Archive for November 29th, 2023

Murder charge laid a year after West Bay killing

Murder charge laid a year after West Bay killing

| 29/11/2023

(CNS): A 54-year-old man from Bodden Town, who was arrested more than one year ago, suspected of killing George Ian Duffell (51) in October 2022 following an altercation at a West Bay address, has been charged with murder. Kirk Lindsay Watler appeared in court Wednesday, 29 November, and was remanded in custody, accused of stabbing […]

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October air arrivals reach 86% of pre COVID levels

October air arrivals reach 86% of pre COVID levels

| 29/11/2023 | 13 Comments

(CNS): The trend towards a full recovery of the Cayman Islands’ visitor numbers in the wake of the border closures continued in October with 20,568 stay-over visitors representing roughly 86% of 2019’s record breaking year and 16 percentage points higher than this year’s target of 70% of pre-pandemic numbers. During the ten months of 2023 […]

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Threatened Boggy Sand cottage gets temporary stay

Threatened Boggy Sand cottage gets temporary stay

| 29/11/2023 | 42 Comments

(CNS): An historically significant, Cayman cottage on Boggy Sand Road, which is under threat to pave the way for a duplex was given a temporary stay from demolition earlier this month. The Central Planning Authority adjourned the application for the second over concerns about the design of the building and plans for the removal or […]

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