Ten Cuban migrants repatriated to Havana

| 27/09/2023 | 2 Comments
Cubans repatriated from the Cayman Islands, Cayman News Service
CBC officer boards a migrant repatriation flight (file photo courtesy of the CBC)

(CNS): Ten Cuban men who ended up in the Cayman Islands as irregular migrants on small vessels were repatriated to Havana on a Cayman Airways charter Tuesday. The migrants departed Grand Cayman on a SAAB aircraft at around 10:10am and arrived in Cuba at approximately 12:30pm as part of the CBC expedited processing of asylum claims. CBC officers were supported in the operation by officers from the prison service and the police.

Around 50 people have been returned to Cuba so far this year, and although the number of migrants arriving has fallen significantly this year compared to last, there has been a recent resurgence of migrants ending up in Cayman waters. Over three dozen men and women have landed over the last couple of months, most of them on Cayman Brac.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Keep them going. We don’t need anymore

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good job


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