Men turn up at hospital with gunshot wounds

| 17/10/2023 | 48 Comments
Cayman News Service
RCIPS Firearms Response Unit vehicles

(CNS): On Sunday evening, police were called to the George Town hospital, where medical staff were treating two men who turned up with gunshot wounds. This was one of three reports on Sunday night that may have involved firearms, including shots fired at a George Town bar during a fight and unconfirmed shots in West Bay.

When police officers arrived at the hospital at about 7:20pm, they learned that one of the men had a gunshot wound to the hand and the other had been shot in the leg. Neither of them had reported being shot to the police at the time, but it later transpired that they had received these wounds in the Tropical Gardens area.

At around 7:40pm, officers attended a report of gunshots being fired in Kings Road, West Bay, but there was no evidence at the scene. Police spoke with a number of individuals in the area and received no corroboration. They were told the sound might have been a car backfiring.

Then, at about 8:30pm, police officers were dispatched to Shedden Road, at the junction of North Sound Road, where a man had sustained facial injuries and where there were also reports of guns being fired.

When the  Firearm Response Unit arrived, it was apparent that the injured man had not been shot. But investigations into the incident revealed that a fight had taken place and shots were fired in the air. The other people involved had left before the police arrived.

Anyone with information about any of the incidents is encouraged to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Tips may be submitted to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Anonymous tips may also be submitted to

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (48)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This is what happens when you allow family homes to be sliced up in to shanty town rentals.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nobody “allowed”’s just an extension of Jamaican lawless culture.
      If CPA issue an enforcement notice to knock them down, they just run to Mac Kenneth Seymour and Saunders and wail.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, you should see Prospect Dr. Fishermen living on boats and houses converted to be apartments for 10 filipinos.

  2. Concern 345 says:

    We should not be bashing Caymanian or Jamaican or any other nationality here.

    These type of criminal activities, shooting etc. affects us all. we should take a zero approach to gun violence. I am reaching out those who know who these person are that is giving the island a bad name.

    You must report them, refuse to give them safe haven. Speak up, save the Island before it is too late

    • Anonymous says:

      Penalties for unlicensed gun ownership should be increased, and more importantly, Enforced.

    • Anon. says:

      @Concern 345 – You say that, but if we were to better scrutinize the Jamaicans that we’re letting in here (i.e., police clearances, background checks, work and character references, etc.), along with better patrolling of Cayman’s coastline to stem the tide of illegal immigration, along with deportation of Jamaican overstayers and those convicted of a crime, is there any doubt whatsoever that we would reduce criminal activity in these islands by more than 50%? Personally, I have zero doubt.

    • D..B says:

      in my neighborhood there is a well known young Caymanian drug dealer, the house is known for being a drug den, his father is in prison for being a permit scammer, guess where is father from? Jamaica. I cant keep count of how many times I have reported this scum bag young man to the police for selling drugs and keeping a gun. The whole neighborhood knows he has it, he loves swinging it around claiming he gone shoot people when he charged up! he beets his girl and kids in public, hes a waste to society yet the police have done nothing to stop it. either they are useless or he is undercover! that’s the only reasons i can think of.

  3. Anonymous says:

    It is incredibly sad to see that Cayman is slowly being desensitized to gun culture.
    Cayman is a small place and could be cleaned up rather quickly if the mechanisms put in place to monitorthe public were turned against the criminal element.
    Alas, a possible conclusion is that those in control of said mechanisms are also corrupt and in collusion with the criminal element of our society.

  4. Anonymous says:

    They ought to be, and TBH I think (with the exception of André) almost all (past and present) would /should be biting nails. And we can only hope for karma to come.

  5. Anonymous says:

    You wonder if the cops would actually patrol the roads and enforce laws what criminals they could catch. Oh well, guess they actually don’t want to do the work.

    Just look at traffic court cause lists. they are never that long so that proves there is like 2 traffic cops doing anything at 1 times on this island. IT’S MADNESS ON OUR ROADS RCIPS.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The police and prosecution services are at best ineffective and our current politicians clearly have no interest in enacting laws that will keep the few thugs that are actually caught in jail. We will soon be as bad as or worse than Jamaica and Honduras if this continues. It is already the case in TCI.

    • Anonymous says:

      ONLY in Cayman would the solution to dealing with the wholesale importation of Jamaican criminals , be to spend a $100 million dollars to provide them with comfortable incarceration.
      Would it not be more prudent to stem the inflow of the disease, than throw millions at consultants to tell us what size gym and library criminals need..?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Jamaican police hunting Jamaican bad man in Cayman, can see where our little island headed. Thanks Mac!

  8. Caymanian. says:

    Its time for Franz or the governor to step in. The problem is obviously beyond RCIPS’s abilities to stop. Bring in some real professional law enforcement from the UK to end this now. The guys with the guns are digging in and will be impossible to root out if we don’t end this. This is a tiny, affluent island where everyone knows everyone. Why can’t RCIPS find the people with the guns and arrest them???

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, what these guys need is a good 5k.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are eyewitnesses to all these shootings. They are afraid. Your bail system lets any suspects out immediately. Do you think they don’t know who the witnesses are?

    • Anonymous says:

      That man is a joke and will always be. Is it only me that can see he really does not care, just wants the paycheck and smile for photos??? SMH… upset Caymanian.

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is fkin nuts, use to be one shooting every 10 years, then moved to 1 a year now it’s one every 2-3 days?

    Gang leaders coming in(arriving on island) strong recently and attacking caymanian gang members?

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks Mac..Kenneth, Saunders ,Seymour…you must all so be looking forward to Independence when you won’t have those pesky Brits telling you what to do.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Me, I’m always getting shot and forgetting to let the police know!

  11. Anonymous says:

    looks like the police will want to return to tropical gardens and maybe start patrolling these areas where criminals live

  12. Anonymous says:

    B is for bonkers there’s more than enough KFC chicken for everyone no need for this nonsense

    • Anonymous says:

      This is an extremely racist comment @CNS.

      Do you not understand the racial connotation between Black people and Friend Chicken? Let me explain: In the Southern States of the USA the Folk who are still pissed off about not being able to keep slaves, now make fun of the fact that,

      “chickens had long been a part of Southern diets, but they had particular utility for slaves. They were cheap, easy to feed and a good source of meat.”

      CNS: But you are not in the USA. You are in the Cayman Islands. In the 35 years that I’ve been here, I’ve never heard of any hint that fried chicken had racist/slavery connotations. It’s a traditional staple of local people of every skin hue. I do not know if the commenter is a racist and that was his/her meaning and neither do you (maybe if he/she is still checking the comments they can explain).

      If the commenter is a racist (and necessarily from the USA so they would be cognizant of the connection you are making), that’s their problem. But if you’re seeing foreign racist connotations in Cayman that don’t exist here, that’s your problem.

      As far as I can tell, the snippy comments about KFC and fried chicken in general appear to be because it’s dripping with saturated fat and cholesterol, which is extremely bad for the main health problems here.

      • Anonymous says:

        We white folks in the South eat our share of fried chicken at KFC as well as our mommas’ recipes at home. This racist trope is more of a northern urban slur.

      • Anonymous says:

        Being outside of the USA doesn’t make it any less racist.. the N word is universal

        • Anonymous says:

          If the ‘N’ word is so repugnant, why is it blasted from every second car on the road at ear splitting levels? If you can force me to hear it 100+ times a day, I then can & will use it just as liberally!!

          I bet this sad fact escapes those who so frequently broadcast it publicly!

      • Anonymous says:

        10.47… Don’t be so damn silly.

      • Anonymous says:

        As they say, if you want to know about someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Not suggesting that CNS Editor walk around in Blackface but he who feels it knows it I’m afraid.

        • Cayman News says:

          I remain unconvinced that local people would find the comment racially offensive, but if the reference to KFC is offensive to some, I’ll consider future comments of the same ilk more carefully, especially if they are otherwise lacking substance.

      • Anonymous says:

        there is also no mention of the race of the individuals who were shot or those who did the shooting. if you’re attributing this to a specific race that is your racism out for a stroll

      • Anonymous says:

        Good job CNS. the op was reaching to scream racism. that says so much about them.

  13. Cayman last Generation says:

    Two Jamaican wanted Gunmen running around Cayman speaks volumes about this place I don’t know why we don’t haul down that Blue back ground Union Jack and hoist up the ikes green and gold with 36,000 work permits out numbering Caymanians 3-1 ware now a minority here for sure.

    • Anonymous says:

      its your elected leaders that did it to you and lets not forget Al Thompson, Fosters and the Merrens also!

    • Anonymous says:

      The UK will take over the running of the whole place if the elected members don’t sort this out.

      • Anonymous says:

        Soon come please.

      • Anonymous says:

        I see that two Turks politicians have been jailed for corruption following UK takeover.
        Must be a couple of our own biting their nails in case that happens here l’d guess.

        • Anonymous says:

          You’re spot on. Mentioning no names but many in cabinet and RCIPS would be looking over their shoulder if the ACU actually did anything useful. The irony is that pathetic depts main area of business is investigating itself.

          • Anonymous says:

            The UDP years , including Jeff Webb enablers, would provide many rich pickings for any investigators, then there’s the whole CHEC port debacle, and many illegal status grants as icing on the rum cake of politics in Cayman.

            • Anonymous says:

              Dude – they missed the Stan Thomas open goal. They don’t care. Only time they got off their backside was when it looked like Mac was getting too cozy with the Chinese and they couldn’t even make the credit card abuse charge stick. XXXX will get a free ride as ling as they don’t do anything too obvious to embarrass the UK or start messing in strategic politics.

      • Anonymous says:

        I hope they do.

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