Seymour resigns with scathing attack on Panton

| 22/09/2023 | 220 Comments
Dwayne Seymour reads out his resignation letter to MPs on Friday

(CNS): Dwayne “John-John” Seymour MP (BTE) has resigned from the PACT Government and from his position as the labour minister. In parliament on Friday, Seymour launched a scathing attack on Premier Wayne Panton before crossing the floor to the opposition benches. This is the second time during this administration that he has moved from one side of the aisle to the other, having joined PACT in November 2021.

Seymour announced his resignation from government Friday afternoon when he read out a resignation letter he had sent to Governor Jane Owen, in which he said that he had never experienced such “disorganisation” and “lacklustre leadership”. He said he had crossed the floor to join PACT to help and offer his experience and to give the country some assurances. He then launched a direct attack on the premier.

“In my opinion, the autocratic way and manner in which the premier of this country leads his caucus leaves me much to be desired [sic]. It is my experience, it is his way or no way,” he said. “The premier’s failure to adequately engage and empower the civil service, his inability to keep his PACT group cohesive and focused, his inability to get the 2024/25 budget completed in a timely and consultative manner, his inability to listen and his inability to show fairness to all of his caucus are untenable.”

Seymour continued his criticisms of Panton, adding that he believed the country required leadership that had the full support of the caucus, one that inspired the country and gave the people hope in challenging times. The Bodden Town representative added that he was still fully committed to serving the country as an MP.

Seymour asked for his constituents’ forgiveness for not calling a public meeting to tell them in advance of his resignation, as he implied it was some sort of emergency, but he was confident he had made the right decision. He said he was disappointed because he had thought a government of independents could work.

“There was so much we could have achieved,” he said, adding that “it had taken a toll on me” and referring to “what happened last night” without specifying what part of the late-night proceedings had caused him to decide to resign.

Shortly after Seymour wrapped up his resignation speech, McKeeva Bush, as Father of the House, asked the speaker for a suspension of the proceedings.

Check back to CNS for more on this breaking news story.

Watch Seymour read his resignation letter in parliament on CIGTV below:

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Hope he changes his name to Dwayne “flip floppity” Seymour.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Poor Wayne this band of pirates and misfits he has surrounded himself with is like hearding brain dead cats.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Full moon donkey riding man. Thanks for resigning from minister. Now resign from M P. Good things do happen sometimes

  4. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know why John John didn’t just resign. He left the PPM and went to PACT now back with PPM. Is it just that he wants to keep his paycheck? If he can’t handle being on either side then he should get out of the way and let a by-election be held so that the people of BTE can have the opportunity to elect someone who will actually go to work for them.

  5. Anonymous says:

    “McKeeva Bush, as Father of the House” – seriously? I’d have left home as soon as I could if he was my father. He’s no role model worthy of being referred to as a “Father”

    • Anonymous says:

      The “Father of the House” is a term that denotes who the longest serving MP is in Parliament House.

    • Anonymous says:

      Father of the house is just the longest serving member..nothing to d with being a father at all.

  6. Anonymous says:

    To quote the BTE MP after joining the PACT:

    “No one cares about you more than Dwayne “Jon Jon” Seymour from Gun Square, Bodden Town. Anything that I’m involved in, I will make it worse…I,I,I mean work better…And, yes, I know some may have a problem with that…I know.”

    You really can’t make this up. The Freudian slip?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Turncoat. . .twice!

  8. BTE JJ Super Star says:

    I wonder how many of thou can actually vote in BTE? Brotha Seymour did the right thing and resigned from serving under such conditions. What is needed is for the other Ministers to follow suit. Country and people first, not a ministerial seat!

    • Anonymous says:

      Doesn’t matter which ‘thou can actually vote in BTE’, all MPs are accountable to the public who pay their salaries, benefits and if not doing their job and duties should get out!

    • Anonymous says:

      12:17, your post brilliantly demonstrates by its inanity the mess we sensible voters are in in Little Kingston East with Seymour and his Maga-type followers who will ensure he’s elected for life.

    • Anonymous says:

      I cn vote in BTE and I can tell you this much, this is the last time he will fool me. Not ever getting my vote again. Any man that has to flip flop like that to stay in power does not deserve my vote. He is loyal to no one but himself and his wallet.

    • Anonymous says:

      @BTE JJ Super Star,

      Thank you for pointing out the real reason that one man, one vote doesn’t work.

      Country and people first are far from John John thoughts..He is like the PPM, more about division and ensuring he remains on the gravy train.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It would be nice if we could see less of Seymour.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good riddance to an embarrassing uneducated buffoon. Wish he would take his other Bodden town buffoon back to Jamaica with him where they belong.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Well if there is still any doubt that Sandy (hunny chile) Hill is doing PR for Wayne, it because you just don’t want to see it!

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t care that Sandy is supporting Wayne, more importantly she is calling out the Saunders, Kenneth, Mac and Seymour gang of low life self serving parasites .

  11. Anonymous says:

    Seymour “crossing the floor” more like waddle across the floor.

    Funny how childish the MLA’s are if they can’t have everything their own way, like watching a child have a tantrum.

  12. Anonymous says:

    blame blame blame then run away and do nothing.

  13. Anonymous says:

    the pact circus continues…
    when will people realise…pact were never elected… they had no common agenda or manifesto…they just grouped together for their own selfish needs.
    that’s what you get for voting in small minded, small town independents.

    • Anonymous says:

      Still better than the Progressives.

      • Ambidextrous says:


        I am sure you benefited from Progressives governance during Covid.

        Be thankful.

        • Anonymous says:

          Agree COVID was handled to keep people alive and safe, but also agree that the PPM’s LOBBY to build, build, build is seriously flawed.

          Sir Alden’s cronies are all developers and piling on work permits to build more condos is a mistake.

          The only “building” we should be doing is to properly house and respect our elderly and provide decent housing for our children. Not condos that no one can afford?

          We ALL complain about traffic, but let the Developer dollar continue to rule?

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually not even remotely benefitted by the ridiculous draconian COVID policies 8:51.

          Shut down my business so lost my revenue but still had to pay my bills.

          Received zilch from government.

          Imprisoned on our property.

          Forced to wear stupid masks that didn’t do a damn bit of good.

          Forced to apply to leave the Island.

          Coerced and bullied to take take experimental jab that caused more deaths by a five fold factor than it prevented according to Robert F.
          Kennedy Junior(Fortunately I said no)

          Forced to quarantine upon returning to Cayman.

          The whole thing was a crock of excrement.

          • Anonymous says:

            “According to Robert F. Kennedy Junior”
            Next time please put that at the start of your post so we don’t bother to read the rest of the foolishness.

          • Anonymous says:

            Alden locked us up for about a year and Dwayne prayed in every language..How hard was that to do?

            Sorry but Alden has a knack for making himself important..

            Check us later at South Coast!

        • Anonymous says:

          I think in turn the PPM benefitted from the (then) Governor’s governance to get through that.

      • Anonymous says:

        unknown but very scary…

  14. Anonymous says:

    wqayen…we are all past feeling sorry for you.
    you lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas.
    you should not have gone to the scene of the crime that night …. btw what why did you go?

  15. Anonymous says:

    My life, is everything
    That feeds my thirst, that causes sin
    My wants, are all I care
    No shame and guilt, there’s nothing there
    Look deep, into my face
    I sell deceit, without a trace
    Fear not, what I can do
    Unless you, want it done to you

    As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
    I will, tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
    Then I, treat you like a dog, as I shoot my venom in
    You pretend you didn’t know, that I am a scorpion….

  16. It is easier said than done! says:

    If any voter believes they can do better for the Cayman Islands than this bunch, then I seriously encourage them to get their campaign team and manifesto ready; but be fully aware that to change anything, the laws need to change and for that you will need the majority of voters to agree with your proposal. Do not campaign promising people that if you get elected, you will change this and change that. It is easy to say, but hard AF to do it, and when you fail, you WILL end up looking just like this bunch looks today.

    • Anonymous says:

      Im sure many reasonable Caymanians are willing to throw their name in the hat for the next election, however most are also aware they won’t be able to compete with the hand-outs being given by the existing politicians now. Beer, hours repairs, appliances, etc are the high cost of running for office here.

      • Anonymous says:

        SO its not that voters can be bought that is the problem, but that honest people cant compete. Says a lot really, doesn’t it.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Did he cross the floor on a unicycle? What a circus.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The fact that Seymour doesn’t understand that Cayman isn’t a ‘Country’ tells a lot of his inadequate education, to hold a position of a government minister.
    I’m sure Governer Owen didn’t miss that though.
    Cayman really deserves better.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Just put John John on his donkey and send him home, he is an embarrassment.

    • Anonymous says:

      Everyone, don’t help to tear down your own house. If you don’t think 90% of all that is posted here is done by “guests in our country” you are in for a surprise. Support your own, at least it is ours.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the whole lot should go and the UK step in and install some people that aren’t criminals, woman beaters or just incredibly dense.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes because we all know the exemplary politicians that are in the UK. corruption and incompetence don’t thrive there.

      • Anonymous says:

        Of course the UK body politic has/had morons, criminals, thieves, the congenitally dishonest, and – my personal favourite – tractor porn aficionados.

        Cayman’s problem is that political candidates seem to come *exclusively* from such people (granted, except tractor porn aficionados).

        It’s tragic, but no intelligent and honest Caymanian could ever be sensibly advised to go into politics, as that would trap them on this tiny, incompetently-run spec of land in the middle of the Caribbean. Consequently, only the bottom-feeders, knuckle-draggers and window lickers stand for election. Caymans best and brightest are busy developing the ability to work overseas, in proper careers.

        If only there was a pool of intelligent, hard-working, well educated, highly-qualified and honest pool of people – who aren’t trapped in Cayman and thus disincentivised from politics – from whom better candidates could be identified… 🤷‍♀️

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah send down Boris

      • Anonymous says:

        Or homegirl that was there for what, 2 weeks? Barely anyone can even remember her name, but yeah, we’re supposed to believe that they have the answers, while they beat down our doors begging for PR. Anywhere but home, I guess.

  21. Anonymous says:

    What is missing from this discourse is any admission of part responsibility for this state of affairs from those of us who voted for and demanded a government of independents. Oh, and lets not forget the puppet masters behind some of the so called independents.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your Catron led government was always going to end this way. The only real surprise is that it has taken this long .

    • Anonymous says:

      Self-interested party turncoats are not necessarily independents. Seymour was bizarrely an active part of the PPM-led private caucusing Cabinet during Unity regime. Mysteriously entrusted with one of the most important jobs during Covid.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Something something light pole

  23. Anonymous says:

    This is the reason why we need to get rid of this party politics. It’s not helping the country or the people. Waste of time and ruining the country when they flip flop and undermine each other.

    We hungry, we can not afford to live in our country. We don’t want hand outs. Give us a fair opportunity to work with upward mobility. We struggling guys and it’s getting harder day by day.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 6.56 I think you meant to say that this is why we should not have a Government of independents…this Govt was made up of idependents.

    • Anonymous says:

      An opportunity to work? Ha! You have all the opportunities to work. Let’s not play that card.

    • Anonymous says:

      This situation was caused by a rag tag group of independents who have no cohesiveness whatsoever, so your comment unfortunately falls flat. Totally unsurprising given that these independents never campaigned on a similar manifesto, so how can we expect them to work together to get any meaningful work done. Not to mention, most are out of their league and run roughshod over the premier. Wayne must resign now, he must admit this government he foisted on the people has not been in anyone’s best interest.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Yeah….well…I love rum.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Time to hang it up John John. no one is more disorganized than you.

    Why are you holding on to your set if you can’t get along with either side of the government? How effective can you be in your current position? What are you going to do now, form another group that you will defect from before election? Enough man! Resign and give someone else a chance to represent the people of BT East!

  26. Anonymous says:

    Time for term limits on these politicians..John John, goes where the wind blows best for him..tired of his foolishness now.

    What was so pressing for him to resign so quickly that he never had an opportunity to meet with his people? I’ll bet it was because his people has had enough of his flip flopping trying to keep himself relevant and trying to fool his people that he is looking out for them.

    Anyone that has to flip around this much has no time to do anything for his people and needs to resign.

    It pisses me off that he continues to do this government in and government out. Why not just resign your seat and let someone that can actually do the job get elected.

    Bodden Town East, we need to find someone that when we elect them that we can count on them to be there for us. just because John John is likeable does not mean that he is best for us.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Those of you in the rest of the country should spare some sympathy for those of us here in Little Kingston East who have no hope of ever moving Mr Seymour from his seat as long as he has the type of followers he has here voting for him because he is like them.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is what happens when you let the Jamaicans take over.

      • Anonymous says:

        People were warned what would happen if they voted for single member constituencies, but they wouldn’t listen. Now we all have to reap what was sown, all because people thought it would finally rid them of McKeeva.

    • da-wa-u-get says:

      don’t feel too bad, we in WBW have been suffering the same thing much longer that you!

  28. Anonymous says:

    I couldn’t help wiping away a tear during yesterday’s moving farewell speech in Parliament. He’ll be missed for his pragmatism, multilingual outreach, and subtle, nuanced media relations (am I right, Wendy Ledger?) during the Covid crisis. A statesman whose foresight before DEI was even a thing, I remember when he stood up and advocated for LGBTQ community, declaring an entire month “Gaypril” in solidarity.

    I know you all feel the same about this loss to Cayman’s good governance, but fortunately, there’s space for another life-sized bronze in Heroes Square…

  29. Anonymous says:

    John must have really realized the sinister actions happening in the halls of power

    As a collective, we are presented with a final opportunity to confront and resist the looming tide of oppression in the form of absolute authoritarian rule.

    We must awaken to the undeniable reality that a significant power shift is underway, one that will profoundly impact the lives of us all. The few remaining liberties we currently enjoy are gradually slipping away. Our ability to travel freely, choose our preferred foods, decide where we reside, speak our minds, and even select our means of transportation is on the brink of being tightly controlled, akin to the constraints imposed on slaves.

    Our politicians, it seems, are succumbing to the subtle pressure exerted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), leading to the erosion of our freedoms and the imposition of draconian laws under the guise of addressing climate change.

    We have recently ceded control of our oceans to the “blue belt,” and it appears that we are on the verge of doing the same with sustainability legislation. The process of phasing out all internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles from our region and implementing stringent regulations on non-compliant individuals is already underway.

    It is imperative that we take a stand against the forces behind ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the #UN2030 agenda. These entities have surreptitiously infiltrated our legal framework without obtaining the necessary approval or votes from the populace.

    Any politicians complicit in the subversion and implementation of these organizations’ agendas must be removed from office and held accountable for unlawfully imposing climate change governance upon us.

    • Anonymous says:

      ‘Our ability to travel freely, choose our preferred foods, decide where we reside, speak our minds, and even select our means of transportation is on the brink of being tightly controlled, akin to the constraints imposed on slaves.’

      you f****** idiot, – where again is the problem in speaking our minds ?

    • Anonymous says:

      Did Republix run out of tin foil again?

    • You are delusional says:

      To Anonymous at 10:08am: The voters need to start letting their MPs know exactly where they stand on the various issues. That is as far as I agree with your post. “Absolute authoritarian rule?” You need to read what is going on in Nicaragua, where the dictatorship deported 222 of their own citizens and stripped them of their nationality; had their public records erased including university degrees, and confiscated all their property. They monitor airlines’ passenger lists and FB posts and will not allow any dissidents to enter the country. Compare that to Cayman, and stop smoking whatever it is you are trippin’ on.

  30. Anonymous says:

    He’s off to hone his kung fu skills to protect his sacred vessel.

  31. Anonymous says:

    To quote a fool “…..ended up being best story ever. Does that answer your question? ” No, not really”

  32. Anonymous says:

    “He said he had crossed the floor to join PACT to help and offer his experience and to give the country some assurances”.
    I guess he was not very imPACTful.

  33. Anonymous says:

    John.Chris. Mac. Ken.
    who will Premier though.
    plus EE NS Sabrina.
    probably BB too.
    could be Party C forming.
    Yard core tekova tings ya now.

  34. Anonymous says:

    What a clown.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Lord. we do not need a Turks and Caicos solution here.

    • Johnny Canuck says:

      8:38, Direct rule is the only way to stop this absolute nonsense.

      Of course, so many in the Cayman Islands would like us to become a mini Jamaica.

      • Anonymous says:

        You return to your homeland and do you. Let Cayman do Cayman.

        After all, if your homeland governs so well, please return and leave us alone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kinda do.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Could we please have some intelligent locals stepping up to be our leaders? What we have at the moment is a bunch of seriously under-qualified ego driven fools.

    I feel sorry for Wayne, trying to steer the ship with such a divisive crew…

    • Anonymous says:

      Its waynes own fault for unleashing this government on us, he deserves no sympathy! Power at any cost huh? well reap the whirlwind that follows. This government will not make it to the next election. Lets hope they are not re-elected either!

    • Anonymous says:

      As the saying goes he made his bed now he has lay in it. Wayne wanted to be Premier and he outsmarted himself right into the corner. No sympathy from me.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sorry for Wayne? He created this mess!

  37. Anonymous says:

    bro didn’t even know what he was reading, – he would have stood there, read a shopping list n not known the difference, dawg’s slippin 😉

  38. Anonymous says:

    I hope the people of Bodden town East realize now what John John is really about. How can you continue to elect a man who if he isn’t getting his way just jumps ship and causes chaos. John John isn’t any major prize and we Bodden Towners need someone that we know where they stand and and count on them. This type of wishy washy behavior and non-commitment does us no good.

  39. SJames says:

    The average IQ of PACT has just doubled.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the inept Minister from North Side will take the hint and also resign.

    • Anonymous says:

      The North Side minister is not going to give up the biggest paycheck and benefits he could ever dream of..!

    • Anonymous says:

      Education Minister needs to be first.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ineptitude extends across the board, but most shocking currently is the not at all honorable minister of Tourism.
      Our image is being destroyed daily by the disgraceful state of the public beach, harassment by higglers and outrageous state of faeces filled toilets.
      Get down there Kenneth and see for yourself what image of Cayman YOU are presenting to the world .
      Treating yourself to a Fat salary, first class travel and 5 star hotels only benefits your ego, not Cayman.

  41. Personal Trainer says:

    John John’s core demographic is the angry mediocre looking for others to blame for their mediocrity.

  42. Anonymous says:


  43. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone else see a former Speakers finger prints all over this?

  44. Anonymous says:

    ‘…in which he said that he had never experienced such “disorganisation” and “lacklustre leadership”.’

    Describing himself LMAO

  45. Anonymous says:

    ‘…to help and offer his experience and to give the country some assurances.’

    hahahaha…this guy never stops to make me laugh! He is in the wrong profession.

    Then goes on about others ‘inabilities’ LOL and still wants to serve as an MP, for the money and benefits flippity floppity

  46. Anonymous says:

    Good job Jon Jon.
    Thank you for your services to the country these past years…

  47. Anonymous says:

    Word is he’s discussing forming a new party with Juliana – the Chameleon Party.

  48. Anonymous says:

    Surely no one is stupid enough to want to lead this ship of fools and pirates. They will lead them only as far as the next mutiny.

    Call an election and an end to this idiocy of independents.

    Vote for a party with a platform, or you are voting for chaos and dysfunction.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for resigning Mr. Seymour it was obvious to many in the civil service and wider community that you were not up to doing the job effectively as a Minister.

    Your comments about the Premier seem valid except him being autocratic in his management style. It would be difficult to dominate such an unruly bunch in cabinet when every member appears to be following their own agenda whilst failing to comprehend the meaning of “collective responsibility”.

    However, it is well known he is extremely arrogant and a poor communicator that waffles on far too much.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes. Embrace your inner self, Jon Jon. Go ahead and try on the red nose. I think you’ll find it fits. Then, all that is necessary is a matching red tie….

  50. Anonymous says:

    So he’s still fully committed to serving the country as an MP. Well, that’s a relief. We can only imagine how the Good Ship Cayman could possibly continue without his intelligence, commitment and zeal to steer us all….

    • Anonymous says:

      He did previously say he was recruited for his “skills talents and experience”, then heaps ridicule on himself by adding that he was bringing “Stability” to the country..!
      As Robert Burns said…”O wad some Power the giftie gie us to see ourself as ithers see us.”
      Even with the original spelling, I hope that even DuhWayne can see what an embarrassing fool he is.

      • Anonymous says:

        As the wise Rab C. Nesbitt once said, “There’s a funnel up his arse and a breeze between his ears. All the same I suppose his guess is as good as ours y’know? All he knows is ‘shut up and keep going’. I mean, I for one, I can’t make any philosophical advance on that. I mean, honestly – can you?”


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