RCIPS maintains targeted anti-crime patrols

| 26/07/2023 | 26 Comments
Police checkpoint on Grand Cayman, Cayman News Service
Police checkpoint on Eastern Avenue (photo courtesy of the RCIPS)

(CNS): Police were out and about at the weekend, undertaking high-profile patrols and targeted operations in vulnerable areas in response to the recent spike in robberies. Several operations and vehicle checks were carried out between Friday, 21 July, and Sunday, 23 July, but no more robbery suspects have been arrested.

However, police officers did find several packages of ganja stored in a vehicle that was searched in McField Square in Central George Town. Police said they seized the vehicle, but there was no indication of any arrests in connection with the find.

“Several high visibility patrols, vehicle checkpoints and other police activities aimed at disrupting crime were carried out in areas, where, after analytical review, were believed to be areas with a high likelihood of being targeted by criminal activities and anti-social behaviour,” the RCIPS stated in a press release.

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Category: Crime, Crime Prevention, Police

Comments (26)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    The business model is simple – traffic offenses generate income for RCIPS and the government.
    Investigating crime does not.
    A speeder doing 10 miles over pays the wage of the officer that stops him for that day. Think about it!
    Drivers are cash cows!

    • Anonymous says:

      Explains why you see them more often standing in the shade on a highway that should really be a 50 instead of a 40 instead of in the sun during morning school hours.

  2. Ex Con says:

    RCIPs better try and deal with those enabling criminals in the probation office the corruption situation there is totally out of control instead of out here harassing motorists.

  3. Anonymous says:

    no respect for the police farce after the jon-jon incident.

    • Anonymous says:

      No respect for Wayne. He was the one who gave donkey-man a bligh. Cops were too scared to do their job to. Probably threatened with the sack if they showed some integrity.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Any chance of them doing breathalyzer tests on drivers in late night single vehicle accidents involving stationary light poles?

    • Anonymous says:

      Same as DUi checkpoints on the brunch drunks on weekends

      • Anonymous says:

        Low hanging fruit would be DUI checkpoints on roads leading to and from brunch spots, and on south sound road near Sunset House and Grand Old House.

        Plenty drunks driving about these areas

        • Anonymous says:

          contrary to the popular saying, justice is not blind. can’t be pissing off certain people trying to have a good time.

    • Anonymous says:

      No way dude. It’s definitely not the drivers.
      In Cayman, these party posts totally move when they drink and hear certain songs.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Vehicular checkpoints generalize the entire community as guilty until proven innocent, and interfere with my constitutional right to freedom of movement without hindrance by government.

    You want to catch DUIs? Park in front of a bar then and see how many brave enough to drive out past you.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. You still have freedom to move. you are free to turn around. free to use another route.

      if you have nothing to hide, what’s the issue?

      hmmmmm. perhaps you don’t have insurance or your car owes back license?

      • _||) says:

        “Free to turn around” only for them to come chase after me, pull me over and INTERFERE with my movement, and find that I’ve done nothing wrong! All my docs were in order. Wasted my time.

        It was just that there was a line of traffic that I wanted to skip and take an alternate route to get home faster, urinate on the side of the road and get posted on Marl road, or piss my pants.

        I’ve even been profiled and pulled over by an FRU because “I switched lanes more than twice” – idiots! I get it, I drive an old Honda paid with cash, but mi bredda, I’m quite sure I make more than you – i’m no robber. Why is FRU playing traffic police yet I’ve never seen someone prosecuted for failing to indicate??

        During covid lockdown, I was adjusting and testing my motorcycle brakes within my private property, and a traffic officer threatened me for breaking lockdown – IN MY OWN YARD?! Even after getting official boundary line map and presenting the matter to ombudsman, my complaint was dismissed.

        Despite such interactions, I’ve never been convicted of a crime. I have ZERO respect for this joke of a police farce, and for many evident reasons.

        • Anonymous says:

          This some gospel right here bobo, whoever wrote this I rate you

        • Anonymous says:

          If you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.

          • Anonymous says:

            Harassment by police officers who like to overstep and power trip is definitely something to worry about especially after the ombudsman disregarded a valid complaint against them.

        • Anonymous says:

          Just last night they caused a long line of traffic in front of Andys at seven mile road.. I was on my motorcycle so I rode right by. Toodles!

        • Anonymous says:

          Never been convicted – interesting choice of words.

          • Anonymous says:

            Out of all the foolishness posted that the police have done, that’s what you choose to take from that wall of text? Do you at least put a lil pickapeppa on the boots of authority before you lick them?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Please start a reward fund for turning in these miscreants.

    It will be the best investment RCIPS could make.

  7. watcher says:

    High vis, huh. Didn’t see them. Didn’t see their cars with high visibility lights that tell criminals from two miles away that they are coming. Didn’t see them at all. Hope they were really there. Lord knows we need the RCIPS to really step up and be a serious presence.

  8. Anonymous says:

    So, what happened to the super-duper cameras?

    • Anonymous says:

      Made the supplier richer

    • Anonymous says:

      were less super than they hoped…(cayman got scammed again)…..

    • Towna says:

      I had my vehicle stolen from an apartment complex on smith road between the CCTV at the new roundabout junction and the 4 way intersection. You can only go left or right, and must cross either set of cameras which are within view of the complex.

      To this day, the RCIPS can’t tell me where or who has my vehicle. Yet, they can ticket me for doing 52 mph while they stand in the shade on a major highway that should be a 50 anyway.

      Lazy af and just shooting fish in a barrel instead of doing meaningful traffic enforcement like FAILING TO INDICATE. Not even police indicate on roundabouts.


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