CAL launches new weekly Barbados flight

| 18/10/2023 | 85 Comments
CAL staff hold the flags of the Cayman Islands and Barbados

(CNS): The first flight of Cayman Airways’ new route took off Wednesday morning bound for Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados. The weekly scheduled service was launched after the national flag carrier received a request from Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. The details of the deal have not been made public, though it is understood that BTMI has made some kind of financial commitment to the new route.

Tourism officials here believe it will bring European travellers and those wishing to link with CAL’s existing Los Angeles flight, though some people remain unconvinced that the route will be viable.

The route was launched this week to coincide with the 2023 Barbados Food and Rum Festival.

“The introduction of the Barbados route will offer cost-effective flights that will significantly enhance the convenience of travel overall to, and within, the Caribbean,” said Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan. “The financial commitment from BTMI to back this Cayman Airways service has been crucial in making a Barbados route a reality. It underscores the long-standing relationship and spirit of cooperation that exists between the governments of the Cayman Islands and Barbados.” 

Bryan, who also serves as chairman of the region-wide Caribbean Tourism Organization, added, “The launch of this new air service connecting the Cayman Islands with Barbados represents a significant milestone in bolstering connectivity within the Eastern and Western Caribbean regions. It serves as a powerful symbol of the immense potential that emerges when Caribbean nations collaborate, and I eagerly anticipate the positive impact it will have on our respective countries and the broader Caribbean region.”

Cayman Airways Chairperson John-Paul Clarke said the collaboration with BTMI had made the route a reality. “Their support has been instrumental in getting this fledgling route off the ground, and we look forward to the continuation of this productive partnership to ensure the route’s sustained growth and success.”

He said the nonstop service to and from Barbados has been timed to provide convenient connections to the Eastern Caribbean and Europe through the many carriers that fly to the Grantley Adams International Airport.

“This new service also provides convenient connections via Grand Cayman to Los Angeles, effectively linking the West Coast of the United States with the Eastern Caribbean,” Clarke said. “Additionally, we have been able to synchronise the flight schedule to align with other Cayman Airways destinations. This expanded connectivity is expected to usher in fresh opportunities for business travel, tourism and cultural exchange, further enhancing regional ties.”

BTMI Acting CEO Craig Hinds said the flight was testament to the enduring spirit of innovation and collaboration that defines the region.

“It symbolises our commitment to providing more convenient and efficient travel across the Caribbean region,” he said. “Regional travel has often faced challenges, including complex connecting flights and layovers. The introduction of this direct service will alleviate some of these challenges, making it more convenient for travellers from the Northern Caribbean to experience the warmth, hospitality and the products that Barbados has to offer.”

CAL will initially fly to and from Barbados on Wednesdays. As the airline transitions into its winter schedule starting November 5, the scheduled service between Grand Cayman and Barbados will be as follows:

  • Tuesdays: KX804 departs Grand Cayman at 5:10pm and arrives in Barbados at 9:35pm
  • Wednesdays: KX805 departs Barbados at 11:45am and arrives in Grand Cayman at 2:25pm
  • Thursdays: KX802 departs Grand Cayman at 4:30pm and arrives in Barbados at 8:55pm
  • Fridays: KX803 departs Barbados at 9:20am and arrives in Grand Cayman at 12:00pm

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Comments (85)

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  1. anonymous says:

    I understand from good source that there was 1 full fare on the inaugural flight – the rest were all CI Gov’t, Barbados Gov’t, CA Board and spouses, and it was all comped by the Minister. The cost of subsidizing this airline will go from $35 million to $50 as long as you keep this route going.
    That money could be better spent on transit, education, anything but the Barbados government. Regional Tourism Head #TheySawHimComing That was a post that others before him turned down – because they were smart enough to see why they wanted Cayman to have it $$$$$$$

    • Anonymous says:

      Shameless abuse of Government funds for personal jollies.
      We have unemployables enjoying snouts in troughs at our expense, and everyone seems to think that’s OK…and nobody does anything to control or restrict the bleed.

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the article instead of being an alarmist hater.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I would like to see the projections and numbers they came up with for this. There had to be more profitable routes to make. Like Mexico.

  3. Anonymous says:

    BA are the worst airline on the planet. If CAL can code share with Virgin via Barbados to UK with an efficient transfer sign me up!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Who is this flight for again ? Absolutely insane

    • Anonymous says:

      People who can’t get US visas, as a result of their criminal backgrounds.

      • Anonymous says:

        it can be impossible for people to get into the US because of their nationality. A lot of Philipinos can’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      2.05. Who is this flight for…?….It’s for Kenneth’s EGO…and all at our expense.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Can we please just get back JetBlue from Fll to Bgi

  6. Anonymous says:

    The BA flight already acts as a connection to wider Europe, and even then, I don’t know of many Europeans other than Brits coming here.

    • Anonymous says:

      The only ones benefiting from this stupidness are the Bajans. Of course Kenneth’s ego is being stroked at our expense. I have lived on this Rock all of my 60 plus years and I cannot recall any long standing relationship with Barbados. Yes we have had police officers work here over the years as well as teachers but like the rest of us when we travel we use whichever airline we choose to. I was having a discussion with a bajan about this and was informed that they prefer to go through Miami whenever they are going home because theY usually stop in Miami a couple of day to shop For things to take home. I sincerely whoever is responsible for monitoring the income and viability of nightmare that Kenneth has embarked on will keep his/her eyes on the cash flow.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Dumbest route ever.

    We can’t even fill a BA flight so why does Kenny think Europeans will come here via Barbados?

    Can we please just get a daily 7 am flight to Miami?

    • Anonymous says:

      Those who need to travel to Miami for medical care can no longer do same day trips. Now it often lasts into 3 days because of flight and appointment schedules, resulting in more hotel expenses. The Miami schedule is inconvenient to everyone. What is CAL thinking? This is their most important route. Gues they want to give the business to American

    • Anonymous says:

      “Dumbest route ever.”
      You do know who set it up don’t you?

  8. Anonymous says:

    What we need is a morning and evening flight to Miami. This will allow people to make way more connections without needing to overnight. This would benefit locals and tourists alike.

    Dallas, Chicago etc are all fine suggestions and obviously way more logical than Barbados but are easy enough to get to already with one stop in MIA or CLT.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Would be great to have the Dallas/Fort Worth direct flight again to help toursim.

    • Wa ya dayv says:

      Minister Bryan this foray better work or you will be out at 12 mile bank wid out a paddle old boy?

      • Anonymous says:

        There will never be any consequences for their actions. That is much of what is wrong with government.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It will be interesting to see how these boondoggle routes translate into an increased subsidy for CAL. Unless they’re somehow funded by some not so legit business?

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why not run Cayman to Dallas/Fort Worth for connections. AA only runs this on a seasonal basis.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t be so naive, the next route has to be direct to Key West or Naples to help avoid the long queues in Miami. Going to Dallas would attract too much business

      • Anonymous says:

        when is the last time you were through Miami? no queues anymore. AA has moved all flights to Charlotte which is now nuts while Miami is dead.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Inaugural flight tom Bim just in time for some pressure from Tropical Storm Tammy!

  13. Anonymous says:

    What you guys on about? this is a great destination for drug trans-shipments. It will really open up and link that South American and North American market.

    What a ridiculous idea this route is!

    • Anonymous says:

      you’re an idiot if you think people are going to be moving serious weight on a CAL flight.

      • Anonymous says:

        You seen the average suitcase of a CAL passenger? they bringing elephants in or something?

        It’s tongue in cheek, but I guarantee there’ll be stuff going through.

        The main point is that it’s a dumb route to service.

        • Anonymous says:

          It is, and I can’t imagine it being very profitable either (then again profits are not and have never been a priority for CAL) given they have less than 50 bookings both ways the next two weeks. Interesting time to open the route in the dead period of the season. Very few of CALs decisions are data driven, but many are politically charged and usually not for the benefit of the common folk.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes we’re all idiots or so they’d like to think.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Kenny seems ti be a student of “Any excuse is better than none.”

    Just because you say something Kenny, does not mean it is true or makes sense – it could be nonsense.

    Show us the details and the rationale behind the decision so we can judge for ourselves if it is a good decision. Make the details public.

    What are you afraid of?

    • Hee Haw says:

      9.34am He said it would attract “Brtish vistors from the Midlands”, next ting is will be non stop flights to Greenland to attract the Eskimos.

  15. Anonymous says:

    The screenplay for Narcos Season 5 writing itself.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Has CAL ever heard of Chicago, Minneapolis or Detroit? If you live in the midwest it is almost impossible to travel to Cayman in one day. Extra cost, extra hassle with TSA. Thanks Kenny for thinking of us🤡🤡🤡

  17. Anonymous says:

    “Let’s go vacation in Cayman” said no one from Barbados, ever.

    • Anonymous says:

      But, people in the Northeast say it every day from now until May! A direct Boston or Manchester, NH flight could cover Ma, Ct, Nh, Maine, Vt.

  18. Anonymous says:

    CALs last financial year showed losses of $50 million when you factor in cash injections, subsidy, and operating losses. That was without Barbados. Anyone care to guess what will happen this year? This is what happens when you elect people that have never had their own money.

  19. Anonymous says:

    The timing was perfect for the people that went to experience a close pass by a tropical storm.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Will give me a chance to see west Indies cricket again, since few games now come over to Jamaica.

  21. Anonymous says:

    A direct flight to Santo Domingo would be nice. Fun place, good golf, cheap accommodation and lots more 🙂 Plus , a good number of Dominicans live here. Just saying…….

  22. MR. LUSIN MA' MIND says:

    wat long standing relationship is Kenny B talking about…never mind it waste money,’s wotless…it’s the way Cayman rolls the dice and loses AGAIN….who is in charge…anyone and no one at the expense of the people ya want young Caymanians in tourism…dis is not the role model to follow…the wheels on the bus go round and round…..all day long.

  23. Elvis says:

    Who will be going Barbados exactly? Another money loosing venture good lord.

  24. Anonymous says:

    “This new service also provides convenient connections via Grand Cayman to Los Angeles, effectively linking the West Coast of the United States with the Eastern Caribbean,”

    Umm. No.

    Look at a great circle map – getting to LA from BGI via MIA/FLL is way way more direct than going through GCM. And there is a range of competing airlines for both legs of the journey via MIA/FLL.

  25. Anonymous says:

    A popular addition to CALs expanding route network was the Panama City flights which, from observation, yielded high load factors. Now down to one flight per week! Why?

  26. Anonymous says:

    “This new service also provides convenient connections via Grand Cayman to Los Angeles, effectively linking the West Coast of the United States with the Eastern Caribbean,” Clarke said.

    Mr Clarke, stop carrying water for Kenny, it’s making you look like a complete ****head. What could possibly be more convenient than the direct flight CAL has been saddled up for 🙄

  27. Anonymous says:

    Bringing European tourist wanting to connect with the LA flights…SMH. They really take the public for a bunch of fools.

    CAL’s board and MOT should at least be honest with the real intent of this flight. Because the losses and the truth will be made public eventually. Elections coming soon… They should know the opposition is going to run with this.

  28. Anonymous says:

    It is exponentially harder to ‘create demand for a new market’ than it is to ‘respond to demand’ in a new market.

    We’ll know in short order what type of exercise this is.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Cancel this asinine junk! Why would anyone want to go to Barbados?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Wait till the budget arrives.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Over the years we have seen this happen time and time again, yet every new minister seems to think they can change things. The fact is that CAL cannot compete in timing, frequency, connectivity and loyalty programs with the grown up airlines. Many have tried the regional routing but they ALL have failed and some didn’t even get started (Blue Sky comes to mind). Those spouting that it will be of no cost to us are lying or simply have no idea of the per hour running costs of an airline and then hide behind ‘commercial sensitivity’. The logistics of setting up support alone in a foreign destination are difficult and costly. The CEO of CAL knows this, but he has to do what government direct him to do. Cayman Airways should stick to serving the local people getting them to where they can connect with the big boys. This minister will come and go with no accountability for the failure whatsoever. No doubt the champagne will be flowing now and he will have a good time with public money while others struggle to make ends meet. He disgusts me.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Half empty LA and Barbados routes are simply change for the sake of change. Majority of tourists come from the northeast. Locals go to Miami. We need three flights a day to Miami and one each day to NY. This isn’t rocket science and yet these guys want to swim upstream. Can someone put an adult in charge?

    • Anonymous says:

      Chicago seems like it would be quite popular

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree. Even in a perfect situation, this will not benefit Caymanians. Not certain if it will make a difference to Barbados, but they stand to make the most profit.

    • Anonymous says:

      Boston. No competition!

    • Anonymous says:

      Having flown the LAX flight this year to connect to the Pacific, the flight was totally full both ways on our trip. You have to overnight in LA to meet your next flight the following day, but it was a great lay-over to break a very long haul itinerary .A selection of outstanding hotels in Marina Del Ray, 15 minutes from LAX. Lots to see and do around the Marina and Venice district. The flight dispenses with the ordeal of having to fly through Miami or DFW, to connect onwards. It was also much cheaper that a domestic route to get to the west coast.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yup. Silicon Valley would be a great location as well. Lots of rich overworked tech industry workers looking to relax, spend money and invest. Not to mention the VC capital of the world.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everybody forgets it’s our money CAL is spending, but we hear about secret, supposedly subsidy deals. How about capping our subsidy and giving them a timeline to be self-sufficient? Stop riding on the Nationalist feelings, get real in a competitive world.

  33. Anonymous says:

    How many paying passengers on board?

  34. Anonymous says:

    Looking forward to hearing about how many actual fare paying clients take these flights, not government freeloaders. i give this flight 2 months.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      I agree. The Jim Bodden Turks flight was a disaster. This will be the same. Fire the board of directors of Cayman Airways.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Clueless Kenneth.

  36. Anonymous says:

    THAT LA flight is WAY too early to be useful for any type of connection.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Finally! What everyone has been wishing for… a direct flight from Cayman to another small Caribbean island to get a breather from island fever.
    Fingers crossed maybe 2025 there’ll be direct flights to BVI or Anguila!
    This is way better than a direct flight to Las Vegas or Lisbon.

  38. Anonymous says:

    There are multiple daily direct flights from London to LAX, on multiple airlines (BA, American, Virgin etc). Someone desiring to go to LAX from Europe is not going to instead fly first to Barbados (and deplane, claim baggage etc), then fly to Cayman (and sit on the tarmac for a couple hours), then fly to LAX.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please refrain from using good sense or logic when commenting on KX operations.

    • Anonymous says:

      And choice of cheaper flights, nothing cheap flying from Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our tourism minister believes this is the case though. If you build it, they will come – LOL. As a nation we don’t even know who we are. Our way of life and culture is dead.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop making sense, cant you see KB Got this!!!????


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