Burglar strikes at Cayman Brac supermarket

| 25/07/2023 | 14 Comments
Kirkconnell's Market on Cayman Brac, Cayman News Service
Kirkconnell’s Market, Cayman Brac

(CNS): Police are appealing to people on Cayman Brac for information regarding a break-in at a local business on Sunday. The RCIPS did not disclose any details about the business or its location, despite asking for the public’s assistance. However, CNS has been able to confirm it was Kirkconnell’s Market in Stake Bay. The burglary happened sometime before 7:00am on Sunday.

An electronic device and a small quantity of cash were reported to have been stolen and some damage was caused inside the store.

Officials from the RCIPS said the crime scene was processed by the officers who responded to the call and the burglary is under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call the Cayman Brac Police Station on 948-0331.

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  1. Da Bracka says:

    Brac crimewave continues yet those gathering at a certain yard in the Bight continues despite numerous complaints from its owners the RCIPS are a real joke along with those at DCR which is in bad need of a real change in leadership pure foolishness going here on the Brac with those criminals coming here from Grand Cayman.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It was Robin Hood – taking stuff from rich Mo$e$ instead of waiting for the usual handouts.

    Not sure why it is so easy to break into Kirkconnells Market. Mo$e$ obviously did not learn from the previous break in.

    It is sad the Brac has gotten this way, but with “progress” comes other things.

    Maybe Mo$e$ could get some after hours on-site security – hmnn maybe better security cameras. Hmnn maybe not leave money in the store.

    Should do like Mr. Billy did – have cash registers wide open at night in view of front doors. Install a real safe like the one Mr. Billy had in his office.

    Use some common sense Mo$e$.

    Police on Brac solve crime – lol thanks for your sense of humor CNS

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you’re way off with you assumptions apart from the last line.

      • Anonymous says:

        If he can’t secure money in his own store, it does make you wonder.

        Lets be real 9:32AM – do we have to name names of all the people who go to M0$e$ shoppe for handouts?

        Why hasn’t Mo$e$ invested more funds into security?

        Lets wait until the 3rd break in and see what Mo$e$ and the (joke) Police will do.

        People on Brac are just too naive and trusting. This is a different Brac than Grandpa or Granny in their younger days.

        Way too may people here loitering, working part-time, being supported by NAU or sponging off parents. It is what it is. The crime will continue and will get worse, because aside from driving around during business hours, the police are invisible.

  3. Anonymous says:

    As we import more temporary road workers and construction workers from Grand Cayman, the crime seems to be increasing. Not accusing any of them, just stating what is happening over here.

    • Anonymous says:

      yes, when you employ those form a lower socio-economic background from any country and pay them slave wages, you tend to get some undesirable behavior. funny how that works right?

  4. Anonymous says:

    You mean the Brac has an infestation.

    • Anonymous says:

      been infested for awhile – ever since Covid when people from Grand Cayman started to buy up properties and could only vacation here and Little Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      It peaked economically in the 80s-00s or whenever the gas industry was booming there but unfortunately has become the runt of the pack since.

      Breaks my heart so much.. when last DoT tried to divert tourism money to CYB? Nah, come ya Barbados..

      • Anonymous says:

        DoT over here basically sit in offices and collect their paycheques.

        There is very little that they have authority to do, whether they work in the Admin Bldg or West End Park Office.

        Fully agree the economy peaked in the 80’s, aside from the vast majority of people here working for Government, this place would be a ghost town.


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