Seymour paints dim picture of PACT
(CNS): Dwayne Seymour MP (BTE) said the PACT coalition was going down the wrong road and that he was concerned about the future of the Cayman Islands when he resigned from Cabinet last month. He described the atmosphere in the current caucus as “cantankerous”, even suggesting that he had “parted fights” and that he wasn’t the only person who wanted to leave. However, in the end, Seymour crossed the floor alone.
Speaking on Radio Cayman’s For the Record on Wednesday, he told host Orett Connor that he was disappointed that others “didn’t follow” when he resigned, as he once again criticised the premier for what he said was an autocratic leadership style.
He said that during the budget negotiations, there had been no chance of getting money for his constituents, and he had been spoken to in a derogatory way, which led to his decision to leave the government. Throughout his appearance on the show, Seymour made it clear that he was unhappy about the budget process because it was not going to assist his election prospects.
The former minister, who briefly held the labour ministry, said PACT was leaderless and claimed that all members of the caucus had asked Panton to step down, but he refused. He accused the premier of putting his policy aims ahead of the country, even though that was the platform on which Panton was elected.
Seymour said that people were threatening to resign if they “don’t get what they want” during the budget negotiations. He claimed that he “wasn’t happy” about having to make the decision to resign from Cabinet because he did not want to force an early election and create any instability.
He said that there were supposed to be “a couple of people” who were going to cross the floor with him, which would have allowed them to negotiate with the opposition to form a new government.
Seymour was the only person who left the government last month, and PACT has since rallied.
He said he had been to the governor to express his frustrations because he needed someone to trust, and he was not part of “the duct-tape caucus”, keeping their mouths closed when they see things going wrong.
During his appearance on the morning talk show, Seymour, an independent, said that forming a government with independents has not worked in the Cayman Islands. He said he did like some of the policies that PACT had agreed on, but they were taking so long to do anything.
The Bodden Town MP also seemed annoyed that he could not get the things that he wanted to benefit his specific constituency needs, as he criticised how the budget was being developed this year. When the budget was finished, a lot of people were going to be upset, he said and indicated that the education budget was being cut.
“I am very concerned about the way I see things going, and I was thinking the UK might be concerned as well,” he added, implying that the government was mismanaging the finances.
He said it was “quite a disappointing experience for me sitting there with the PACT government… It’s the leadership I had a problem with,” he said, adding that he believed the focus was wrong. “We can’t have a billion dollar budget… with nothing to innovate or motivate and give our people hope,” he added.
Despite the millions that will be spent on safety net spending, such as welfare support, healthcare and free school meals, Seymour suggested there were no social programmes in the budget for Caymanians. However, he did commend the work of André Ebanks in the social development ministry.
When a listener called in questioning his claims and his credibility, as well as his record in office, Seymour said that not everyone was going to like him as “not everybody liked Jesus”.
The former minister complained about a lack of movement on public projects and the rejection of ideas and suggestions that he had put forward on a range of topics, from ReGen to the acquisition of beach property.
Seymour made it clear that he didn’t believe an environmental impact assessment for the East-West Arterial Road extension was necessary, despite the major impact of the road on the natural environment and the need to protect communities along the route from flooding.
He said the situation was “disturbing” because he believed that the premier was not acting on motions that had been supported in parliament, such as the motion calling for the EWA to be dropped and the controversial plan to increase building heights beyond ten storeys.
He criticised Panton’s leadership style on the basis that the premier is following the government policy platform of sustainability that Seymour appears to have rejected. Although he was aware of the PACT platform when he joined the administration, he said several times that the premier was focusing on the wrong policies.
Seymour criticised the approach being taken to shape the budget of not funding things that are unlikely to get off the ground, suggesting that the money should be allocated on the basis of “giving some hope”. He also suggested that the government should be paying people’s entire light bills, though he did not indicate how that would be funded, and even suggested the government subsidies last year were pointless and embarrassing because they were not enough.
Seymour suggested that he planned to purchase gas cards and give them out on the side of the road, which could be a breach of the anti-corruption law if he did so in his own constituency.
The video for Wednesday’s edition of For the Record is currently unavailable due to technical problems.
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Category: Politics
Dim is a good word to describe John John..
Everyone needs to stop listening to this clown – period.
picture dim now. When it was time 2 join them 4 a ministerial seat and receive a bigger salary it was not dim then

The one thing I can agree with is that the PACT needs to go. Wayne’s need for power trumped what was good for the country and now we are all suffering with these uneducated idiots and their daily drama. I feel a storm coming before these guys get their first budget done. The people of this country will be shocked by what has been spent by these rookies with nothing to show for it …other than Wayne being able to hold the group of self serving ‘independents’ together for 2 years. #caymangone
He is unprofessional, has no dignity or loyalty.
He deserted the Progressives to join the PACT Government.
Caymanian politicians are a mere shadow of their predecessors in tne 50’s and 60’s.
Those female and male politicians lobbied for the people of the Cayman Islands and were not interested in their personal financial gain because of their positions.
Sir Jon Jon Do Nothing
If a man tells you who he is, believe him. Jon Jon has certainly been nothing but clear about the type of politician he is: the kind that gives out money to random people on street corners. So much for fiscal responsibility.
What’s not so clear is evidence of any proof that Jon Jon has ever done anything (anything at all!) to further any of the causes he speaks so passionately about.
Put Jon Jon close to a few ears and he’ll eventually start talking about the East-West Arterial and about how important it is for the country. And Jon Jon would be right. The Cayman Islands do need the EWA, we’ve always needed it. One wonders if this realisation lately fell on Jon Jon during the pandemic. One wonders this because while he was a sitting government Minister and member of Cabinet for 4 years from 2017 to 2021, Jon Jon did nothing – absolutely nothing – to pave or grade a single Inch of the EWA.
It would appear that one can be good at flippantly giving out money OR one can be good at building roads or houses. Can’t be both.
And Jon Jon loves to talk about immigration, he can whip up a frenzy with that political hot topic; and Jon Jon loves a frenzy, as it’s easier than ACTUAL WORK. But as Minister for Immigration he did nothing to reform Immigration. Where is the report from the PR Points Review Committee? He had SIX months. Where is the Minimum Wage Committee report? He made sure to take his first class flights to a postal conference though (just like his mentor JuJu).
He couldn’t even achieve something cosmetic like a change to the Ministry’s brand. Immigration is still seen as a broken vessel of government, especially so after his stint as its leader. Yet while he was there, Jon Jon could have done something to slow down the rate of people becoming Caymanian – he didn’t. Kenneth’s billboard scared him. Kenneth publicly called JonJon out.
As Minister for Labour, he could have at least helped to get training for more Caymanians, increase the chances of getting Caymanians upskilled and qualifying better paying jobs in the workforce – he did nothing.
There was a running joke at the Government Administration Building where people would guess if Jon Jon was in office. It was always safer to bet that he wasn’t. Because Jon Jon was always busy in his MIND, always getting things done in his head, a tiring state which makes him always late for appointments, sometimes by as much as 2 or 3 hours. Entire conferences have been held up because of Sir Jon Jon’s tardiness. The man is a legend.
Which makes me wonder. How is it possible that Jon Jon was breaking up fights in Cabinet? One would expect that Jon Jon would arrive long after the fights are already done, after the tempers have cooled. An easy time for Jon Jon then – he arrives late, after the work has been done and there is time to talk. And Sir Jon Jon loves to talk because as he speaks he believes he can distract you from what he’s doing, from what he has always done: NOTHING.
Dwayne The Rock Seymour’s got my vote let me tell you! Finally a man for the people and in my humble opinion I’m behooved to say he is carrying the torch of the brightest and best minds of our country National and a trailblazer not seen for a generation.
Mr Sir honorable Seymour I salute you We all salute you!
we, who? not the majority am sure
And by the way, thank you for the gas cards and happy hour drinks!
LOL. Sarcasm at its best!
Here here! Finally somebody said it! With The honorable Seymour in charge running the show look out World there’s a new global leader inspiring millions! #goosebumps
Where is the lol buttone when you need..CNS please bring it back..
Salute ignorance!
Only question is will Denzel Washington or Samuel L Jackson … or maybe Randy Jackson play him, the Honorable Sir Seymour in a Hollywood movie. CayMan Courage based on a true story of events. #SoCool #can’twait
@5:15pm I just love your sarcasm..
I’ve always considered Dwayne a forty-watt bulb. He also suffers from a mild case of Dunning-Kreuger. I think his ethics, bravery, heroism, and now martyrdom are all confined to his head. But there’s a grave, worsening situation that’s brewing up there. Disappearing then reappearing environmental policies, persecution and comparing himself to Jesus are worrying. It won’t be long now before he digs up (then misplaces) gold plates in his back yard.
I genuinely feel sorry for the decent and intelligent people in PACT (Wayne, Andre, Kathy, Heather) who have been and are forced to work with the ignorant and inept (Dwayne, Kenneth, Chris, Jay, Juliana, Bernie, McKeeva). Still borderline for me but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt for now – Sabrina and Isaac.
I really believe Wayne is well intentioned and trying his best – and I support his focus on sustainability and keeping an eye on pork barrel spending. But seriously people, how in the hell would anyone be able to keep that bag of self interested and egostistical jokers in line?
They made their own beds, let them enjoy the fleas.
Progressives were a worse choice, hellbent on growing the population to 100,000 and making their rich friends richer.
Has he paid in his employers pension?
@12:24pm..nope…one reason that he had to resign because he knew that would continue to haunt him..
7.01am Pray tell us how much PACT has limited the population. Last I heard it has grown by thousands more since 2021.
Ummmm, sorry “forced”? The only forcing here is this ragtag bunch Wayne insists on keeping together and forcing on us just so he can retain premiership!!
Careful, you are creating a dangerous and wrong narrative.
11.12 I agree with you.
Get Marco Archer Roy Barbara Moses and David to join in and we’d have a decent more educated bunch of honest people to work with.
I fear the low life who will still want Kenneth, Mac, Seymour Saunders and Jay. will still curse Cayman at the ballot box.
2:25 pm come off that’s crack, fentanyl or kujunpin you on pleease. Ya don’t look good, and your thought process gone strictly south!!
None of them want a general election, because they know they will be voted out!
Frightening that we have idiots like this running our our little country!
He’s not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, is he?
Come to think of it, are any of them really any worse?
Its been said many times on this and other platforms, Status holders must be allowed to stand for election if not all PR Holders/Status holders. The pool is simply too small, too corrupt, too devoid of any brains
I hear what you are saying, but that is only more likely to make Cayman become Little Jamaica.
If “Status holders” are allowed to run, Jamaicans will definitely take over, and rapidly progress the ruination of Cayman.
They will overnight turn Cayman into the country they are all trying to leave .
Just like they do in Jamaica. The educated wealthy will align themselves with one or two “mutual benefit” politicians…Cabinet status grants, scholarships, business licenses, no problem en route to Independence.
The uneducated will be seduced, as they are now, by the Mac Kenneth, Seymour Saunders handouts variety of politician, garrisons will form and crime will spiral.
Only difference now is some form of Governor, And FCO police and judiciary oversight seems to be keeping a lid on things to protect the financial industry.
8:53 a.m. The Cayman Islands have very qualified and capable Caymanians (who not status holders). We certainly are not thereby just yet.
These islands are not short of people to fill jobs either. We are slowly going down the slope many other similar jurisdictions went and look where they are now. Sadly there is no foresight to see this. But then again, Governments cannot make the public know everything it knows. Politicians should let the public aware of this.
Sorry but I didn’t understand a word of that.
“Seymour made it clear that he was unhappy about the budget process because it was not going to assist his election prospects.”
he’s so dumb he doesn’t realize he said the quiet part out loud…smh
I just came back from a jewelry show in Miami. I have advised Customs multiple times that certain players in the jewelry world are not paying any duty on huge dollar values of business merchandise.
Whilst I was waiting in the hour long to pay duty I watched the exact representative of the company everyone knows cheats, and that I advised CI Customs of, walk out with ‘nothing to declare’. Why is the system that we have penalize honest persons, and allow dishonest person to not only pay less, but have a much easier travel experience? This is a really unbalanced system.
Get used to it mate as look at the construction industry, everyone is a sub contractor “buy a permit” worker and they pay no health insurance, no pension, no worker compensation insurance or any of the relevant labor laws, yet immigration never does anything. But our guy Jon-Jon was in charge of immigration so he should have straitened all that out.
This guy keeps saying he is thinking, we all know that is a lie.
I do believe allayou were expecting too much from him, and most of the others. I am disappointed, not by him but by the leader of the PACK. I know my memory is not as sharp as it used to be but I cannot recall one policy or one meaningful strategy being put in place to make our Beloved Isles Cayman “Great Again” since they have been in charge.The dump still needs sorting out, the mangroves and other plants and trees are being destroyed to make room for more cement seven mile public beach is still being over-run by undesirables, too many work permits are still being issued, traffic is still a mess. The threat of not being able to balance the budget has risen its head after the change of government, etc, etc.
The man is responsible for a lot of what you have written and because he now has no money to play with and his developer friends are disappointed he is more than angry about it, he is desperate and that is a scary thing. He is a sore loser being told no, man enough poor decisions from you sit down.
This place is too small to have political parties.
Can we please just elect the top 5 to 10 candidates. As this guy, and quite a few others demonstrate, we don’t have the depth of brain power required to have a party system.
This dummy, in particular, needs to know that nobody needs his unique talents in government. An oaf voted in by half wits.
Where is the moon when you need it… Hoooooooowl!!
On Saturday the moon was busy covering the sun and cooling down the earth for a few hours, have no idea what she is up to now!
What an ass…
The only thing dim in the picture is Seymour. How in the world is this clown ever taken seriously? From hiding in the bushes waiting for his wife at the time to come out of a hotel with her boyfriend, to the trainer and his current wife during COVID lock down, his performances on the panel during the COVID lock down to now all this really shows what this guy is.
Is this the best that the country has to offer as a leader?
Actually his ex wife is a very pleasant and attractive woman. Worth fighting over, but she too must have seen what a brainless buffoon she had married, and just like UDPact, sent him packing.
I think you mean donkey.
They wanted to spend and spend and spend. Seems he thinks there is nothing wrong with putting this country in serious debt so long as he can look like Santa Clause.
Dwyane’s flip-flopping and empty vessel aside, Wayne has failed to lead one of the smallest Cabinets on the planet. Also, when you are the only person opposing the rest of your Cabinet and Backbench, first, you must not say so publicly. Second, you must resign. That is the Westminster system. Meanwhile, Rome is burning. The percentage of indigenous Caymanians in the country continues to go down and few except Dwayne and Kenneth want to touch that.
Well Jon Jon did accomplish one thing I thought was impossible. He made McKeewa look good.
I believe we have a talent pool of young Caymanians that could lead our country. But with role models like Jon Jon, Bernie, Kenneth, Jay, etc etc, how can they possibly be inspired by that standard of politician? And those same ones talking about doing something for Caymanians? Do us all a favour and fade away!
How can this guy criticise anyone? He is a religious unintelligent incapable minister, as proven by the press conferences during covid. I’d be surprised if he could make a success if stacking shelves in fosters as a career let alone as a government minister.
Yes but he is good at hiding in the bushes outside of a SMB hotel waiting for his ex-wife and her friend to come out so he can jump out and straiten them both out!
That qualified him for breaking up the fights in the cabinet meetings.
LMAO, hide n seek booo LOL
Religious my backside..more like politically expedient when necessary..
CNS, really great use of the word “dim” in the title, Im still ROFLMAO
He thought more people were gonna cross with him – what a soo-prise he got!!
Now he is on the airways, doing Alden’s bidding, by trying to bring down the Govt.
Do the Opposition not realise how damaging that will be for the Cayman Islands internationally? I know Dwayne cant fathom it
I think his bad-mouthing of PACT is just his attempt to make himself look like some sort of hero for jumping ship. Whereas, the truth is probably that his defection was totally motivated by SELF-INTEREST.
Rumour is that they told him to leave on his own or be removed.
EWA without an EIA….just ask the community that lives on the south side of the by-pass Newlands…it rained a month ago and is still flooded. There were no preparations for drainage, now we are having to cope with an abundance of mosquitos.
Looks like someone just asked him what the capital of France is in that photo. *vacant*
He’d probably have the same look if the question was “What is the capital of the Cayman Islands”.
Hahahahhaha..belly hurting laughing!!
‘and he had been spoken to in a derogatory way,’
before anyone starts mocking you that you’ve no idea what you’re talking about Mr Seymour, perhaps there might be a past experience from a press conference or something you could offer so we could argue against any ridicule in your favour.

Tell us what derogatory words they said, dim, dufus,dunce,dimwit……………!
Please tell us what u did whilst you were a minister jon jon???
Clobbered a light pole and then phoned his bestestest bestie BFF Wayne Panton to dig him out of a shitstorm. Other than that, the square root of sod all.
Crashed a car into a pole and then used political influence to avoid being breathalyzed.
I hit a light pole when my donkey got blinded by a full moon!
He did nothing, and he didn’t have to do anything….other than make sure he kept in touch with his 300 or so similarly uneducated voters , with assurances that he would “look after” them .
That’s really all it takes , ask Kenneth, Mac, Saunders…that’s how they do it, as they too are fortunate to “represent” uneducated unemployables who demand no more than an occasional hand out.
You forget about the regressive vote buying by the people you left off your list.
Tnats true…what has Kenneth done other than announce a raft of projects for…”my people”…then flown off for a first class 5 star jolly.
Uneducated voters blinded by shallow promises. Deception is what keeps these people in their overpaid posts and their supporters are too stupid to realize it.
Kenny Beach looking nice though.
As much as all the other ministers combined.
get a life! at least pact trying help us instead of the ppm does! zzzzz
Come on 6:33 don’t you know the reason that the PPM kisses up to the rich is because they have the money to help the election campaigns. So tell me, just what do poor Caymanians have?
More votes. The poor and middle class just need to believe they have the power and then act on it.
I had to read it a couple of times to be sure I understood.
He actually admitted he was not happy about budget allocations because it will hurt his re-election chances..!
There you have it folks…HIS re-election chances above the welfare of the country.
That sums up who he is, and sums up what they are ALL doing to keep their bloated snouts in the overstretched public trough.
UDPact for the people…? Yeah right .
He’s not the messiah.
He’s a very naughty boy.
He ain’t squat. Never has been, and never will be! Just another loser.
And to think… I prefer him to Ossie Cow Cod Bodden who beat a mentally challenged individual with a cow cod
Ossie said he don’t.
Ozzie not going back politics, the porridge pot on the HSA board is way too sweet with zero accountability.
13 @ 5:43pm – does being a raging alcoholic drug addict actually equate to being “mentally challenged”? I know the man who Ossie was alleged to have beaten. He was perfectly functional as an auto repair manager before he started hitting crack cocaine!!
I guess that alone makes him mentally challenged? Does it really??
This is who you are voting for if you are still a PPM supporter. Just sayin.
Better than voting for Mac and Kenny if you are a UDPact supporter.
At least he is too dim to be corrupt.
No. Like many of them, too dim to understand the concept of corruption, and the big part they play in it. As ambassadors, they are painting a dim picture of Cayman in the media just inviting ridicule. Thank goodness for Andre.
So you resigned as one of the reason “east/west road should be done without the EIAS” sir with all due respect, you should not have walked crossed, you should have been flung across.
He don’t even know when he is wrong. Just goes to show, Cayman good days are done!
Tell us why you really left!
Two more brain cells Seymour would be a tree.
Would he be the light pole that he ran into?
Ah yes a quote from the late great Rhyal Gallagher.
Headline should be “Dim Seymour paints picture of PACT”
Can he paint?
He can’t do nothing right!
Probably cant color inside the lines.
I certainly recall the poetry.
Not by number.
Good lawd this man
He’s comparing himself to Jesus now?
Not the first time – at least this time we didn’t get the donkey
What would Jesus do? I really don’t think he would have quit on us.
The dim predicting a dim outlook

. He needs to stick to what he knows best, predicting female behaviour on full moons, reading parables of scripture and Google translations. Cayman’s predicament will be very dim if this dimwit gets elected again.
Oh MP Seymour, when you planning on giving out the gas cards as we brethren gonna come and get us some bro. Don’t worry we love you. Can I get extra gas cards please?
If you have ever had the misfortune to speak with Jon Jon, most likely you realize he isn’t the smartest person in the world. Infact he is well below average…
I hope he can be ignored until the next election them mercifully fades away…
I don’t know if I should be flattered or angry that you have co-opted my tagline…
Just when you think his prospects have bottomed out, Seymour likens himself to Jesus.
What a donkey
Why are you insulting the poor donkey, Seymour is more like the donkeys a#$
Thats the funniest thing Ive read in a long time.
I really can’t believe that this man has a brain.
I don’t believe this man is capable of rational thought. Every time he opens his mouth he invites ridicule .
Most alarming is that a man of this caliber is elected, and is paid a fortune to be one of our leaders.
Are we really THAT desperate that we can’t identify a Caymanian with some education, and half a brain to run for office..?
It’s not desperation. It’s a flawed electoral system that only allows dimwits, puppets, sexual predators and the power/money hungry to be elected. Until the system changes, don’t expect the ilk to change — just the faces.
And drug dealers.
P.S. Any update on the dick pic scandal Wayne?
What dick pic scandal….?
Didn’t know about this one, pray tell.
He has straw for brains. makes the Tim Man in The Wizard of Oz look like a PhD

Will you tie up the donkey to a tree while you are handing out the free gas cards? Better yet, why don’t you get everyone a donkey and then we wouldn’t need any gas at all and you would be a hero because you would be fighting global warming!
It is more worrying than funny because this fool is dead serious. The guy is delusional or maybe this is a cry for mental health help. Can’t Sir Alden and the PPM boys do an intervention for this guy.
Please spare a moment’s sympathy for those of us here in Little Kingston who are saddled with this empty headed nonentity as our MP and who likely will be for years to come as he has a certain type of following that sticks by him no matter what.
Like Big Mac followers?
Yah! Them that don’t know how to think for themselves… . . . . . . . . !
Please make sure you vote next election if you are eligible.
But for who, exactly? All barrels empty.
A gormless town idyat.
But the Jamaicans in Bodden Town must be so proud of their country men candidates.
However Jonjon does make the other one look like a genius by comparison.
All that nonsense about handing out fuel tickets shows that he really has no idea (i) what the role of an MP is; and (ii) what corruption is.
Bless his ignorant, garrison heart.
My take on this is if someone cannot afford fuel then they shouldn’t have a car. If they don’t have a car then we are all a little safer on the road.
In any case, I sure want some free gas!
Hope he has grocery store vouchers as well.
The confused look on his face says everything.
Seymour is a dam clown. How is this guy even relevant in anything. Just what did you do while you were the labor minister Johnny?
It seems as if the only brain cells on the Pact side is being owned by Andre Ebanks. It must be pure hell for anyone with an iota of professionalism integrity and education to work with these buffoons.
And Wayne Panton.
Jon Jon, you have all this to say – screaming corruption? Would you like to elaborate on when the pole jumped out in front of you car late at night? You certainly were for the Premier when he got you out of that. Just please hush your mouth, we can’t take it anymore.
Maybe it was the devil who pushed that tree out in front of his car?
No it was a full moon night a a donkey wondered out into the road causing him to swerve to save the donkey….
Fool voters ? so many of them, and it’s no cure for fools. Even after they dead they still a dead fool.