Kids offered counselling after school bus crash

| 26/06/2023 | 9 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): Six John Gray High School (JGHS) students on a school bus, the driver and the bus warden sustained minor injuries on Friday afternoon when the bus was involved in an accident near the Red Bay Primary School. No details about the collision were released, but the Department of Education Services (DES) said that parents of the affected students could contact the JGHS if their children required counselling.

The DES said that all the students involved were safe after the accident, which happened at about 3:30pm as the bus was transporting them from the JGHS.

First responders and representatives from the DES and the school arrived quickly on the scene, according to the DES.

The six students, the driver and the warden were transported to the Cayman Islands Hospital, where it was found that all injuries were minor. Arrangements were made to ensure that the remaining students arrived home safely. 

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Category: Education, Local News

Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps hold the counselling for a minor accident until it’s needed after a real mass casualty incident involving a speeding overloaded 20 yard dump truck and a packed school bus. Prediction??

    God forbid!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Strange how the police are keeping this under wraps. Is this collision under investigation or was an untouchable’s truck involved?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Let’s also start counseling for the kids who fell victim to that exorcist principal.

  4. Anonymous says:

    maybe they should sue rcips for failing to enforce basic traffic rules

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you’ve ever ridden on one of those death traps, you might well need counseling.

    • Anonymous says:

      or on one of the “public buses”…the experience is unforgettable…you never know if you arrive to your destination alive…

  6. Anonymous says:


    We are treating them like sissies.


  7. Anonymous says:

    Why they won’t let me be the counselor:
    “Oh, my, that must have been scary. Any permanent physical damage? No? Then buck up, powder puff, and consider yourself lucky enough to consider all the real issues in life. Hakuna matata!”


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