Public urged not to dump in absence of bulk clean-up

| 03/11/2023 | 25 Comments
Illegal Dumping at Ed Bush Sport Complex

(CNS): Since the Department of Environmental Health moved the usual seasonal bulk-waste collection to May this year, there will be no pre-Christmas clean-up. The DEH is urging people not to illegally dump their big waste items but to make arrangements to take them to the George Town or Sister Islands landfills. The department said it had strengthened its community monitoring programme. Officers now do weekly checks to identify and promptly address environmental health issues, including littering and illegal dumping.

“Any bulk waste placed in the kerbside or empty lots will be considered illegal dumping and littering and should be reported,” DEH Director Richard Simms said. “The shifting of the annual collection of bulk waste from November to May, ahead of the Hurricane Season, was largely advertised and successfully completed in an effort to reduce the amount of debris that could be generated by any form of severe weather.”

Any illegal dumping and littering should be reported to the DEH or the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS). Dumping can result in a penalty of six months of imprisonment and a minimum fine of $500.

The George Town Landfill operates from 7:00am to 5:00pm on weekdays and until 1:00pm on Saturdays. It is closed on Sundays. The landfill drop-off facility at the gate will remain accessible to the public and small vehicles 24 hours per day.

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Category: Environmental Health, Health

Comments (25)

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  1. Anon says:

    Would offering this service twice a year be unreasonable? Com’on CIG, there’s obviously a demand

  2. Anonymous says:

    Its already started in my road. There’s a big pile of rubbish on the corner. Once its started people will add to it. Now it will have to sit there as an eyesore until next May?

  3. Anonymous says:

    too late cig…you started the culture of letting people dump stuff on side of road and then picking it up for them.
    and you wonder where the caymanian entitlement culture comes from?……zzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. Anonymous says:

    ‘caymanians, please don’t dump your garbage anywhere you want, pretty please’……zzzz
    welcome to wonderland

  5. Anonymous says:

    how many fines for littering have been issued in last 5 years?
    will wait for answer.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I see that CIG has started a new campaign across all fronts. No longer actually enforcing any laws but just “urging” the public to comply. This follows on the brilliant RCIP message “urging”
    people not to speed.

  7. Anonymous says:

    IRONY OF IRONIES! DEH have been dumping on open land for decades. No plan. No clue. Is it any wonder people dump stuff, don’t recycle etc etc. Get your house in order first.

  8. Anon says:

    “urged”?! why do we have to “urge” people to do the right thing ffs

    • Anonymous says:

      Jamaicans and their culture don’t understand ‘Urge”.
      Punishment is the language they understand, revocation of status and deportation would be best for Cayman.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Nothing will happen to them. Nothing ever does

  10. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, that oughtta stop ’em! 🙄

  11. Anonymous says:

    ‘Encouragment’ aside CIG, your policies are pushing us towards 90k people and DEH can manage only 1 bulk waste clean-up per year?


  12. Anonymous says:

    Can this not be done twice a year?

    • Anonymous says:

      Now this is poor management. Why can’t they do two clean–up schedules per year. We are going from bad to worse. Does that mean that if we had had a hurricane this season the debris would have to stay until May next year? “Six of one and half dozen the next”

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why not do another cleanup? At least the people benefit.

  14. Anonymous says:

    How we should deal with them

  15. N says:

    “Dumping can result in a penalty of six months of imprisonment and a minimum fine of $500.” It can, but it won’t! Prove us wrong by advertising the number of prosecutions please. The “urging” is NOT working!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Drive down Red Bay DEH & see all the illegal dumping & ticketed car waiting for removal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Take a trip up Barcus too, our. National treasure.

    • Anonymous says:

      The problem is they are running out of funds to pay the workers to do overtime. Thereason is these Ministers have wasted the financing by paving public driveways, boat ramp, doing favors with our money to please friend- friend etc. etc to benefit a select few therefore the entire island will be over-run with garbage until they get around to it next May. The Premier better get a handle on this mess before it is too late. remember you and your PACK are all in this together.

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