Over 70 Cubans deported since start of year

| 01/06/2023 | 12 Comments
Cubans repatriated from the Cayman Islands, Cayman News Service
CBC officer boards the migrant repatriation flight (file photo courtesy of the CBC)

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) repatriated another four migrants to the Republic of Cuba on Monday. The men were accompanied by CBC officers and left Grand Cayman on a non-chartered Cayman Airways flight to Havana at around 6:40pm. The Cayman Islands Government has deported over Cuban 70 migrants since the beginning of the year.

A change to the legislation enabled the CBC to repatriate irregular migrants without going through the full asylum process. As a result, senior CBC officers are able to speed up the process to remove those they decide do not meet the criteria of refugees.

While dozens have been repatriated this year, the stream of migrants in 2022 stopped at the end of the year, and there have been no irregular migrant landings since January.

Thanking the officers who went to Cuba this week, CBC Director Charles Clifford said that more repatriation flights will be arranged as processing continues.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So why do so many dweebs nowadays want to destroy capitalism and turn us into socialist communists?

    These people risk their lives to flee from such a poor economic and political system.

    • Anonymous says:

      They always claim that real communism and socialism have never been tried. It has. It also frequently ends in failure

  2. Observer says:

    Cuban immigrants are all about themselves and their feelings of special entitlements. There is a US Embassy in Cuba that administers immigration according to the law. Cuban immigrants seeking to exploit a loophole through Cayman should be thoroughly scrutinized. Good job Cayman. Haitian’s have the best case for refugee status as the situation there is far worse..

  3. Anonymous says:

    disregard, saw the correction

  4. Anonymous says:

    On how many separate flights?

  5. Anonymous says:

    We have been born lucky in the lottery of life. Migration is not a criminal act. Many of us would try to get out of there with our families if the shoes were reversed. I think we could do better on the humanity score, giving them computer access and application assistance to go on to USA. We could fly them there too. Not sure why Cayman is taking orders from Havana.

    • Anonymous says:

      No one is born lucky. Most people have to work to make a good life for themselves. It’s not an easy fix. Most successful Western countries have had centuries of war before becoming what they are today (eg, UK, USA, France, etc.) It’s up to Cubans to make life better for themselves. It won’t be easy with a communist government but it can be done. Cuba has a population 0f around 1.2 million people. We couldn’t support a fraction of that amount.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cubans don’t have access to our luck or uncensored internet. But they can be connected to and legitimately sponsored by their USA relatives and migrate with valid papers under CBP probation to where they want to go, with dignity and without the Central American fiascos. We are robotically warehouse and return without offering the third option and filling a CAL flight with lifetime-grateful paying passengers. The program has been live since January. We need to adapt.

      • Anonymous says:

        *correction – I meant 11.2 million. No small population size

      • Anonymous says:

        1.2 million people?
        Are you dumb. try 11 million

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