around the neighborhood going into people’s yards and terrorizing the cats and chickens. I wanted to bash it’s head in one Christmas day because it kept coming into my yard and jumping on my chicken coops. I gave the owners a leash and told them to leash it.

  19. Anonymous says:

    This is a problem island-wide. I once saw a Rottweiler in Snug Harbour drag its owner a few feet along the ground while it tried to attack a man in his sixties walking past minding his own business.

    As with most other rules (speeding, drink driving etc) particular people seem to be able to ignore the rules on owning banned breeds with impunity.

    Why the actual f$&k someone needs a Rottweiler instead of a Labrador, or a pit bull instead of a collie, I cannot fathom.

    Dogs with an eighth of their DNA should be rounded up and put down.

    The owner of this beast should be imprisoned for six months as an example to other dog owners. Don’t own banned breeds, and keep your damn dog under control.

    • Anonymous says:

      So just because you prefer a a certain breed, stipulates that others can only own that breed? The breed is not the issue, it’s the careless owners. The idea of having a large mass of dogs euthanized as a blanket statement is entirely unnecessary. Should the dog pose a threat to society, the circumstances are different. But there can be rottweilers that are teddy bears and chihuahuas that are the devil incarnate.

      • Anonymous says:

        There’s a prohibited dog list that is part of Cayman’s Animal Law. So… it’s against the law to import or breed those dogs. What part of that do you not understand?

      • Anonymous says:

        when did a chihuahua last put a person in hospital?

  20. Jus Dis says:

    Good the owner was able and willing to help out. Imagine now a child or elderly being attacked and no owner around? Will the owner be charged with an offence? Hopefully, but not likely!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Was the dog part pit bull, or any other of the prohibited breeds that have been illegal for 30 years?

  22. H says:

    Having been attacked by a large dog myself, I can assure that the physical wounds won’t be the only healing challenge. The mental stresses related will be difficult to overcome.

  23. Anonymous says:

    No need to own these dangerous breeds. Also the law says all dogs should be on a leash when being walked – annoys me when people walk casually down seven mile beach with dogs freely running up to people, licking and smelling them, including children and babies. Completely unacceptable.

    • Anonymous says:

      Expats seem to care more about pets than children. Look at all the humane society volunteers vs. the orphanage or senior center or special needs volunteers.

      • Anonymous says:

        Damn, thanks, 12:21, I’ve been wondering what the root cause of all these feral children in our public schools and neglected senior citizens was and you’ve nailed it: expats. Booya!

    • Anonymous says:

      Dangerous breed? Its the owners, not the breed. I have had Rottweilers for 15 years. Amazing family dogs and very gentle. Owners who do not socialize their dogs and neglect them are responsible. Cayman mutts have been attacking people for decades.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Will this finally spark change? I really hope so. There needs to be real laws that are applied to save the people and the animals of this island.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Please put the dog down. No excuses. It could have been a child that was attacked

  26. Anonymous says:

    How many more stories or neglected/dangerous animals do we need before something is done? Why don’t we have a branch of the DOA with enforcement officers that can enter property and seize animals and issue fines?

    Again as in all things in Cayman there is a total lack of enforcement, littering, traffic violations, abandoned vehicles, the list goes on.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Check who it is breeding them, in West Bay North.


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