Driver in ICU after major crash

| 11/11/2023 | 12 Comments

(CNS): The driver of a silver Honda Fit is in critical condition after an early morning collision on Saturday with a truck on Shamrock Road, by the Grand Harbour Roundabout. Police have not released many details about the crash but said they closed the road immediately afterwards to begin investigations. It has since been re-opened.

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Comments (12)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    On my way home from the airport yesterday evening (Nov. 14) in HEAVY traffic, I observed a Honda Civic speeding and dodging cars in rapid lane changes near Camana Bay. A ‘donorcycle’ was following it, operating in an identical manner! I was shocked to NOT see a major collision further down the road as a result! Where is the traffic division when these morons are behaving so badly?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Still wondering what the helicopter and police cars were doing on E.Ave near Kirks supermarket last thursday!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Looks like one car was hit at an angle .. heading out of hurleys exit to turn towards town?

  4. Anonymous says:

    SPEED faster than conditions allow esp. such conditions as distracted by phones, tail-gating, etc.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I saw the wreckage, and there is no way HIGHLY excessive speed was not a major factor! I have seen head-on collisions on US interstates with far less damage!

  6. Anonymous says:

    At least the poles didn’t jump in front of the vehicle this time.

  7. Anonymous says:

    how the hell does this accident even happen? how the hell do any of these accidents happen?! We need cops on our roads everywhere.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      3/4 of the drivers on our roads have never taken a proper driving test. A significant number have never taken any kind of test at all. It should be no surprise at all that we have so many accidents and deaths.

      • Anonymous says:

        No driver education + tailgating + excessive speed without ability to visualise worst case scenario + messaging

  8. Anonymous says:

    Looks like a head on collision on a separate one-way road. Does that mean someone was driving the wrong way?

    • Anonymous says:

      Possibly a car speeding into the roundabout heading East crashng into a car coming out of the Hurley exit into the roundabout towards town?

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