Cops on the hunt for robber with broken arm

| 25/10/2023 | 19 Comments
4-Way Stop Convenience Store, West Bay

(CNS): A robber wearing a blue cast on his right arm and bright coloured clothes made off with an undisclosed quantity of cash after robbing a convenience store on Town Hall Road in West Bay just after 12:45am on Tuesday. The man entered the 24-hour local shop by the four-way stop and demanded money from the register before assaulting a member of staff.

Although he did not appear to be carrying any weapons, the culprit managed to make off with the money, according to a police press release. He was of average height, dark complexion and slim build, and was wearing a blue and white hat, a green shirt and light-coloured shorts. He also had a blue cast on his right arm.

Anyone with information is asked to contact 949-3999. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website. Tips can also be submitted anonymously to

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (19)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like a very color coordinated crook!

  2. Anonymous says:

    It was the one-armed man!

  3. Anonymous says:

    “Although he did not appear to be carrying any weapons, the culprit managed to make off with the money…”

    So how did he manage to get the money? I think we should all have baseball bats. PONG! Want another? Still want to hold me up?

  4. Elvis says:

    Shouldnt be too hard to find. Call hosp as . Breach of confidentiality my donkey lol

  5. Anonymous says:

    The cast is a fake, a decoy. You can buy the blue ones as a Halloween costume.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Is it a breach of confidentiality or doctor-patient privilege for information on persons, who have received blue casts on their right arm recently and who fit the description of the robber, to be disclosed to the RCIPS?

    • An0n says:

      Not a crim lawyer but I would guess that access (to sensitive documents would be allowed if there is a crime involved

  7. Anonymous says:

    Broken arm ! really he punched the cashier in the face that has, or by now had what appeared to be a cast , I hope that’s not their only lead , whatever he had on his arm is probably off by now, it could have been a removable pvc cast for all they, know . good luck with finding him

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ask Mac. I believe he is familiar with one-armed bandits.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Interesting disguise.

  10. They paved Paradise.... says:

    One armed bandit or a good costume?

  11. Anonymous says:

    When are we gonna start going after rental car companies with illegal tint. Surely you could contact the rental company and get all the legit info of the person.

    Yeah right….Shady rental companies and shader people renting them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Every other car on the road is a Honda Fit from Shady Car Rentals, or Drivelikeadick Rentals. The police should be pulling over more of these. Quite often they are driven by people who shouldn’t be, or at least not the person who is actually renting it.

      They also tend to be battered up, with things like lights not working properly as they’re just cash cows used to get cash from poor people.

      There’s a fair amount of ‘rentals’ advertised locally with regular plates on, so if you get these you’re not going to be insured and the DVDL isn’t getting their licensing fees. Of course, nobody will check this, so it’ll carry on.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ding ding ding ding ding.

        Problem is for our third world police officers they know they would pulling over mostly their third world countrymen and women. And that my friend is an absolute no no.

        No self respecting Jamrock copper is going to bring unnecessary pressure on himself by heightened crime statistics by their own countrymen.

        May all of a sudden prompt CIG to ask them all to just double check their criminal backgrounds.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Too funny, you all have to see the video. Someone put that old boy up to that certainly he was mismatched with a ladyboy.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like he could use a hand. In all seriousness though, a trip to the hospital to pull records would likely solve this case pretty quickly.

    • Anonymous says:

      He was seemingly out on… wait for it…. BAIL!!!

      The cops are asking for our help and yet according to reports they knew exactly who he was. He was tagged and bailed and removed his ankle bracelet.

      This whole shitshow is beyond farcical.

      • Anonymous says:

        On the Brac lots of cars/trucks don’t have license plates or they so faded cant make out the . numbers on it. police does nothing about it. They be driving without lights when it’s too dark to see good. Police does nothing about. Everyone know where they from and where the police are from.

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