Two Caymanians get MBEs for King’s birthday

| 20/06/2023 | 28 Comments
Garth Arch and James Watler both receive MBEs for services to the Cayman Islands, Cayman News Service
Garth Arch (left) and James Watler both receive MBEs

(CNS): Garth Alexander Arch, the chairman of the Children and Youth Services Foundation, and James Truman Watler, a retired public servant and former president of the Civil Service Association, have been awarded royal gongs in King Charles III’s first birthday honours list. Both men received MBEs, according to an announcement by Governor Jane Owen.

“I send my warmest congratulations to both Mr Arch and Mr Watler on receiving their awards,” she said. Arch received his royal award for services to Business, Commerce and the Community in the Cayman Islands, and Watler was honoured for services to Public Service and Education in the Cayman Islands.

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Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why has the British Government bestowed a royal honour on a Spanish official residing in a BOTC?

    Is this even permitted under the Treaty of Madrid?

    Asking por mi amigo.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Well I didn’t vote for them!

  3. Anonymous says:

    These awards are reflective of the honours system as it operates in Cayman.

    The majority of awards at this level go to certain favoured business figures and senior civil servants. Usually the recipients are seat warming grandees appointed to particular government boards or civil servants who are just turning up to their day jobs.

    The honours scheme as operated is shamefully biased against the thousands of hard working volunteers who make a real difference in areas that the government and politicians simply do not consider important and yet are essential to the well being of these islands and all who inhabit them.

    • Anonymous says:

      When I did an MSc, I was told once that MBA = More Bad Advice. So what is the MBE now that the once Great Britain is no longer an empire which used to confer the Member of the British Empire?

  4. Anonymous says:

    The crony network is alive and well.

    Whether in the UK or the Territories, the award system is totally rotten.

    My Carr’s Cracker box is more deserving of a medal.

    • Anonymous says:

      MBE totally devalued after an award to a man who has used deception to slime his way socially and in business .

    • Anonymous says:

      Or… you invite the Governor to black tie cocktails and dinner.
      It worked for one well known crawler.

  5. Anonymous says:

    MBEs and OBEs in Cayman are as common as barefeet dogs! What about BEM – British Empire Medal? That is usually the ‘entry level’ award. Seems no one knows that here…let’s go str8 for the top awards!! Some recipients are definitely “over-awarded”!!

    Call me jealous? No call me, “Keith Richards”!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Mr Watler is a good man. Congrats,sir.

  7. Anonymous says:

    What exactly did Garth Arch do? I know he’s a nice guy and all but wasn’t aware of any contributions significant enough to warrant a King’s award.

    • anonymous says:

      Many recipients do a lot of work behind the scenes and consequently the public never get the full picture. I have known Mr Arch and his father for over 50 years. Both are very modest people but pillars of our community who do not seek the limelight like others. Each of them has done an enormous amount of community work and we should all be grateful.

  8. Anonymous says:

    now Watler can finally retire and give someone else am opportunity to serve.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The Kings Birthday celebration and medals handout was a disgrace on the part of the number of senior Civil Servants and Elected Officials that attended.

    The Parade, the Umiformed Service Members all did us proud.

    But, there was only 1 member out of 7 Opposition members that attended, shaneful.

    There were only 6 of the Govt MPs that attended.

    Not even the Knight of the Realm nor the Woman Beater of the West (WBW), Our Best Ever (OBE), dared to attend in honour of the new King, shameful.

    • Anonymous says:

      To be fair to the Opposition, I understand that only the Leader of the Opposition (or his representative) is invited. And then normally last minute and begrudgingly.

      • Anonymous says:

        What pitiful PPM self-loathing. The entire opposition is invited and that is a fact. Do you really think the Governor’s office would refuse to invite Sir Alden? just listen to yourself.

        • Anonymous says:

          Actually, the invite list comes from the sitting government.

          • Anonymous says:

            I do not believe that the Governor’s Office would have withhold the Opposition but I have no doubt that Wayne and his Pack would. Anyone who doesn’t agree obviously don’t understand their hateful mindset. They are so freaking petty and spiteful they cannot even get on with each other.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s because they want to be like Jamaica with all the benefits that brings for their new aristocracy. They resent the idea that there is, as a last resort at least, some oversight that prevents them from running this Island like their own personal Kingdom (which they do a pretty close job of doing already).

    • Anonymous says:

      At least three of the government ministers were off making use of their travel benefits before they expire.

    • Anonymous says:

      ……….but it was a disgrace that the Union Jack was flying upside-down beside the gate of the Governor’s house.

  10. Orrie Merren 🙏🏻🇰🇾 says:

    Congratulations both to Mr. Watler and to Mr. Arch, who are both fine gentlemen.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Finally one who wasn’t awarded just for showing up to his paid job at least.


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